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Richie R

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Richard Reidinger


  • Location
    Rhinelander, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycling, snowmobiling, 73 plymouth.Nitro RCboat racing.
  • Bike Year and Model
    1100 vstar 01 RSV
  1. I am also looking for a set of chrome or billet deflectors just don't like the clear stock ones. Rich
  2. My 01 would chirp so bad it just about would make your ears bleed after a long day of riding. I put in an I basket and did the clutch upgrade from SkyDoc and now I have just about 3000 miles on it and it chirps under acceleration and when running a steady speed it is still very quite. It was worth every penny and the time it took me to install it. I am using Rotella T6 oil also. Rich
  3. I hear ya on that we left for vacation and got 220 miles and the bike would not start after stopping checked everything I could and still no luck. Of coarse I left my meter at home thinking why do I need this. So after a cab ride to the parts store and a new battery and then a small trip to a dealer to make sure the stator is charging we continued on with vacation. The battery in the bike was at least 5 years old so I did pretty good I think. Richie R
  4. I have the alpine amp in my 01 with pioneer speakers in the front and have alpine speakers in the rear and music is much clearer or cleaner and the bass is better not great but better. On the freeway I only need to turn it up to 13-15 my gain might be a little high but I have not split the fairing again to tweak it. It was worth the money to me for the amp and speakers. Richie R
  5. I see that clarion makes a new 50 watt per channel amp it is small in size than the alpine. Just thought I would share this. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-e0rV0kYLkaA/p_020XC1410/Clarion-XC1410.html?omnews=11430245
  6. Richie R

    WD-40 uses

    I didn't see where you can use it as starting fluid on small engines. Richie R
  7. So sorry to hear you and your family will be in our prayers. Richie R
  8. That looks cool, looks like something I may have to add to my baby. Richie R
  9. Yes it is you are the man, how did you dig it up? Thanks Richie R
  10. When I changed out my clutch basket I put sky docs upgrade and it is just like you say, second gear is fun to play in around town it just sets you back and takes off.
  11. I hate to ask this but I just can't find the thread about the 4" round chrome air filters for the 2nd gen venture. I tried but no luck so I must not be doing something right. Thanks Richie R
  12. To get to my feeder!!
  13. This where she was going to I was standing on my deck when I took these. [http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa254/richier73/IMG_0010-1_zps1e2bc083.jpg[/url] Richie R
  14. Did it look like this? This was taken in my backyard. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa254/richier73/IMG_0005-1_zps960e82cc.jpg[/url] Richie R
  15. I am just green with envy nice bike, someday if I can talk the boss into one. Now I just made it harder to do installed an alpine amp and new alpine speakers in the back and the clutch basket. Man what was I thinking.
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