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Everything posted by rod

  1. Here it is common to have bikes "lane share" both on the interstate and local roads. It can be done safely but many (may be most) throw caution to the wind and make it bad for every one. I have done it when I think it is safer than sitting in heavy traffic. I have been on group rides where a whole group of riders weaved thru our group to pass. Most of the time we pass them later on the side of the road with a rider down. You can't fix stupid, so do what you can to see them coming and stay out of the way. Rod
  2. Gonna pick up Bill at 10:00 at 32nd st main gate and we will go for a ride. He can choose where to. The weather should be nice. Rod
  3. I would check out other bikes in the gallery and find one I liked. Lighter colors are easier to see, unusual colors get more attention. I look at bikes more than the color chips to get an idea of what will look good on the bike. Good luck Rod
  4. It is safe to wash. Avoid water hose pressure around the speakers, electronics and dash. Some water won't hurt anything but direct water pressure could cause problems. Rod
  5. rod


    When riding with a new group or a new person joining our ride, the ride captain is the one to lay out the road rules. If no prebrief I stay way in the back to study who ride like what. Know the route in case you get separated. Rod
  6. Voted in at 7:00 am out in 5 min. No lines at all yet. Rod
  7. For any one who gets to San Diego I have more than one bike and extra gear and access to helmets. If you want to get together for coffee or ride let me know. My schedule is flexible. We ride year round and have lots of great roads. Ride safe Rod
  8. I have a set a friend made me for a Christmas gift. 12ga lamp cord with clamps on the ends. They get used quite often. A few tips/facts: Most jumper cables are #10 wire. The reason they are so large is the insulation around the wire. The wire can get very hot when a large draw (cranking amps) is applied. Red is + and black is - (I know...but you might be surprised) Check the level of the battery acid before jumping (should be a regular maint. check). There is little danger damage jumping a bike from a car unless there is an electrical problem ie short on the bike. If a battery is dead let it charge for at least 5 min. before trying to start. If you have to jump a car with a bike there is a possibility of hurting the bikes electrical system. Use the bike to charge the car battery (20 min or more) rather than using the bike to do the work. If the vehicle turns over slowly stop trying! You can melt your wires. Let it charge longer (15-20 min). If you go 20 min and no go you have bigger problems and need to find the problem. Hope this helps Rod
  9. 2 friends and I gave the routes for Mad Maps in San Diego/So Cal area and got free copys of the maps that they had at the time. All of the routes thay have are good but there are much more to be found. I like the idea of a Venture routes. Rod
  10. If you have the time I do have more than one bike and we could get a ride in. I can come up with gear if you don't have yours. Let me know. Rod
  11. rod

    Do you....?

    I read yours and have a suggestion. Don't be so vague; and let people know how you really think..........ha ha. Come down to San Diego and I will show you the good roads the squids don't know. Rod
  12. Welcom to San Diego. Sent a PM. Are you the guy that brought the rain? If so thanks we need it. Rod
  13. Contact Bob Stark at Starklite. He is in Paris Ca just north of San Diego. He is the all knowing Oz of Indians. He has all the old tooling to make the parts and is world renowned as the #1 authority. I have taken a tour of his place a few times and even got to ride a couple of his restorations. If you need more info email me. Rod
  14. That is a great trip. I had 2 friends do that a few years ago, they took 4 weeks. When the time comes let me know. I can help you out in San Diego. Rod
  15. rod


    I had a XS1100 in class last week. The students 1st bike and he was the 3rd owner. It was in fantastic shape and he payed $1,700 for it. At the end of the day the battery was worn down and I push started it. I offered to take it off his hands but he declined . Rod
  16. I don't know about the 1st Gen mirrors but on a regular mirror I floated carb cleaner on it over night to soften the glue and pryed the mirror out. Rod
  17. I was just at the Dr. yesterday for an evaluation from an accident (Me 99 ranger him big dump truck) where I was rear ended. 5 bad disks, thank god for vicodine and flexaral. It is funny that the most comfortable ride I have for my back is the Venture. Getting on is hard but once on I'm OK. The back rest and floorboards give me lots of room to get comfortable. The back has made me drop the bike a couple of times but only when stopped. Good luck and take it easy. Broke down Rod
  18. How does he turn this thing!?! Rod http://www.fugly.com/media/IMAGES/Random/how_does_he_turn.jpg
  19. Check this out. http://www.hondanews.eu/en/index.pmode/modul%7Cdetail%7C0%7C1010,DEFAULT%7C21%7Ctext%7C1/index.pmode Rod
  20. Fork seals are not too hard to change. Look here http://viragotechforum.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2079 To make your seals last longer keep the bugs off the fork tubes. Email me if you need help. While you have it apart Progressive Springs are a geat upgrade, the bike will handle and ride so much better. Rod
  21. Yes it should bolt right on. I wanted to do the same thing but Rose said "NO WAY". Rod
  22. rod

    Bad drivers

    This is the type of drivers we have to deal with. http://view.break.com/584896 Rod
  23. With the bike running you should get +-14 volts. I would check the stator and look for pinched or broken wires. While electrical trouble shooting be systematic, start at the stator and work your way out. Good luck Rod
  24. I had my fuel display went out and I had it replaced under warranty. It reset everything as new. Rod
  25. A Guzzi!?! Hmm that would be different. Rod
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