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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. The average Venture rider gets around 40 MPG. The 4 cylinder's power band does not kick in until around 3500 to 4000 RPM's and keeps going up to 6000 or more!! You will get lower mileage by NOT using the higher rpm power band than by driving it like a Harley... Red line is waaaay up there!! There are other reasons for poor MPG however, and yes, carbs that are not properly sync'ed will do it as well as spark plugs, wires, valve clearance, float bowl adjustment, etc. etc. Top end in 3rd gear is around 95 MPH...
  2. Justin Bieber came from Canada too...
  3. I'm thinking the cager got his just rewards!! Sorry, I can't think of any sane rider just kicking a door on a cage just for the hell of it...
  4. You're welcome and think nothing of it, it's what we do around here!!
  5. Yes, I was going to suggest a motion sensing light fixture, and screw in one of those adapters that adds an electrical outlet that screws into the light socket and also allows the light bulb to be screwed in. Plug in a really loud buzzer into the electrical outlet so if anybody enters the garage both the light will come on, and you will have an audible sound that will scare the hell out of any intruder, human or otherwise!! Notice, I am not suggesting you use the buzzer sound as a trigger for you to arm yourself and defend your property, that would be strictly your own initiative...
  6. On the plug, you should see at least one or possibly two black wires. Using an ohmmeter, check for zero ohms to the chassis. To answer your question about grounds on the bike, there are several coming out of the main harness, black wires with eye loop connectors, and are hidden...
  7. No, it would mean you are swapping both the inputs to the two coils AND the outputs as well, so now coil 2 thinks it is coil 4, and vice versa. It is the same as swapping the physical positions of the two coils but instead, you are swapping the wiring for both coils. As stated, this will cause the opposite cylinder to go dead IF the problem was the coil and/or TCI... Jus t remember to switch the plug wires going to the plugs as well as the input wires going to the coils. There should be enough slack in the harness, but if not then yes just Macguyver a couple of extensions up.
  8. Sorry, my friend, but I could not find it, so here's some on ebay... http://www.ebay.com/sch/Regulators/177955/i.html?_fsrp=1&Brand=Yamaha&MMake=Yamaha&MModel=Venture%20Royale&mvsub=1&_mcatda=true OK For some reason the filters aren't working with the link, so what you do is select "Yamaha" for the brand on the left column, then select from the drop-down menus on the top Make = Yamaha, model = Venture, and don't worry about the year, and hit "update results." It should filter it down to 53 results. Any 1st gen MK1 R/R from '83 to '85 will work and are all the same. I see one for $20 including shipping! With used ones for 1st Gen Venture, they rarely fail, so chances are any you buy will be good. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1984-84-Yamaha-Xvz1200-Venture-Rectifier-Voltage-Regulator-/122533944171?hash=item1c87979b6b:g:bfMAAOSwrhBZNVxr&vxp=mtr Just look at the picture of any of these to make sure the plug matches up with what you already have on the bike. One thing to check is if you have a good ground going to the regulator because the regulator shunts the excess electricity to ground, and if you have a bad ground it can't get rid of the excess electricity so it may give you the results you are seeing...
  9. Sure sounds like your R/R is not regulating or is regulating at a higher level. Don't operate it at these stated conditions as you will fry your battery with too much voltage. I used to have a spare one, I will check tomorrow if I still have it. It does not have the connector on it anymore, but you are welcome to it if I still have it! R/R's for 1st gens normally do not fail, unlike 2nd gen ones...
  10. Yup, re-upped myself a couple of weeks ago too!! Y'all are still stuck with me...
  11. The headlight is not on at any time??? Well then, most likely a weak battery!! Either the battery is toast or you have a bad connection. So, when you turn the key on, do you have a lit up neutral light?? Does anything work at all like turn signal, horn, radio, or is it like the headlight and is dead?? You really need to put a voltmeter across the battery and read some voltages like I suggested...
  12. When you press the start button, does the headlight go out? It is supposed to, so if it isn't then the switch is to blame. When you turn the key from off to run, do you hear anything at all from the fuel pump?? It should click for less than 5 seconds and then turn off. If it was running fine when you shut the bike off to gas up, I kind of doubt you have any sort of blown fuse, but then again anything is possible. As long as the bike is in neutral AND the clutch is depressed, it should crank even if the kickstand switch has gone bad... If your headlight goes out when you press the start button, maybe your solenoid took a dump. What does your battery measure with a voltmeter with ignition off, ignition on, and with the start switch pressed? Maybe your battery has gone south. You should see around 13 volts with the bike turned off, at least 12.5 volts with the key on, and maybe 11 volts with the start switch pressed. If your battery is diving to under 9 volts with the start switch pressed, your battery probably is weak and does not have enough power to turn the starter motor over...
  13. Can't make it this year, Don, I am having toe surgery on July 3rd and will be immobilized for around 3 to 4 weeks...
  14. Nice find!! That is one of the next additions on my trike...
  15. Go, Eck, GO!!!
  16. Mike, I'm at a total loss of words to say!! Indeed my prayers to you and your family...
  17. OK to my limited knowledge there is no aftermarket rear shock, but the 1st gen rear shocks rarely go bad at all! No, there is no second flasher for the 4 ways, the dash mounted switch just ties the left and right turn signals together and turns the flasher on. You probably have a bad switch or possibly a corroded contact on the switch connector. All years are the same for 1st gen flasher switches...
  18. Mention that you are a member of Venturerider and you get a discount!!! I am literally right around the corner on Rt 39 near the Arcade/Yorkshire border in Aristo Terrace Mobile Home Park, my trike is in the driveway, feel free to stop in and introduce yourself!
  19. Well Grez, there is always the Bongo Bob import service available which will save you a lot of money! Marcarl knows the way down here and there are plenty of tools available for a driveway swap out...
  20. Yup, the bike itself is pretty much bullet proof, but indeed for your own safety, I would install 2 brand new tires of the proper load rating for a 900-pound bike! New brake pads are an excellent idea as well as the original MK1 Venture had anemic brakes at best. There was indeed a reason why they were changed on the MK2 version! As mentioned, 2nd gear eventually goes out, but many members just skip the second gear and keep riding them for 200,000 miles plus! The original Ventures were the most comfortable and reliable touring bikes ever made, and have the heart of a sports bike! The only downside is they are a very tall bike and it takes a little bit getting used to them but once you do it's fun city from there!! Enjoy!!!
  21. Welcome aboard!! No, they are not "removable" but you can drill holes in them for louder sounds, or if you can find them, a set of Jardine mufflers will produce the nice deep throated growl you are probably looking for. Somewhere buried within the site is an internal diagram of the mufflers and how they work. Removing the tips would pretty much turn them into straight pipes... Check out the Regional Rally section of this forum for the WNY Northeast Regional Tally this August in Chaffee, NY at the Pioneer Motorsports facility and show up!! It's free and you will meet a lot of people that will be glad to fill you in on anything and everything you ever would want to know about the bike! It's free and a great time!!!
  22. Gettin' kind of old, and I'm thinking what I got is all I'm gonna have, but then again you never know...
  23. Kinda hard to get chicken strips on a trike though...
  24. Hey!! We both own the same Saws-all!!!
  25. It takes just as long to route the wires as it does to do all the rest of the stuff...
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