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Everything posted by rod

  1. Ok seriously you should have 2 power leads to the radio one for the memory one for the radio it self. Look at the connections for corrosion. Rod
  2. Your antique bike has alzhimers. :rotf::stickpoke:Sorry could not resist Rod
  3. Look at Mcmaster/carr. http://www.mcmaster.com/ Good luck. Rod
  4. Glad you had a good trip overall. That is the route I had in mind. Hwy 2 is one of our favorite road for our full moon rides, nothing like riding with a full moon accross the desert. Hwy 78 is a great road thru the montians we ride it alot. Take care. Rod
  5. You all are forgetting the off road,jet boat, RV market. Here in so cal that is where the money is and NO ONE is going out right now with the gas prices being what they are not to mention the housing problems. If you want a dune buggy,quad,dirt bike,toy hauler,RV or truck you can get them dirt cheap. A very large part of the dealer business is toy related not road bikes. Few people are taking their toys out due to the price of gas. Scooter and small bike sales are way up but big bike sales are down.Most students these days are only interested in saving gas money not riding. Rod
  6. +1 on the air. Did you let the master cylender go dry? If so try cracking the fitting (banjo bolt) and see if you can get the air out. Good luck Rod
  7. The only direct bolt on light bars I know of are the Yamaha. Rod
  8. Yep I have heard the slipstreamer shield causes that problem. Bolting on some lowers would fix it. I have not seen lowers made for the Virago but have seen Viragos with lowers from other bikes fitted. Good luck Rod
  9. I have not noticed that on my 98 1100. I have forward controls on mine now and a short wind shield. As for the lowers never seen them on a Virago but you should be able to make/adapt some that clamp to the forks. Rod
  10. rod

    Kaw Nomad

    I helped JQ aka "gadget" with his mods and we ran together a lot. The one thing that made the HP on the nomad was the air box mod. The rest of the stuff helped some but I was there when it was on the dyno and we ran various combos of performance parts and the air box was the big winner. Stock I would give him the jump and some distance and out run him quickly. After the mods the RSV was still faster but I cut him no slack. Rod Btw JQ has hung up riding, sold his bike 2 yrs ago but has still kept the web site up. He now lives in Scotsdale az
  11. We were on a ride Saturday and my MM RSV when I had battery problems. We were 100 mi from home in Mission Veijo. Got AAA towed to Mission Motorsports in Irvine. The guy at the service counter got the battery tester out and checked the battery even tho they were busy. Battery was toast so he got the part number and walked me over to the parts counter and got me set up with the new battery before he went back to the service dept. Very friendly and helpful staff all around. Finished the ride no problems. Now I just have to see if I have a charging problem. Rod
  12. I avarage 45 mpg, as low as 33 mpg (80+mph and head wind) and high of 54 mpg (sqeezing the max out of it). There is a learning curve handling the beast at slow speeds but no problems once you get the hang of it. Good luck Rod
  13. I want the Buick Roadmaster. Rose said no....bummer. Wifes do not have any sense of humor some times. Rod
  14. Here in San Diego we run safety classes year round. On base you have to do the BRC to ride on base. They just started the mandatory sport bike school, we hope it will decrease the casualties. We get 6+ fatalities each week most are military. We hope more training will help. Wish us luck. Rod
  15. Let me know when you get here and I will meet up with you. I you like I can show/take you to good scenic roads that will get you out of town with out slabing it all the way. Rod
  16. Thought I would pass this on. Rod -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Date: From: Paul Thompson Reply-To: To: http://rs6.net/on.jsp?t=1102181506928.0.1011190681102.45497&ts=S0346&o=http://ui.constantcontact.com/images/p1x1.gif http://www.newenough.com/neml_images/page_images/new_neml_logo.gif http://www.newenough.com/image/path/15212/small/Default.jpg?1208877284 Ladies PowerTrip San Jose Mesh Jackets Now $25 We bought a huge group of these full mesh jackets last fall. I knew when I bought them they'd be hanging around all winter. But now summer is almost over and I HAVE TO get rid of the rest of these jackets this summer. At this price I'm loosing about $5 per jacket. Abuse me! Take'em all! About the jacket: The San Jose jacket is primarily designed for hot weather riding. The entire shell of the jacket is a "free air" mesh design which allows wind to blow right through. To enhance the crash worthiness of this jacket, it comes complete with removable armor in the shoulders, elbows and back. To add to the useful temperature range of this jacket, it comes with a removable vest-type thermal liner too. These liners can be useful on day rides where it is cooler in the morning, but warms up in the afternoon. There are only about 400 of these jackets left in our warehouse and I expect we'll sell them all pretty quickly, so use the drop down menu on the product page to view the sizes and colors remaining in inventory. MSRP $124.99, Now $25 As always, thanks for your patronage... http://www.newenough.com/neml_images/page_images/paul_sig.gif Paul Thompson, President New Enough, LTD email: daniel@newenough.com phone: 888-530-7351 web: http://www.newenough.com Forward this to a friend! http://img.constantcontact.com/letters/images/safe_unsubscribe_logo.gif This email was sent to prhenderson@cox.net by daniel@newenough.com. Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by http://img.constantcontact.com/letters/images/cc-logo-color-sm.gif New Enough Motorcycle Leathers | 405 Clovis Road #83 | Shallowater | TX | 79363 31 PM
  17. Try the weave just with clutch and throttle with no rear brake. Its a nice challange. Yep have done it both ways and trail brakeing is much smoother for me. They like us to demo differant tecneques so had to learn several way to do things. What works for some bikes/riders do not work for others. Wings with the linked/integated brakes don't trail brake well. Rod
  18. My favorite trips/rides are "follow the front wheel". Just go and turn when I see something or just feel like it. Some times get 50mi away from where we started and sometimes 800mi. Just get on and ride. MMM time for a road trip. Rod
  19. Would somthing like this work for you? http://patchboy.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=P&Product_Code=17-563&Category_Code=6-24 Good luck. Rod
  20. Oven cleaner works well on plactic melted on exaust pipes, should work on that too. Good luck Rod
  21. For those who ar afraid of dropping the bike and scratching the drop bars. Go to the home supply store of your choice and get the insulation that goes over 1" pipe and wrap that over the bars and tape in place. Cheap foam bumpers to protect the chrome. It is true that 1 or 2 people drop their bikes. Most of the time it is grabbing the front brake that brings them down, either stopped or very slow speed. If you follow the directions and are careful you will get thru fine. Ride safe Rod
  22. Doing the ERC on a Venture is a challenge. The offset weave was my biggest problem. The solution was to just believe the bike would do it and go for it. It is funny how some of the new riders that listen and follow instructions do better than the experienced riders. Never stop practicing you life may depend on your ability to handle the bike. Ride safe Rod
  23. I take it every week while I teach:322:. Doing the ERC every couple of years is good to keep your skills sharp. Rod
  24. Let me know when you get here. We can meet for a lunch/ride. Rod
  25. I am lucky to be able to ride year round and practice before I teach every week. You don't need cone/markers just use the parking stall lines. To protect the crash bars pipe insulation works well ,available at home improvement stores. Ride safe Rod
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