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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. Sorry 'bout that, but the letter "R" on my laptop is giving me problems...
  2. Lone Eagle, given the two choices, I would much rather fly into Buffalo than Detroit any day. You could also fly into Toronto as well...
  3. Sherry, I can appreciate that it is very difficult to do, but there comes a time when you must let go of the past and move on with your life. You will pobably be best served by parting with some of Tom's things, such as the bike, parts bike, and trailer unless you are planning on using those things yourself. I am not saying get id of eveything at once, nor am I suggesting getting rid of everything of his either I am just suggesting that part of the healing process in getting on with your life should include gradually letting go, and this is one way of accomplishing this. Yes, I can undestand that this is a very difficult thing to do, but it seems that this thread is about you asking for advice and direction. We have been praying for you, and will continue to do so...
  4. That's the exact same jacket (and size) I use and I'm way happy with mine!!!
  5. That is the key to good defensive driving, Randy! Way back when I was leaning to drive, I was taught to expect every other driver on the road to be dumb as dirt and do something very stupid. That has saved my hide more than once...
  6. I'll take 3 and send you a MO next week.
  7. SCARY!! Very SCARY...
  8. I agree!! Heck, we don't even care if you don't have a bike yet and are just interested!! We will gladly give you any advice you need!!
  9. I miss my '58 Chevy!! There was a lot of cars either I owned or friends owned in that video
  10. Missing a few screws, are we Jeff??
  11. Why? Is Gene in Jail or something??
  12. Oh, was the Black and Blue the one at Pioneer?? Can't remember seeing a Concours there but haven't been in for over a month...
  13. Here I thought there was another 1st gen for parts...
  14. TOGA!! TOGA!!
  15. Just started subscribing this summer and I agree it is a great publication!
  16. Quit Cold Turkey 20 years ago. Turned it over to Jesus Christ and He helped me every step of the way. Never looked back but sometimes in my dreams I am still smoking...
  17. What would you like to know about me, Hipshot?
  18. Drain the gas tank and if possible flush it before you even THINK of trying to start it. New plugs, fresh gas and some Seafoam in the tank along with an oil change should give you a pretty good chance of getting it running...
  19. I remember him posting as I mentioned to him that MRAF lived in Ripley too. This is indeed a tragedy and my deepest sympathy to the family.
  20. OK for those who didn't understand this one (you beat me to the punch, jiobst) binary numbers are: 1 = 1, 2 = 10, 3 = 11, 4 = 100, 5 = 101, etc. In binary or digital numbers you only have 1's and 0's to work with...
  21. Right generic name (initials) but wrong location!! Very close to where we actually live, but the difference being we live in one town but mailing addess is a different town!
  22. Bruce, I totally agree with what you are saying. Perhaps part of the picture is that different people deal with grief in different manners. There are many emotions running amuck at this time and some of those emotions may very well be anger and fault finding, as well as hurt and disbelief to mention a few. Overall it may be a good thing to get these feelings out but yes, they can be wrong and way too emotional. Perhaps this is al part of the healing process so that we can eventually put this behind us and get on with life. What we really need to focus our attention on is the fact that Gary is still alive, and yes there is a family that has to cope with this unfortunate incident. Both Gary and his family need our support and help at this time, and not a bunch of coulda shoulda woulda. I have the highest respect and admiration for Gary's son Jeff and in my estimation there is one young MAN with a head on his shoulders.
  23. No, it comes with BI (Beer Injection)
  24. There's a couple of them around the corner from me at the Dealers...
  25. Brad, prayer is the greatest weapon we have! I do agree, though, I wish we could do more...
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