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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. Hmmmm, B.B. King. Maybe Friday would be a good nite for the blues. We'll give it some thought...
  2. Yes indeed, no dumb questiona at all!! Just some dumb answers sometimes... Welcome aboard and feel free to post any time. Yes, we like pictures!
  3. ...and it felt REALLY good!! Goldie is running great with the new plugs and wires, and we now have XM radio as well! My foot is still a little sore but nothing intolerable. The incision is almost completely healed over, just a little bit more to go. I have a hard time tolerating standing for any length of time but riding has no discomfort at all!! See you at Asheville!
  4. Ditto to what BuddyRich said!!
  5. We may come down for a 3 day wekend for that!
  6. Plus, it's a Standard, not a Royale, and I don't see much aftermarket on there...
  7. I wish the camera would have stayed on for another minutde or so...
  8. Hmmmm, making him take you out for dinner tonite might be a good start towards forgiveness...
  9. bongobobny

    parts help

    '86 up had 4 piston calipers as opposed to 2 piston calipers, and the bolt spacing is different, therefore the calper covers won't fit. I'm not 100% sure on the rotor covers though, they may either fit or can be made to fit...
  10. Awwww, you guys are making me blush!! Charlie, glad you value your "Ding-a-ling" and I guess if it's not on your bike, then your pants are a good place for it...
  11. And just whom would that North American buddy be???
  12. Uhhhhh, YES...
  13. Yes, you need a deep well thin walled 18mm socket to do the plugs, and a universal joint and a 6" extension as well to make the job easy. I just bought an 18mm cheap plug socket as well as the u joint and extension from Auto Zone to carry in the scoot and it works well. It was their cheaper "Great Neck" line. I usually use my deep well 6 point Craftsman socket but the Great Neck is an actual spark plug socket with the rubber insert. Use the NGK plugs and you will be OK. Not to say some other brand wil work, but stay away from the multi electrode plugs asa on motorcycles they have been known to blow holes in the piston head. You can get the NGK's from Auto Zone or most auto supply places.
  14. I have spare front and side fairing frames if you need them Randy! Glad things are going your way!!!
  15. Saaaay, that WAS a good deal!!! Nice going!
  16. Uhhhh, perhaps the correct word is you are "attached" to adhesives...
  17. I wonder if that cop rides...
  18. Do that and I pretty much guarantee the US Martials will have a special greeting room waiting for you when you land, which will be the closest airport. I'm sure youy won't like the nice man that gives you a very thorough body search...
  19. If you are talking in Clarence, I ofered $200 for what's left. I want the front fender, the Class Air pump assembly, and the TCI module. If I buy the whole bike we need tro find a pickup truck or trailer to get it home. I would like the engine bvut I know there would be major problems with seals, the carbs, etc...
  20. You may have a "hard spot" on your rotor. This is different than runout. Hard spots are usually caused by the rotor being in the same place for extended periods in the weather (Not being used for months and months) and as the surface rust that is on the rotor everywhere BUT where the calipers are gets eroded off, the clean spot gives extra "Grab", or possibly less grab, with every revolution. Also impurities in the metal can cause these hard spots to occur. This is usually fixed with resurfacing the rotor but in the case of motorcycle rotors, they should not be turned down. They can be lightly resurfaced though, but not really recommended.
  21. ^^^ Yup!! replaced mine when I rebuilt my master along with part 3. Cheap enough parts...
  22. Well, the resovior is just that, a resovior, so if you can make it physically fit then you should be in good shape. If you want, you can strip the one off of the '85 as I will have a spare when I convert my braking system to the nwer 4 piston calipers this fall/winter. Your cost will be the gas to get your butt out here to get it. We won't be home Sunday. Now I know why I haven't seen you this week...
  23. Wish I could, it's close enough, but I still have a couple of weeks to go before I can ride...
  24. Wow! Sorry to hear that but as you said, glad he is only banged up and not in a casket. Another testimony to the effectiveness of protective gear. You never know when you are going down. Nobody goes out riding saying "I'm planning on going down today." I'll be glad to pray for his quick recovery. Hope everything works out with the bankers...
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