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Everything posted by rod

  1. Dunlap 491 one size taller were my tire of choice but they discontinued them. The taller tire helps the RPM at highway speeds. I now have the Metzler 888 I like the handling but don't know the mileage yet. The taller tire really helps, try it you will like it. Rod
  2. Congrats tell him welcome home and thank him for his service. Rod
  3. There are a lot of us out there in the same boat. We carry on the best we can with no complaints. There are kids taking their grandparents car parking in the disabled spots, totally wrong. I will not undress to prove my status I fought to keep my rights not give them up. Know that the people that matter know and appreciate and screw the others. Rod
  4. rod

    Valve Stems

    Have them angle the stem at 45 deg not straight out. It gives you more room to get the air chuck on. I put them pointing to the right side. Rod
  5. rod


    The jets are supposed to be different sizes. Mukini carbs 118 on the front and 122 in the rear I think (going off the top of my head). You can plug all that smog crap it is worthless and causes problems. Are you running the stock air filter? Viragos need the air to go threw the air box to run right. For after market air filters you need to restrict the air. Email me if you need help. rod-virago@cox.net Rod
  6. rod


    I hung my bells on the frame just lower than the point that the floorboards scrape. Rose calls it the early warning bell, so she knows when we are going to scrape and it does not startle her. I do have to change bells more often. Rod
  7. rod


    I was just checking my email (outlook) and all my messages disappeared. Any idea how to get them back? Thanks Rod
  8. You let the magic smoke out of the wires!!! That is never a good thing. Hope you get it fixed. Rod
  9. Never tried on a RSV but the angle of the bars will determine how well they work. Straighter flatter bars they work well. Rod
  10. Conngrats!!! Looking forward to seeing it. Rod
  11. rod

    1600 nomad

    You can kill an afternoon on JQ's site very easy. There are a lot of generic tips and add-ons. He has sold his bike but still keeps the site for those of us who still ride. Rod
  12. rod

    1600 nomad

    Send him to my friends website . Nice bike. Rod http://www.gadgetjq.com/gadgetsfixitpage.htm
  13. Interesting, it was released last year here in CA. Maybe not all states approved it. Military started it check with you local training site. Rod
  14. As an MSF instructor I have no problem with the statements about the training we offer compared to the more advanced professional training available. The ARC is the best we offer for advanced riders. Don't get hung up on labels and politics, get the training that is good for you and your skill/comfort level. Just get training and practice so your skills stay sharp. Ride like a pro did more for me on the Venture than any thing I did. Ride safe Rod ps try the ARC/ST with the msf, it is a hoot on a Venture.
  15. I would bend it. On the range bikes I put a hammer between the lever and the bar and bend it with an box wrench. On the Venture I think I would heat it before bending to avoid breaking it. Rod
  16. I love the new paint color. 90,000 miles on the MM I would change if I had the $$$. Poor man Rod
  17. Thanks for the tank Rod
  18. Sorry to hear that. As motorcycles most of us train and practice. I wish the cagers would. There are too many drivers that should not have a license. Rod
  19. Very nice!!! One thing, you have to stay up on the Maint, it is not as forgiving as the Venture. Good luck and have fun Rod
  20. rod


    One way to do this is to tape a picture of what you want on the outside facing in. Use an engraver (electric like you use on metal for ID) and trace the lines. Any artist could do it. Good luck Rod
  21. rod

    Heart attack

    The good news Rose is home and doing good. The bad is I have to liquidate every thing because the hospital is taking everything to pay the bills. I will have a list of good stuff shortly. Thanks for all your prayers Rose is better than the Dr believe is possible. The hospital is taking/attaching everything and being disabled I have no option but to declare bankruptcy. All the bikes and cars have to go and my retirement property gone. Thanks for letting me vent a little Rod
  22. not just that. the latest "upgrade" messes with settings and I had to redo my microsoft setting to use my email and forums software. Rod
  23. My first thought was steering head bearings. Make sure they are tight. Rod
  24. rod

    Heart attack

    Well they got to it fast and there is minimum damage that they can see at this point. I should be able to bring her home tomorrow. They release you fast when you have no insurance. I will relay your well wishes and prayers Rod
  25. rod

    Heart attack

    Rose had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. They cleared a clot and she is doing well. Rod
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