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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. I agree with Condor about Trend Micro as it is very effective and one of the top rated! As soon as my McAffee expires I am going to dump them and switch over. I did have a trial offer with them and it seemed to work a lot smoother...
  2. My guess is before the end of the year...
  3. Dan, it sounds like you are going thru what I will end up going thru next year trying to restore the '85. I've already acquired a spare gas tank, carbs, and calipers and master cylanders to rebuild over this winter in preparation to try to fire it up next spring. Thanks for the heads up on the possible clutch problems I will most likely encounter. Hmmm, maybe time for a Barrett (sp) clutch setup for Goldie so I can use the existing good assy from Goldie on Brownie...
  4. They are going like HOTCAKES!! Are you planning any future orders, Don?? I'm sure I will want more for next year...
  5. I came home a couple of hours early tonight but won't get a chance for a ride. Lucky you!!
  6. Here's another vote for S Seattle Mlotorsports!!
  7. Don, per our PM bump me up 2 more to 5 total and the additional money is in Monday's mail...
  8. You should go over, introduce yoursewlf, and invite him to ride. Also, invite him to join us here at the site!
  9. I guess my reply would have to be "How well and how long do you want to live, Randya?" I found the reason I woke up feeling half dead was because I WAS literally half dead. Give it a chance and you will get used to it. Yes, you will try several different masks until you finally find one that works best. You may want to try Nasal "Pillows" if you feel a little claustrophobic. Lucky you that they gave you a BiPAP. I'm stuck with a CPAP as that's all Blue Cross would pay for. If I wasn't so darn afraid of them maybe I should go to the VA hospital, but I've heard they kill people...
  10. Count me in for a cash donation.
  11. Finally put Money Order that I've had for oive a week now in the mail...
  12. First wash the floor with a good degreaser and then power wash it. Adding grit to the paint is IMO mandatory (don't ask why I know...)! What I did was got some plastic floor runner and placed pieces on the floor where the car tires set to protect the floor in the winter.
  13. Oh, good! For a moment I was afraid it was going to be a picture of the answer to the question what does a Scottsman wear under his Kilts. Hmmm, on second thought, that picture may answer that as well...
  14. Welcome Home, fellow Veterans, Welcome Home!
  15. Awwww, I feel a Group hug coming on...
  16. Hmmmm, my blonde is 23 years old...
  17. I'm VERY Tired, is that close enough???
  18. Yah, we got an inch or two earlier this week but it's all gone now. Supposed to be in the 50's this week! Global warming, BRING IT ON!!!
  19. OK on the Consumer slant on the Holiday (ever notice holiday begins with "Holy?") we are looking at getting a CB for the scoot, I want a flip up helmet, and perhaps a GPS. We are also thinking very seriously at a Piggy Back trailer for next summer's riding season.
  20. I agree with Yama Mama as we generally buy our leathers from them...
  21. Gee, I dunno, maybe a little peace on Earth... Yeah, that's the ticket!! And while we're at it maybe a little Good Will towards mankind as well!
  22. DITTO! 6 more years yet...
  23. Sorry to hear about this, Reiny, that situation just plain Sux!
  24. CHEAPER BETTER FASTER Choose two...
  25. That kid's good! Did a J turn in the garage and didn't hit a thing!!
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