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Everything posted by rod

  1. Welcome to the site. As a MFS coach I will suggest what I tell my classes. Get a "scratch and dent special" for the first bike. He will learn a lot in the first 6 mo or so riding. When he has some experience the Venture is a great bike for 2 up riding (and it don't matter how you mount up). Good luck you will get great support on this site. Rod
  2. I lowered the the front 5/8 so the effect on the rake and trail would be the same as lifting the rear that much, more or less. At 1" it turned in too quick for my liking and I scrapped the floorboards to soon. 5/8 was the best for me on my MM. Good luck Rod
  3. I would take it apart and clean it before replacing it. Some times crud will make them leak. Rod
  4. To make the tube fit tighter on the bleeder I took a piece of fuel line the OD of the bleeder line and slide that over the hose to avoid air coming in due to a loose fit. Rod
  5. For restrictors just go to the craft store and buy a bead that is the size of the tubing. Rod
  6. According to reports I have read the cars are at fault over 70% of the time. There a lot of foolish riders that wreck but most of the time it is a single bike loosing control. We as riders tend to be much better drivers as we pay more attention to the conditions, a hold over from our riding habits. It is the foolish rider that get the press. I push the bike hard at times but choose the time and place with care. We practice and train to hone our skills but how many drivers do the same? Speeding and blaming the car for pulling out in front of you is not right. Rod
  7. The Sun paper has the ad with coupons here. Rod
  8. I used a hole saw on mine and it worked fine. You have to wiggle the pipe to break the spot weld on the other end. I hit it in with a hammer and wiggled/twisted it and it came right out on mine. Rod
  9. For what to use to glue this to that try this site. Rod http://www.thistothat.com/
  10. ARC-ST = Advanced rider course, Sportbike techniques and yes do it on the Venture, you will love it. Very different then the ERC. Rod
  11. The ERC is geared for a rider with 6 mo to a year riding after the BRC. It teaches how to match bike, rider and techniques for handling a larger bike. The book part is for mental/perceptions skills and risk management for the most part. On the range it is about control of your bike. Counter weight, counter steer, look where you want to go, entry speed, etc. The ARC-ST is more advanced riding techniques, skill to risk ratio, good judgment. On the range body position, trail braking, adjusting speed in the corner, better cornering and braking. If you want a challenge try the ARC-ST. The ride like a pro is a great resource it helped me on the Venture.The book "Sport Riding Techniques" by Nick Ienatsch is another good resource. The more you learn and practice the better/safer rider you will be. Rod
  12. Yep you got it Freebird. A lot of the old bikes did not have any valve covers at all and the oil just splashed out on the ground and your pants. Lost oil system, you got gas and oil each gas stop. Rod
  13. Go ahead freebird, looks like no nobody wants to guess. Rod
  14. Who knows why bikers started wearing chaps? Answer to follow if you don't know. Rod
  15. Brad depends on the bike. Most crusers won't rev, low redline. My 650 V twin sport bike will, redline around 10 grand. Viragos redline at 72 grand, others less than 5 grand. Rod
  16. rod

    virago help

    Check for a jammed starter, also pull the plugs and check if it will roll them, they can leak gas from the pit cock and hydrolock. Good luck Rod
  17. When I ask for "clutch fluid" at the parts counter, they laugh at me They call it brake fluid, really hydraulic fluid. Rod
  18. Congratulations. If you have time send me a message and we can do lunch. Rod
  19. Once at a gas station in very high winds the bike would have blown over if I had not caught it. Rod
  20. You don't have to scrape pegs to push in the corners. On our training bikes at the range the fronts wear faster than the rear. Never get over 20-25 MPH. The wear on the back is from braking, lots of cornering wears the fronts down. Rod
  21. Pushing it in the corners will wear the front down. Don't ask me how I know My fronts wear on the sides and look V shaped when worn. Rod
  22. rod

    Old Goldwing

    Thanks problem solved. Mr Fix-it Rod
  23. I have been using an old socket for both sides for years. The Grandkids thought the spacers were cool rooling down the street. Better chrome on the socket than the spacer any way. Rod
  24. rod

    Old Goldwing

    Thanks. Due to the link I made the mods and used a Yammi solinoid and the bike runs great. Yuma will not be safe next weekend ; the Ugly's will be there with "dirty Ernie" (the jap bike outcast) on the annual prison run. Rod
  25. rod

    Old Goldwing

    Could you check which wire goes where on the solenoid for me? 4 wires 2 next to the large terminals and 2 bridged together. Thanks Rod
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