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    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    vtx, rune, venture royal
  1. Thanks gary, thats the figure I am looking for, not what I wanted to see but it is better than my 4/5 volts. By the way I have good connections everywhere else, my battery voltage only drops about 1.5 = 11.5 volts do to starter draw. But what was killing me was the large drop at the coils and tci of 6/7 volts. Thanks again tom
  2. No randy, I get the low voltage whith out the tci conected, as well as the coils. That is why I am trying to get someone to see what the voltage is during cranking, I think my bike is crazzzzyyy! Thanks guys tom
  3. No gary, I need the voltage at the tci and the coils, all my oyher voltage is ok!!!! I also have high voltage at bat, fuse, ect. during cranking, but I am looking for a good bike volts just to make shore mine is wrong. There is nothing in any manual that shows me what I want to see. I have downloaded the manuals. Thanks tom I am going to rewire the coils and the tci recive 12 volts when cranking---- lets see if this puppy fires off this time!!!!!!!! Thanks for everbodys help---I am just about going bonkers:bang head:
  4. No guys , as I said the voltage is good 12volts----- but the power drops to 4/5 volts while cranking!!!! all the other votage is 12volts---- I am looking for some who has a good working system to tell me what voltage they read as it cranks. I can't seem to find what drops the voltage to 4/5 volts. Everything is working just like it should- (just to make a short story.) Thanks guys tom
  5. Hi everyone, I am looking for some who can do a voltage check on your tci---let me give what I need. I have an 84 venture, I have 12 volts going to the tci- at all the wires that are 12 volts---- Now what I would like some to do is, do a voltage reading at the 12 volt inputs with the key on,--- Now his what I need to know ---- when you hit the starter WHAT IS THE VOLTAGE READING? mine is droping to about 4/5 volts!!! but will not start. Now everything else is ok, in fact I do get a very weak spark out of the coils. My thought is that I should have 12 volts all the time-can't rember any thing that would drop that low just to start! Also the other parts of the system stays at 12 volts, I hope someone could do a test on their bike just to see if this is where my problem is. Thanks a million guys. tom ---cookieman
  6. Thanks all!!!!! GUESS WHAT this after noon went to move the bike and just for the hell of it, I turn on the key and hit the starter and SHAZAMMMM this GD bike kicked right over and purred like a kitten, (well I always said kittens make good target pratice NO JUST KIDDING) I couldn't beleve it. I did get to watch the voltage and didn't drop!!! I am still on the look out for the special relay tha has the chip in it. Thanks again. I live in the pittsburgh area, anyone going to johnstown thunder in the valley this year. I make there and used to spend the night at seven springs and come back sunday. I don't think I will be staying this year, because all the other guys now are taking their wives and getting kind of costly. tom
  7. Ok maybe I didn't get the detail right. 4 of july I ment the back firing, and caughing though the carbs. The red 12 volts drops to 3.68 during cranking, on all 12 volt power for the coils... and the power line for the rectifler, but the battery drops down about 1 or 1.5 volts during cranking!!!! Everthing with starting the bike goes down on voltage. The rear tail and brake light are not affected. Therefore with everthing else being good, I am wondering what is causing the voltage drop. I also get this drop with the plug in plugs out of the tci. When I say red-- I mean the main red wire that carries the 12 volts from the battery or the brown wire that comes off the rectifler, (which also drops to 3.68 volts during cranking). With the voltage droping this low I have never seen any eletronics work. At one time, I did not have any trouble starting and didn't have any problems ecept the carbs. I am think I have trouble in the one relay area called the central processing assembly, it's the one larger relay box with the chips in side. All the other stuff seams to check out. But who knows I could be wrong? Thanks guys let me know what you think tom
  8. Hi, maybe someone has an anser for me. I have an 84 venture that will not start!!! I repace the tci and it ran, I had to work on the carbs--- ok did get running, but I went to start it to finish setting the carbs and...... at one time it was like the 4 of july. Here's the stange thing I have 12 volts going in to the tci red wire just like should, but I start cranking and the voltage goes down to 3.68 volts on the red power line-powering the tci!!! I have checked all the ohm reading and they are ok, all the relays are working. I follow the diagram and it shows red line 12 volt all the way to the tci, I know the wiring route on the bike is noware near the drawing on the paper(I found that the stater wiring goes thourgh the turn signal relays and other things). I just can't get 12 volt's at the red power ine. Has anyone else had anything like this show up. Thanks any help would be appericated. tom
  9. Sent you a pm, looking for some parts. Thanks cookieman
  10. Hi bob, I don't know if you still have parts or not but I will ask. My name is tom, I go buy cookieman, and I just joined and just got my self a 1984 venture royale but I must find some parts. I need the computer, (tci, control mod.) and the crank senser for the first generation, 1984 year- I don't know how far in years I can go for parts being the same. If you or anyone else could help me out I would appreciate it. thanks tom
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