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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Port Alberni, Canada


  • City
    Port Alberni


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Enjoy bikes cars and geocaching
  • Bike Year and Model
    1996 Tour Classic
  1. I have had very good experiences with them and have made a few purchases from a final drive to some chrome doodads always deliver in reasonable time and price. Even allowed me to back out of an eBay purchase I did not need in the end with no penalty. I WILL do business with them again. Although the move story is pretty common.
  2. I paid $127.50 + shipping so yours would have been a better deal. If only I knew sooner.
  3. Thanks to everyone who supplied information. I was able to get a good deal from Pinwall Cycle on a used unit from a 2006 and it fits likea charm. Man it's good to be mobile again, all I need now is some sunshine, Hope I don't have to wait till spring.
  4. No, but thought since I was askin' anyways maybe there was a better deal out there. The one I have lined up is a couple hundred bucks plus shipping, a decent deal I think. Thanks for asking.
  5. Good to know I had considered the VMX conversion since I had to change it out any ways. My local dealer spooked me with talk of different splines so I wanted to make sure it would work. Once I get back on the road I may look more into the conversion as a winter project. PS any one with a "good deal" on a replacement rear end feel free to drop me line. Jim
  6. The input gear on my 1996 Tour classic has broken teeth. I have a line on a used unit from a 2003 but am unsure if it will work. Anyone with any advise? I need to commit to this one soon. Thanks for any thoughts. Jim
  7. Thanks Jack I will check that out.
  8. Budgetguy

    Bike pics

    My 1996 RSTC
  9. I recently aquired a 1996 RSTC and have a couple of questions. 1. Did the '96 RSTC come with the lower cowling? 2. Anyone know where I can aquire a set? Mine does not have them and I would like to add them. Any advise appreiciated, also I get quite a bit of wind noise and buffeting at highway speeds do the lower wind deflectors help with this? Jim
  10. I have recently purchaced a 1996 Tour Classic. How is this bike different than a Tour Deluxe??? Figured I should know.
  11. Thanks for the info guys, with your input I figured I just wasn't trying hard enough. Sure enough with a little more effort she finaly let go. Now I can get on to more important things.
  12. Greetings everyone. I am a new member with an embarrassing problem. I just recently acquired a 1996 Tour Classic. As the weather here in British Columbia is a little inclement for riding just yet I am tearing it down and giving it a general once over. My problem is I cannot get the wiring harness connector to the speedometer to come apart. I have tried depressing the tab, prying it but cannot get it to release. I have had problems opening connectors in the past but have always figured them out but this one is making me nuts. If someone could let me in on the trick before I snap and get out the side cutters I would be very grateful. Jim
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