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1 Canuck

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Everything posted by 1 Canuck

  1. Wouldn't have believed it until I saw it. I thought it would drown for sure. Amazing!
  2. Ferrari's motorcycle. Kinda out there, nice V4; but the design is..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TlOcCJpIpU&feature=related]Ferrari Motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Freebird Some of you are getting your burgers spit on. Ohhh....so you like the special sauce, huh?
  4. E-Fishin-C...where you at? Out on the ice fishin or ?
  5. When I was down in Texas two years ago, 4 banks there wouldn't take my American Express Travelers Checks. They told me to use them in Wal-Mart and get the cash there. So now I never use travelers checks anymore; but instead use the VISA Card, because they have insurance coverage and almost anyplace will take it.
  6. I gave my daughter our old 94 Dakota last year and where did she venture off to first, none other than Winterpeg and Regina, in December. Before she left, I changed the both the engine oil and differential with Syn oil. Both the power steering, and serpentine belt can make a lot of noise when it's very cold as well. If you have the 3.9 engine; it is fairly robust engine but then again, gutless too. The pump in the auto trans are fairly noisy in the cold as well, but her truck made it and is still running at 390K. Good luck!
  7. Maybe I'm missing some info here in the article, but I don't see a freezing point? In the colder climates; a bike in cold storage may have coolant freezing issues?
  8. What's surprising is when on a clear day, traffic is stopped at an intersection and then someone in a car runs into the back of another car...and not just with a little tap. I saw two of these accidents last week and fortunately motorcycles weren't involved. What are these people doing... talking on their cell, texting, reading, fingernails and makeup? I still think they need much stiffer fines for these issues.
  9. Scary thought... these are the kids today who may be looking after the "Baby Boomers", or you one day.
  10. He's talking crap. It's much easier to put racing air in your tires. He didn't even suggest the use of aluminum magnets...what's with that?
  11. "Sweet Tea" in the US is, "Iced Tea" in Canada. I don't like either one...with or without sugar.
  12. Next thing you'll hear, in the summer they'll be filming themselves riding there snowmobiles across open water; what an experience.
  13. Simply amazing...to be in the right spot at the right time. I pray it all works out! Well planned by someone.
  14. Ya...it costs tax payers a lot for this station.
  15. I'd really love to have a smoker, but in the spring summer and fall there are too many bears around here . Are there any bear hunters here? Hmmm....smoked bear anyone?
  16. Back in 1985 I took spin out on a clear highway, on a V-Max. I was shocked to noticed that in no time I was doing about 110-120mph, I let off the throttle quickly, putting me into a high speed wobble; it scared the crap out of me. Luckily, no one was no other vehicles around so I slowly increased the speed to get out of it; then I slowly reduced my speed with no problem. What a rush; never again did I ask to ride it.
  17. "Happy Birthday"...Chef!
  18. That just has "wrong" written all over it. Kinda looks like a car wreck, you really don't want to look, but you have to.
  19. Ditto...get checked out by a doctor; get some physio or see a chiropractor, plus massage. I speak from experience, as I have had several accidents (not my fault); the next day your back and neck muscles are tight and as hard as rock. You think that everything is ok after the accident until the stiffness and pain sets in hours later. Just my 2 cents.
  20. Designed with a brain, paper and pencil...not a computer. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBjlSJf4274&feature=fvsr]Fordson Snow Machine - 1929 Concept - YouTube[/ame]
  21. I got 80 on the first, then 90 on the second try. I guess I'd better stop there as I was gettin a little older between the tries?
  22. Ultra's got the bigger price and bigger cans.
  23. I got it right...I got it right...ohhhhhh
  24. Hmmm...they (Turtle Wax) recommend wiping it off, so what would the purpose of leaving it on do? If anything it may cause a problem. You may want to consider lifting the bike/wheels off the ground too.
  25. Is that the best they have in BC? Picky... aren't we?
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