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  1. I have a 96 Royal Star has the four K&N Cone filters on top of the carbs and has vance and hines slip on exhaust. I was thinking about taking the baffels out of the pipes and i was wondering if i had to change the jets in it. Problem is when i decel i have a really annoying popcorn sound in the coming out of the exhuast. Any Ideas
  2. Anybody know where i can find a conversion to go from floorboards to pegs on a 96 Royal Star. I would like to have foward controls but i don't want to shell out the dough. Unless anybody can tell me were i can get a set for cheappppp!! But pegs will be fine for now just need to find the conversion????
  3. I was wondering if anybody had made them i don't really want to shell out the dough for a set. If anybody has any plans for them let me know or where i can buy the plans at
  4. The rubber pieces that join the carb to the head are dry rotted. Would this be causing my popcorn exhuast under decel. Also is there any quick fix to them besides replacing them?
  5. I have a set of vance and hines pipes on it now i am looking for a short set of pipes that have a little style to them. The pipes i have now just have four pipes running straight back. I just want something that is short of the the cylinders. Having trouble finding them and what do you think my pipes are worth?
  6. Can't find any specs on the net can anybody point me in the right way.1996 Royal Star. I Torqued it to about 58 IT was just a guestament
  7. Little Help for the newbie again It's that plug that goes into the side of the clutch handle on the handle bars
  8. Do i need to replace it or should i just let it ride. If so how hard and basic procedure
  9. What is the the threaded hole behind the front left fin cyclinder cover. I noticed a little bit of antifreeze pooling around that area and i just wanted to know what is was. I may have just dropped a little splash of it. But would still like to know what that is there. The back side of the fake find has a solid little circle piece that goes over it.
  10. Just kind of wondering since i can't find a bleed spot or maybe i'm just missing it. Little help for a newbie:thumbsup:
  11. Any body put a set of 16's on there royal star was wondering what the cable specs were. 96 By the way
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