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Everything posted by rod

  1. Plus one on the shoe trees. It will be a good investment as you will have trouble getting any shoe or boot to fit right most likely. I use water to stretch and then needs foot oil after to soften them back up. Beer thirty has told about a product ha uses on his leather that is supposed to be better than anything on leather. Rod
  2. rod


    Having lived in BEAR territory sit it out or ride like hell out of there; shooting them with a pistol of any size pisses them off and they will get you before they die. Sit still and waiting is the best idea. Unbearable Rod
  3. I like it but have to hit the lotto to get them Rod
  4. I have a few hobbies. Shooting,woodworking,guitar and restoring old cars are my favorites right now. Rod
  5. rod


    You betch for sur we know the common thread. ufda fer sue Rod
  6. Before we had the net I never gave out phone numbers or any info. If person 1 wanted to contact person 2 I tell person 2 to contact person 1. Never give personal info out on the web. I have no doubt the moderators of this site have the same values and would not give out or snoop into private info. I have not met Don or other moderators but I trust them with out reservation. Great job guys and thank you. Rod
  7. From my Minnee Sota cousin Mark (also a Lutrin). Mark's Introduction follows: Those of you who are Lutheran will relate to this quite quickly. To those of you who are not Lutheran, perhaps consider this as a User's Manual on how to interpret the behaviors of a Lutheran, present company included. Throw in a good bit of Scandinavian background in addition to being Lutheran and it explains the preference for all things bland. Uff Dah! SINGING WITH THE LUTHERANS by Garrison Keillor I have made fun of Lutherans for years - who wouldn't, if you lived in Minnesota? But I have also sung with Lutherans, and that is one of the main joys of life, along with hot baths and fresh sweet corn. We make fun of Lutherans for their blandness, their excessive calm, their fear of giving offense, their lack of speed and also for their secret fondness for macaroni and cheese. But nobody sings like they do. If you ask an audience in New York City, a relatively Lutheranless place, to sing along on the chorus of 'Michael Row the Boat Ashore', they will look daggers at you as if you had asked them to strip to their underwear. But if you do this among Lutherans they'll smile and row that boat ashore and up on the beach! And down the road! Lutherans are bred from childhood to sing in four-part harmony. It's a talent that comes from sitting on the lap of someone singing alto or tenor or bass and hearing the harmonic intervals by putting your little head against that person's rib cage. It's natural for Lutherans to sing in harmony. We're too modest to be soloists, too worldly to sing in unison. When you're singing in the key of C and you slide into the A7th and D7th chords, all two hundred of you, it's an emotionally fulfilling moment. I once sang the bass line of Children of the Heavenly Father in a room with about three thousand Lutherans in it; and when we finished, we all had tears in our eyes, partly from the promise that God will not forsake us, partly from the proximity of all those lovely voices. By our joining in harmony, we somehow promise that we will not forsake each other. I do believe this: These Lutherans are the sort of people you could call up when you're in deep distress. If you're dying, they'll comfort you. If you're lonely, they'll talk to you. And if you're hungry, they'll give you tuna salad! The following list was compiled by a 20th century Lutheran who, observing other Lutherans, wrote down exactly what he saw or heard: 1. Lutherans believe in prayer, but would practically die if asked to pray out loud. 2. Lutherans like to sing, except when confronted with a new hymn or a hymn with more than four stanzas. 3. Lutherans believe their pastors will visit them in the hospital, even if they don't notify them that they are there. 4. Lutherans usually follow the official liturgy and will feel it is their way of suffering for their sins. 5. Lutherans believe in miracles and even expect miracles, especially during their stewardship visitation programs or when passing the plate. 6. Lutherans feel that applauding for their children's choirs would make the kids too proud and conceited. 7. Lutherans think that the Bible forbids them from crossing the aisle while passing the peace. 8. Lutherans drink coffee as if it were the Third Sacrament.. 9. Some Lutherans still believe that an ELCA bride and an LC-MS groom make for a mixed marriage. (For those of you who are not Lutherans, ELCA is Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and LC-MS is Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, two different divisions of the same Protestant religion. And when and where I grew up in Minnesota, intermarriage between the two was about as popular as Lutherans and Catholics marrying.) 10. Lutherans feel guilty for not staying to clean up after their own wedding reception in the Fellowship Hall. 11. Lutherans are willing to pay up to one dollar for a meal at church. 12. Lutherans think that Garrison Keillor stories are totally factual. 13. Lutherans still serve Jell-O in the proper liturgical color of the season and think that peas in a tuna noodle casserole add a little too much color. 14. Lutherans believe that it is OK to poke fun at themselves and never take themselves too seriously. And finally, you know you're a Lutheran when: *It's 100 degrees, with 90% humidity, and you still have coffee after the service; *You hear something really funny during the sermon and smile as loudly as you can; *Donuts are a line item in the church budget, just like coffee; *The communion cabinet is open to all, but the coffee cabinet is locked up tight; *When you watch a 'Star Wars' movie and they say, 'May the Force be with you', you respond, 'and also with you'; *And, lastly, it takes 15 minutes to say, 'Good-bye'. May you wake each day with His blessings, Sleep each night in His keeping, And always walk in His tender care.
  8. Heck Gary just tell them you want to ride not hang out in bars and do your thing; they can do thier thing no problem. Have fun Rod
  9. rod

    good if true

    I don't know if this is true but it is good none the less. Augusta, GA A heart-warming story. We need to hear of more similar stories Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buys in Augusta, Georgia , told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta , on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket. When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door. Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back, the injury did not appear to be severe. After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment. The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw...injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine. Rod
  10. Try here for cheap guards. There are a ton of aftermarket wind shields out there just fine one you like. mine is small and I cut it down even more to suit me. Rod http://xvfinishes.com/parts/yamaha_virago_engine_guards_cras2.htm
  11. If you point it at a 45 deg angle it is easier to get the air chuck on. Rod
  12. There is one at House of Motorcycles San Diego. A good break-in ride home.:mo money:Rod
  13. Yes it is very doable. Get a couple of practice runs in to make sure you are up to it physically. For long days back to back I do short stops every 1.5 to 2 hrs. so I don't get tired at all. Rod
  14. The nice thing about San Diego is good roads and we ride year round. Rod
  15. Got stung by a bee in Why one year. Widen your loop to So Cal. Have you done the Cholla sp? nat park east of Tucson and north of Toumbstone? Rod
  16. My dog has not read a law book so he does not know he can't bite the thief. I keep trying to get him to read but he just eats the books. USAF dog handler Rod
  17. How to keep a woman happy.... Priceless! It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be: 1. A friend 2. A companion 3. A lover 4. A brother 5. A father 6. A master 7. A chef 8. An electrician 9. A carpenter 10. A plumber 11. A mechanic 12. A decorator 13. A stylist 14. A cosmotologist 15. A dermatologist 16. A psychologist 17. A pest exterminator 18. A psychiatrist 19. A healer 20. A good listener 21. An organizer 22. A good father 23. Very clean 24. Sympathetic 25. Athletic 26. Warm 27. Attentive 28. Gallant 29. Intelligent 30. Funny 31. Creative 32. Tender 33. Strong 34. Understanding 35. Tolerant 36. Prudent 37. Ambitious 38. Capable 39. Courageous 40. Determined 41. True 42. Dependable 43. Passionate 44. Compassionate WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 45. Give her compliments regularly 46. Love shopping 47. Be honest 48. Be very rich 49. Not stress her out 50. Not look at other girls AND AT THE SAME TIME, YOU MUST ALSO: 51. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself 52. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself 53. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes IT IS VERY IMPORTANT: 54. Never to forget: * birthdays * anniversaries * arrangements she makes HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY 1. Leave him alone Rod
  18. Nice work there. Not my style but very good job on the paint. If I were to buy a HD that would be my choice; but not that color. I like the blue much better. Rod
  19. rod

    New Member

    I'm with Gary on this one. We use a gym bag on the trunk for rain gear.layers of clothes and other small light weight stuff. The rack on the back is great just keep the weight light. If you get to San Diego look me up Rod
  20. No need for gaskets. slip them on and clamp them down. Rod
  21. No they have not found the driver of the Civic. There are a ton of fundraisers for the family's of the riders. Yesterday a Wendy's donated a percentage of their sales to the kids of one of the couples. Rod
  22. There are quite a few Ventures in San Diego, but few are members here for some reason. May be we just ride too much down here. Rod
  23. No if the Wing fit me that would be what I would have. There are a lot of things I like about the Wing but not the fit/comfort. Rod
  24. rod

    The McCuff

    I have a friend who has a 1 1/2" male adaptor PVC that does the same thing for less money. Go to the harware store and you can put the peices togather to make it as tall as you want for filling up. Rod
  25. The saddle tramps are a good local riding group. I know several of them and have ridden with them a few times. That stretch of road is narrow 2 lane flat and straight with deep sand on the shoulder. These were good folks who loved to ride. Here is a link to the story: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/nov/14/motorcycle-club-trying-to-regroup-after-crash/ Rod
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