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Everything posted by rod

  1. rod

    Old Goldwing

    I have a friend that had his starter solenoid melt down on his 86 1200 wing. Does any one have the wiring diagram? Thanks Rod
  2. McMaster-Carr.com anything you need for hardware/nuts and bolts. Rod
  3. What Clive said. Check at Virago tech for starter and parts. Good guys and very helpful. I have a 83 500 Virago and a 98 1100 great bikes. Keep the battery charged and the starter is not a problem. Good luck Rod
  4. Any thing more than 5 lbs + - @ 30 lbs, I toss the gauge. The pencil gauges in the $10 range seem to be the overall winners for value. Rod
  5. A friend of mine went out and bought every tire gauge he could find. Most were within a couple of pounds of each other. The cheap digital gauges were way off and the most accurate was a cheap pencil model from a discount auto parts store. I tossed4 of my gauges after checking them. Rod
  6. I got the travel cover from JC Whitney, Love it. Rod
  7. rod

    Need a tank

    viragotech.com would be my first place to look. Rod
  8. It looks like you could drill and tap a couple of holes and add a larger foot to the bottom. Rod
  9. Foam grips work great and are cheap. McMaster-Carr sells foam tool handles to replace the hard rubber grips, not as pretty but works good. Rod
  10. Yum Yum looks too good. Where is my share??? Rod
  11. Last week I went to a guy's house and changed the fluids and adjusted the levers for $110. He also gave my grandson a bike. Rod
  12. tires could be a variable as well. Rod
  13. They should be the same. See if the front forks are even in the tree on all the bikes. The air pressure will change the height. Let the air out and measure again. Let us know what you find. Rod
  14. rod

    ouch !

    A friend sent me this. Rod http://i.clipta.com/images/20100313/01/5504qvpsj.gif
  15. Rose's road sofa or road sofa Rod
  16. Check the engine cut off switch, clutch switch, and side stand switch before going to far into it. Also wiggle the starter button a little when pressing it. Rod
  17. A Suzuki DR200 or Yamaha XT225 or TW200 can be had cheap and are great starter bikes. Take care of it and sell for the same money when time to trade up. DR 350,400 are great bikes for starters and can be lowered easy. The Kaw 650 and Suzuki 650 are good but a bit much for a starter bike. Have him take the MFS class. Good luck Rod
  18. I noticed when the last lower thread went around that the amount people lowered varied quite a bit. I lowered mine 1" did not like it so raised it to 5/8" lower and that was it for me. Not having the forks even, too soft on the shocks, or too much lowering will affect handling negatively. I have several thousand miles of hard riding on mine with no problems. Raising the rear/lowering the front same for geometry. Lowering you loose some ground clearance, the only time I notice is in the U-Turn box on the range when teaching the ERC. Rod
  19. rod

    darn weather

    I know what you mean. We have had a drought for 7 yrs. Now all that rain we missed is coming in one year. I have never gone this long with out riding. Rod
  20. rod

    Grand Slam

    I took the grandson to school then FREE grand slam. The best part of my day, went to h311 after that. Rod
  21. + 1 on the ST or Connie. The Connie can have rust issues with the gas tank and fuel valve leading to carb issues. Also I would throw in a Honda VFR a BMW. Hard to find one cheap but worth the $. Good luck Rod
  22. You can cut the stock shield to get an idea of how high you want it. I found the width helped buffeting a lot. I like a roto-zip to cut them but a jig-saw with the right blade works Ok. I have a custom chrome from JCW for 7 years the price is right and I like the height. Rod
  23. Can't help with the bluetooth but the Venture has a jack for the MP3 to play thru the sound system. I have a Droid too so interested in the results Good luck Rod
  24. rod

    6" LED

    They come with some clips. I would use some clear RTV glue or 2 sided molding tape when I figure out where I want them. BTW they are 9" not 6" as the title said my bad Rod
  25. I know Gary can do this one:thumbsup2: Rod
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