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Everything posted by rod

  1. I just got some 9" red flexible LED lights from harbor freight for $10 +-. The strip is clear and real flexible. See them here: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=98408 Not sure where I will put them but the price was right. Rod
  2. Having met Her I would say you were lucky it was her and not some one else, she is a keeper. Rod
  3. They hoped that you would keel over and your survivors would buy Yamaha. Solving mystery's Rod
  4. Gary if you have the time we can do the ocean, mountains, and desert ride when Rose can come along. I promise more open road and no traffic problems. Rod
  5. Come on down to So Cal and you can ride year round on some of the best roads anywhere. You guy back east states are too small. So too may states to list five back there. California New Mexico Montana Colorado Idaho East coast up the mountain ranges Mid west None North east anywhere during your 2 week summer Rod
  6. I met Gary N. for a ride up the coast yesterday. The weather was good am traffic not too bad for the area. A stop at Mt. Solodad provided a good view of the coast and general area. Stopped for lunch and had a good panni sandwich at a coffee shop I knew of in Carlsbad. Up to San Onofre campground and pound down hwy 5 home. Thanks for a great day Gary. Rod
  7. I did what Don did. A big PITA sorry no pics from me either. 5 hour job give or take. My fairings are apart for my speed-o replacement so will try to get pics this week. Rod
  8. rod


    I don't like going out to movies much, or watch them more than once, but went to see this one. I liked it a lot. We saw the regular one but will go back to see the 3D version. Rod
  9. It is in the lower fairing by your left floor board. Rod
  10. Get a hold of me and we can get togather for lunch or something. Rod
  11. Not much help here, a '66 mustang and a '99 Ranger PU. A '59 Chevy PU is my project. Plus the bikes. Rod
  12. rod

    killer breakfast

    This is a special. I treat myself once or twice a month. No cholesterol or diabetes problems. Reminds me of a joke Man to his Dr: I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, eat greasy food or sweets, sleep early, don't run around partying, chase wimmin, or take any chances. How long do you think I will live? Dr: Why do you want to? Up from my nap Rod
  13. Woke up hungry this morning craving my famous big breakfast. Take two biscuits split them, on one put a sausage patty on each half put some of my famous sausage gravy on; now lay 2 scrambled eggs on top. Put home style potatoes next to this pile and cover everything generously with more gravy. Butter and jam on the 2nd biscuit and yum happy tummy. Nap time now. Rod
  14. Not yet. It will be next week before I can get over to it to do the work. I will post when I can get er done Rod
  15. The cuss catcher prohibits my reply. and it is four words anyway. Rod
  16. +1 on the dimmer switch. My first car was a 327 hp '68 Chevelle Malibu, yellow with black vinyl top. My first wife sold it while I was in basic training. I still miss that car. Rod
  17. Welcome back!!! Heal well. Follow Dr.'s orders so you are back as soon as you can. Rod
  18. rod

    computer help

    Ok that was fast I am now on firefox, download and installed FAST. Now off to best buy. Thanks Rod
  19. rod

    computer help

    Just got home to so much help!!! Thanks guys. The laptop is a HPG60-445 DX. it is less than a year old so I will try to get it warranted. Crappy design as the cord has to loop around while in my lap. After I get it back going again I think I will go Linux and fire fox on the PC. Thanks Rod
  20. I got my desktop up and running after problems. I am running win 2000 pro. Does any one know of a good browser that will work? I use the laptop most but the power cord broke. Thanks Rod
  21. rod

    History test

    25 for me. I thought I would do better. Rod
  22. Properly layed out wood is stronger than the pressed steel/iron. On the plus side no rust, no dents, better flex/strength. I would give it to rose and be happy she was safe. Rod
  23. So sorry to hear that. Praying for a speedy recovery. Rod
  24. That area is Old Town. There are several places near. I will look into it and get back to you. Rod
  25. Mike that is very generous of you. I will surely pas it on. Rod
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