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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. Uhhhhh, thanks, Carl, I feel warmer already...
  2. Uhhhhhhhh... I'm flattered beyond description, Joopie!
  3. Tire manufacturers recommend NOT using a tire more than 6 years old. This is especially important for 2 wheeled vehicles...
  4. 5 down, 20 to go...
  5. Hey Buddy!!! Good to see you back again!
  6. You are right about the battery indicator. You can eliminate the problem by hooking up a 5 - 15K resistor (I think that's the value that works) from the sense line to +12v, perferably switched 12 volts. There is a thread somewhere on this site about it. It's what all of us Odessy battery users have to do...
  7. I'm just puttering around the house finishing up with the living room remodelling job. Took a break to see what's happening here. Trying to deal with all the snow this winter...
  8. The real issue is money!! (As if you hadn't figured that out) The state is going broke and is looking for more and more ways to get revenue, such as unpaid trafic tickets, etc.
  9. What a NICE wife!!!!!
  10. Probably the old Dissimilar Material Expansion and Contraction Syndrome again. Lots of people north of you have experienced this condition...
  11. Ditto, and not sure I want to either...
  12. Get that Metzler of the back and you would have a perfect bike! Very nice indeed!!
  13. We heard the news last night and was saddened indeed, but know that he is in a much better place now. Our prayers for the family dealing with this difficult time. I was glad to have had the chance to meet him in person and only wish we could have got to know him a little better. RIP Darrell.
  14. Wow! Welcome back!! Sorry for your bad news but then again I'm happy for your good news as well! Glad you picked up the pieces and moved on, and that you do not harbor any ill feelings. Terriffic! Both of you are still family here and always welcome!
  15. We're totally elewctric as well, and my electric bill for last month was around $170 but we also have cheaper local electric. The only disadvantage is it gets pertty dry in here and have to run humidifiers. Elsewise it's clean and efficient heat!
  16. Tempting, Gary, very tempting! I'm thinking the main reason they aren't already gone is the slow economy. Either people don't have the cash, or are cutting back on unnecessary purchases. With the unemployment situation escallating, people are more interested in getting out of debt as much as possible in case of a layoff. If they don't get sold by next week get in touch with me and maybe we can do business.
  17. Good thing you aren't one of the volunteers to loose weight, I almost guarantee you a 10 lb incease by the end of the cruise!! Bon Voyage!!! Enjoy!!
  18. I gots more than that frozen... I use PB, sometimes used brake fluid, and heat, whichever works first!
  19. I'm just plain tired, does that count?? 4 1/2 years to go yet...
  20. Eagle Nano Metal Polish. For really dull chrome, the good old buffing wheel...
  21. Gee, and one of the things that I liked about this site over the "Other" site was that if you don't post in the right forum it ain't no big deal... I do agree with your observation, a lot of threads aren't quite in the right forums, but so what??
  22. Right now my biggest cooling system problem is finding a local place to recore radiators...
  23. Uhhhh, number 3 please?!!?
  24. Hmmmm, Wet Tee Shirt contest at MD???
  25. Lost 3 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks so far!! Right on track for 25 lbs by MD...
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