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Everything posted by bongobobny

  1. Yes, but the nice thing about a bike is if they start giving you a hard time, you just turn the key off and it stops!! Then you can fix it at your leisure...
  2. Holy old thread, Batman!!!
  3. There are a couple of Tat shops close by, and I'm sure we can get Rockin Robin to do a belly dance, for a fee...
  4. Yup, a very common problem with the 1st Gens is the rheostat on the fuel gauge sender unit! You can adjust them a little bit but what happens is the winding, which is on a card, warps. The sender is right on top of the tank and is easily removed. It's that oval cover...
  5. Yup, and just by coincidence I walked into Pioneer too and got to meet them too!!
  6. What Jeff said about the oiler kit!!! Glad he mentioned it, I was looking on the picture for it and didn't see it! This was an issue with the '83 that lead to fried stators. They came up with the fix in '84 but not every '83 got the update from the dealer!
  7. Sure looks like him... http://slingshotinfo.com/index.php?members-list/&pageNo=8&sortField=username&sortOrder=ASC&letter=
  8. Awww, I wanna see it mow...
  9. Quite possibly!! Opiates are opiates, plain and simple...
  10. Another thing to remember is only use distilled water in your humidifier!! A gallon of distilled water is only around a dollar and at Wally World, it is only 88 cents! Using tap water is not the greatest idea as there can be a lot of nasty chemicals in it which is not the greatest thing to breathe. Besides, distilled water does not leave any nasty residue in the tank...
  11. Hey Mark, do you two have passports or enhanced licenses?? There is a lot of events that happen in Ontario and a lot of nice people and great riding up there!! The first main event is in late May up in Bradford/Brant, member Marcarl has an annual Spring Fling M&E then. Carl is quite the character to meet...
  12. Yup, Chrome, and the link popped right up!
  13. ...and a $3 rattle can of silver make a lot of those elbows the right color again!
  14. Been using a machine for years!! Yup, it took a good half a year or so before I was fully comfortable with one. I used a CPAP (Constant Positive Absolute Pressure) for a few years and then was switched over to a VPAP (Variable Positive Absolute Pressure) machine which was a lot nicer! Nowadays the VA has me switched over to a BiPAP (Bi or dual Positive absolute Pressure) machine which is supposed to be better for me as my sleep apnea is very severe! The main difference between a VPAP and a BiPAP is the VPAP senses the difference between inhaling and exhaling and switches the pressure to follow your breathing, whereas the BiPAP is a set pattern that you have to adjust your breathing pattern to it! takes a short time to adjust, but I'm OK with it. I LOVE my "dream machine" and can't live without it (...literally)!!! And yes, it takes a lot of trial and error to find the right type and style of mask that fits you!
  15. Way back in the early 60's a mechanic told me that Marvel Mystery oil is really just a specialized ATF. I wonder just how true that is...
  16. Libtards got you riled up, eh?!!?
  17. What, you didn't know NAPA is waaaaaay overpriced on everything?!!?
  18. OK, my 2 cents. You should be getting around 40 mpg which is pretty normal, give or take 1 or 2 mpg. Here are a few things that can screw up your mileage. First, do not drive it like a Harley!!! These V4 engines like their RPM's!!! If you lug the engine your mileage will go down! First gear should be up to 20 to 25, 2nd gear up to maybe 35 to 40, 3rd gear maybe around 50, and forget about going into 5th at any speed under 60! To give you an example of just how high these engines are designed to rev up to, the maximum speed for 3rd gear is around 90 MPH!! The power band does not kick in until around 3500 RPM to 6000RPM or more. Second, make sure you are actually running on all 4 cylinders!! It is a known fact these bikes can and will run surprisingly well on just 3 cylinders!! Starting with a cold engine, use a temperature probe on all 4 exhaust ports and see if they all heat up at the same rate together! If not, you could have a dead cylinder. Also, invest in a spark gap measuring device available at most auto parts place and check each cylinder for a minimum of 0.100" spark. A weak spark will kill your MPG! There could be an issue with your caps as there is a spring, a disc, and a resistive element inside the caps. There is a resistance reading to check. As stated, make sure your carbs are properly sync'ed but that usually only accounts for a few MPG difference, not generally 10 MPG though. It can happen though, I suppose. Improperly sync'ed carbs will make the bike run a little rough and run hotter than normal. Lastly, some members have reported that they lost a couple of MPG by switching to K&N filters but not 10 MPG! Yes, any modifications to either the intake or exhaust end can affect economy and may require rejetting. One of the best ways to get a handle on that is by using a colortune plug or a CO sniffer, or by rejetting via the old trial and error method. Make sure 1 and 2 are checked out first before going to any further extremes...
  19. Maybe, and keep in mind this is only a maybe, some minor stuff on the Impala. Is this the guy that MC Tom knows??
  20. Yup, the Beast went to a good home!!!
  21. Yup, what Jeff said! You have the wrong replacement block. You need the type that has isolated terminals on each side of the fuses. I do indeed recommend buying Earl's (Skydoc_17) kit especially if you are electrically challenged...
  22. To my knowledge, they are still available and not that expensive. Replace it and the o rings and be done with it... And yes, bend the guard back to its original position!
  23. Once again, sprinkle some lye which will break down the nasty organic stuff faster...
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