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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. Like this??
  2. bah! What do you bleeding hearts liberal tree huggers know about being thankful for ANYWAYS??? All you do is stuff your faces and get drunk and think you are celebrating something. Commie Puinkos... Think that'll do it, Lewis??
  3. Ditto to what Carl said, or swap out the front forks, then you can install the better calipers but you should also replace the master cylanders as they need more volume of oil...
  4. He did say he would ship for a dollar a mile up to 200 miles. Rochester is about 100 miles more or less from here...
  5. Just found out today that I'm going to be making double time and a half working before we go over to Big Tom's...
  6. 8 out of 20. Guess I'm a bit of a turkey when it comes to turkeys...
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-yamaha-venture-1200-engine_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35595QQihZ003QQitemZ130270677919QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW (If anyone is actually interested, they can have it delivered here and I wil store for a few months if necessary...)
  8. Not the sharpest pencil in the drawer... When they handed out brains he thought they said trains, and was on the wrong track...
  9. Pfffft, challenge, what challenge...
  10. loveg those crash bars fore and aft, looks like you could lay it down and never go on it's side! Wheels look a little like 1st gen rims...
  11. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all from Bongo Bob & Co.
  12. Toshiba Satellite. So far it works with no probldfjfeieqfrvbipevrnfa;
  13. What is this "Speed Limit" you speak of?? I generally go with the flow, or are 5 - 10 over cage or bike in rural areas. In towns or cities I'm pretty much legal eagle for a couple of reasons. First there is a lot more potential danger of other drivewrs being stupid, which they generaly are. Second is the term "Speed Trap" which you seem to have stumbled upon yourself...
  14. Don't push your luck...
  15. Get together at Big Tom's...
  16. Is all you people think about is food??? Oh, that's right, we ARE an eating club with a riding disorder...
  17. Hmmmm, pneumatically attached. Is that another term for air head as in only an airhead would try riding this thing?!!?
  18. Oh, were you gone???:banana:
  19. Go Mini:stirthepot: Go Mini:stirthepot: Go Mini:stirthepot: Go Mini:stirthepot: :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
  20. Hey Lonna, there's another virgin for you...
  21. Ummm, sorta, but with splines on the clamp and a splined peg on the other end, and something that is going to work laterally and not vertically, and a little shorter like 3" to 4" long max. You would then unbolt the riusers from the triple tree and install these horizontal extenders and rebolt the risers to the extensions... If and when I get them done this winter I'll post pictures, probably in the 1st gen tech sectrion.
  22. I'm thankful for yet another day that God has given us all to make the most of! Yes, I am thankful for our Venturerider family that is so caring and giving and I'm proud to be a part of. Of course I'm thankful for God's precious gift of Jesus Christ for all of us. I'm thankful for my wonderful wife and soul mate and the fact that she enjoys riding and look forward to many more years of touring. I'm thankful and greatful for my wonderful job. The list goes on and on... HAPPY THANKSGIVING, VENTURERIDERS!!!
  23. I came up with this idea for bringing the handlebars further back on 1st Gens that I'm going to have the machine shop at work try to make for me. What it would be is a pair of adaptors that would have the clamps like on the bottom of the risers on one end and the posts like on the triple tree on the other end. That way you would have a third range of adjustment that would bring the handlebars closer to you, farther apart, or closer together. A simple bar with slots could be used to reattach the plastic cover back in place after the adapters are mounted and adjusted... I say go for it, Bill, if you enjoy the work!!
  24. Classic!!! Congratulations! I'm still laughing! Thanks, I needed that!
  25. I'm impressed! I've dealt with South Seattle in the past with no complaints whatsoever. I trust their honesty and actually think they are being upfront and straightforward with their information and intents. Most dealers would take the attitude of "Oh, well, T.S." towards the pricing and would not take the time to inform their valued customers of the situation...
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