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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. Yup, Steve, as you can see that fiche is about clear as mud eh?!!? I'm thinking it may be somewhere along the harness where the stator and the Starting Circuit cut-off relay assembly plug into. The fiche shows that there is a break in the picture of the harness between the fuse block and where the assembly is. I went over to Pioneer Motorsports and they too have no clue where it is either! Unfortunately, with this person's particular problem, we need to test the diode to determine if his problem is the diode assembly or the internal diodes inside the Starting Circuit Cut-off Relay assembly. The guy is in Texas so there is no way I'm taking a ride over to help him troubleshoot, so everything is being handled via PM's. I gave him instructions to unplug the SCCR assembly, the side stand switch, and the clutch switch to isolate the diode assembly from the circuit and test the diode by using the Blue/Yellow and Blue/White leads. If that comes back as OK then he will have to test the internal diode via the pins on the SCCR assembly. His problem is the engine dies when he lets the clutch out in gear, which is usually the side stand switch, but also he states that in neutral the bike will not start unless he also squeezes the clutch! He also states the side stand switch tests OK. and I told him that the switch should read 1 ohm or less, not 3 or 4 ohms. He says it will not start in gear with the clutch depressed and the side stand up. Prior to this, he had the ignition switch bypassed before he replaced it and he thinks he may have messed up something and possibly caused one of the diodes to blow. I'm doubting he could have popped the diode assembly but there is a remote possibility he blasted one of the diodes in the relay assembly but this needs to be proved out as it is a difference in replacing a ten dollar part versus a hundred dollar part...
  2. I agree! It's the 2nd gen that has no low speed manners...
  3. It's all semantics my friend, all semantics! Myself, I never liked the term "Biker" because it brought visions of the 1%ers to me. I prefer to label myself a motorcycle enthusiast who also enjoys motorcycle touring. My history, my first ride was when I was 15 on a Lambretta. I learned to drive 2 wheels on a Vespa and then bought my first bike, a Honda 90s followed by several small to mid sized Hondas and Yamahas. Back in '83 I fell in love with the Venture but no way could I ever afford one. Well, fast forward to 2004 when my trusty Honda CX650 Custom finally reached a point of needing more repairs than I was willing to give it, and this friend at work told me of his neighbor having a big touring bike for sale. It turned out to be an '84 Venture Royale with only 8000 miles on it! He bought it from an old lady whose husband had purchased it new, rode it a little, then passed away. It took the lady a looooong time to finally sell it. He got it running, and found out his wife didn't like it, and it was too big for a solo bike, so he was selling it. My wife liked it and so did I so I bought it! In the fall of 2004 I joined a website called Venturers. A few months later I stumbled upon THIS site and started to make friends here. In a short while I discovered the real character of this site, or more appropriately this FAMILY!!! Within a year or so I witnessed this site literally give away 3 refurbished Ventures to members that fell upon hard times, and another member who was storing a Venture for another member while he was deployed spearhead a movement to completely restore that Venture!! I saw where if someone needed a part for his bike and someone else had that part, that part was given to him no charge, and even shipped free to that person! It was not uncommon for one member to travel several hundred miles to help out another member fix his or her bike! It was also not uncommon for someone to travel several hundred miles just to meet up for a cup of coffee! Speaking of travelling, it is a known fact that someone could travel coast to coast and always find a member along the way willing to put them up for the night and even feed them! If you break down along the way, there is a list of members eager and willing to help out in your time of need! So, what defines a Venture Rider?? Someone who is a member of the best darn family I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
  4. Yes, it is on a separate fuse block that has 4 fuses on it. The other fuses are for the fan, audio, and "backup" and if I recall right, the block is on the side of the airbox or something like that, but not really mounted to anything...
  5. Somebody take a picture of where the connector is so everybody knows!!
  6. Speedometer?? We don't need no stinkin' speedometer...
  7. Not sure what your State's requirement is but here in NY I believe it is 1" lower at 25 feet...
  8. Dion, with the side stand switch, I have seen them cause issues when their continuity has been only 4 or 5 ohms and not 1 or 2 ohms, but not the intermittent issues like your friend is seeing. Makes me think more and more it is a loose screw or poor alignment with the switch if indeed that is the problem source... On an unrelated subject, do you know where the diode assembly is located on the 2nd Gens?? I've been trying to help a member out with his bike, and we suspect his diode assembly is fried, but neither of us know physically where it is. The parts fiche shows it "somewhere" along the wiring harness going to the fuse block assembly under the false battery cover on the left side...
  9. I'm speechless, but praying...
  10. I've even heard of Hardleys needing engine rebuilds with a little as 30,000 miles on them! Yes, I am interested on how well Yamaha's big V Twin will hold up. I guess you could ask Strat owners how well their engines hold up...
  11. I'm interested too! I use my GPS as a speedometer due to a big error caused by going to bigger tires on my trike...
  12. The kickstand switch WILL kill the bike if it is running in gear and it senses a kickstand down condition while in gear with the clutch out. I kind of doubt that is the issue though as you state the bike can be immediately restarted, and I kind of doubt the switch would only give a split second failure. If anything I would suspect the kill switch of doing that, so jumping that switch may be a good idea. I suppose you could jumper the kickstand switch as well but I'm not real keen on doing that. Just make sure you have no loose screws on the switch itself. When it dis, does it act like the ignition was killed, or does it act like it is starving for gas? That could be a clue to whether or not the issue is electrical or fuel delivery, such as a clogged fuel filter...
  13. NOT MY VENTURE... :crying:
  14. So THAT's why Superman didn't show up to the WNY Rally...
  15. This is about as dark as it got here in Western New York...
  16. IMHO I would strictly due to its age, and besides, you have it in your hands now...
  17. Yup!! You got it!! Just buy a couple of appropriate new bolts, as I stated they should be the same as the rotor bolts, and screw 'em in!
  18. ***SIGH*** Maybe we are all dinosaurs hanging out waiting to become extinct while the motorcycling clientele evolves into a techno world of loud V twins who would rather play video games on their bikes than actually enjoy the open road...
  19. Yup, that's pretty much it! What they are in reality is the same bolts that hold your rotor onto the front hub, Allen head bolts that have their heads filled with metal. Unfortunately, they also Loctite the bolts in with blue Loctite, so forget about cutting a slot into the heads and using a screwdriver and vice grips, it ain't gonna work! I broke the tips off of 3 screwdrivers trying that! Luckily they were Craftsman tools so they got replaced no questions asked. I went through 3 Dremel grinding stones before I was able to liberate my switch. I was able to remove the studs with vice grips...
  20. Soooo, last year you did not join us at the VFW for chicken wing Wednesday for dinner??? We always set up on Wednesday afternoon when the early birds from Canada flock in, which THEY did not do this year... Except for the Tooch but he isn't camping this year.
  21. What would have been REALLY impressive is if he did his thing on one of the new Ventures...
  22. The Tooch and I exchanged words at the site this evening!! Angry Joe, where are you staying, at the Chaffee Lodge?? Saw a blue Jeep there when I went by around 8. The site is semi-decorated, but due to the lack of a step ladder, it is not done yet! Half of the crew did not show up at our USUAL Wednesday decorating day!!! So, we will be busy tomorrow finishing!! There is an ice cream place a block and a half away, Edie's Ice Cream!! I will try to be over there by 10ish give or take...
  23. As far as reverse goes, you really don't need it, but it is a nice accessory that is along the lines of creature comfort. I, as well as many trike riders, get along quite well without it! That being said, it is easily done with a starter motor, a bracket, and a flywheel added to the rear end. Larry, Carbon_One, designed one as well as Hannigan. It was not available when I did mine but is now a $1,000 option that I think I can live without...
  24. I have a pair mounted on the underside of my floorboards, I drilled and tapped holes to screw them in. Their function is to light up the road directly in front of me mostly for foggy conditions. Keep in mind, though, I have a trike and don't scrape my pegs... If I get a chance I'll snap a picture, but I'm really busy with the WNY rally...
  25. :icon_lurker:
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