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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. I have a pair of Marklands, the ones that mount on the crash bars, that I had new holes drilled in the arms so that they could be mounted with the arm pointing down instead of up so that they would set lower. Made a huge difference. I like boards better than pegs as it allows you to flex your feet more...
  2. Yah! Project bikes are good! Next thing you know you have a bunch of therm that need loving care! Keep at it and you will end up with one nice scoot. Just don't start another project until this one is done!
  3. Ditto!!!!!
  4. If you come to Niagara Falls be sure to look us up as we are close to there.
  5. Happy Anniversary you two and many many more!!!
  6. We're one big FAMILY here full of caring people!!
  7. Carl is right, but if memory serves me right, the solid black is the negative side...
  8. Let us know if they fit! I'd like to do a set of those too!
  9. Yes, we like travel journals, especially with pictures!
  10. Holy cow!!! The value of Goldie just went up even more...
  11. What Spear said!!! Happy VD all you Lovers out there!
  12. Having done the same thing myself last sumer when I rebuilt my clutch slave cylander, I know exactly what you did. The external linkage bar and clamp is on the wrong hemisphere. Not having the Venture handy I can't say which is which, but if it is on the top , put it on the bottom, or vice versa... Also, youm want it at top or bottom center so that you get equal travel going up and coming down. Stare at your linkage for a while and you will figure it out!
  13. Already have that, Wayne! Found a HP at Big Lots for a dollar, and it works much much better than the FM transmitter. As a matter of fact I gave my FM transmitter to Scott and he ended up giving it back to me a month later...
  14. I just got new glases last wek with the new transitions lenses and they seem to have better response time than the old ones, and without sunlight they look completely clear, no hint of tint. As a matter of fact, when I picked them up I was honestly wondring if they made a mistake and forgot to give me the transition lenses. Bought them from a local chain called Best Optical and they cost less than what I normally pay at a wholesale club. While I was there I also looked at "Biker" style glasses and found a pair I absolutely love.they have removable tinted lenses that come in several covers, and the perscription lenses fit inside clear frames behind the tinted lenses so you don't see them unless you have the clear lenses in. I will be sporting a new look at Marcarls and possibly at the M&E Mar 1...
  15. 10lb 10 oz?? Are you sure there isn't 2 of them?
  16. Yah, divorces suck!! Wife and I both been thru a couple of them. 3's a charm though...
  17. We're tellin' on you, Charlie...
  18. Just look for the one that DOESN'T have an oil puddle under it...
  19. Yah! Cold!!!! Darn near froze getting gas after church but if I want to get to work tomorrow it had to be done. I get the shivers just LOOKING outside! The driveway ain't gonna get done today... We're going to put in a hot tub in the next year or two but we are going to put it in the Florida room. Hard part will be pouring a concrete base for it to rest on.
  20. Gary, what you are feeling and did this week is all part of the healing process. It's the same idea as what you experienced when you first came home. Yes, it is a difficult process, but I am glad to see you have the courage to go through it. Our prayers are with you that you can pick up the pieces and move on with your life.
  21. Yea Carl, like I would even consider getting rid of Goldie... I hadn't thought about the speaker thing, and I do still occasionally use them when I solo ride.
  22. I've been seriously considering replacing the whole audio system on my '84 VR with the J&M unit and using my Ipod for tunes. Any comments or recommendations?? Any negative thoughts??
  23. Don, I've just been a little under the weather but I will be sending you a M/O for 4 more bells...
  24. Hotel picked out (the Hampton Inn), going to pay for registration in person Mar 1, ordering a Piggy Back trailer, you won't be around to buy the raffle tickets from on the 1st, want patch... Hmmm, if I buy the piggy back, I won't need another trailer, will I? Soooo, scratch the raffle tickets!!
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