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Everything posted by PastorPaul

  1. I don't care if you get here on roller skates. The first one here gets it. All I ask is that you do so safely.
  2. Everybody must be sick asleep or drunk.LOL Not one taker on this FREE backrest. Either that or the better halfs have them tied up.
  3. You have to hold your mouth just right and tilt your head to the correct angle. A few choice words help also. lol:rotfl:
  4. 3 weeks ago I felt like I was hit by a train. Now it is just a yugo.LOL:innocent-emoticon: I must say though Thank you to everybody for their prayers and well wishes. It was much appreciated. I am suprised that no body has jumped on this offer. It is a perfectly functional drivers back rest for an 83/84 venture. FREE to the first person that shows up on my door step to claim it. Ride safe,Ride Hard, and Ride blessed.
  5. I found this in my storage shed. It is the back rest off of my 83 venture that went to its well deserved rest. Now here is the deal. The first person that rides up to my door in Hephzibah GA gets it free. This is as good an excuse to go for a ride as I could come up with. Happy riding and hope to see someone soon. I will pm address and phone number to anyone who requests it. But you have to come and get it I will not ship as I want to meet the person who is getting the last piece of my baby.
  6. I don't care what you all say. The midnight ventures are so fast we are out running birds. Hence the increased bird strikes
  7. All it proves is that the midnight Ventures are the fastest bikes out there. They even out run the birds. Hence the bird strikes. I have had 3 myself this year and each time the bird just wasn't fast enough to get out of the way.
  8. I have put a nexum ct on my 2002 midnight venture. Now the fastest color is even faster. I have more grip on the road so the power is transfered more efficiently. Yes the Pastor rides the Darkside. As for the wife and I, I am 6'3" and 295 and my wife is 5'6" and 162. When we go on trips I would use half a saddlebag and she would fill the rest and complain that there was not enough room. Had to get a trailer to pull behind and am having Toni's makeup case printed on the back. :rotf:She probably will still complain there isn't enough room for everything she thinks she has to have. LOL
  9. My question is What was on the other side of the road that had his full attention? I hope she was as good looking as the post implies.That is the only thing I can think of that would have had his attention enough for him to stall it let alone lay it down.LOL:rotf:
  10. I know there is a lot of people out there that know how to drink crown royal. The problem is how many can do a valve job and adjust the floats. This comes from the pastor who has more thumbs than finger sometimes. PS I have to use the Columbus method of typing to. I have to find the key to land on it. LOL:innocent-emoticon:
  11. Thatb must be the cone heads bike from remulac.
  12. I changed over to iridium plugs last oil change. At 12,000 miles on the bike I an close to needing valves done and tdefinatly need the floats done. I wish there was some one in GA that knew what they were doing. Would be worth a bottle of Crown Royal to get the help.
  13. Guys I really appreciate the offers. Unfortunatly I am going to have to pass on this deal. The ministry has dedicated all the funds we have raised this year to the Boys and Girls home in NC. These funds will be given to the home on the Labor Day weekend. By the time we could raise some more funds this trailer will be long sold. Maybe next time we will be able to put something together. The link below is for the event. I have been asked to do the communion services and the prayer for our troops part of the national biker prayer. Hope some of you riders can make it. Until then Ride Hard, Ride Safe, and Ride Blessed. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39803]3rd Annual East Coast Christian Motorcycle Event - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  14. I am interested in the bike trailer. Problem would be how to get it to GA. Our ministry has been looking for something like that
  15. Pictures and instructions please
  16. We took a wire wheel on a drill and cleaned up the bead area on the wheel all the way around. The wheel felt sticky before we did it and was clean and slick afterwards. We lubed the beads real good after letting the tire sit in the sun awhile. It seated at 78lbs. I took t 3ft pieces of 4x4 and stood them upwith some 2x4's nailed on the bottom to hold them upright. 2 nails in the top of each just wide enough to sit the axle between made an old fashioned balencer. I cheated and put 3 oz of dyna beads in and mounted the tire. If your bearings are good this should work to balence the tire. Below is a good link on changing a motorcycle tire using homemade equip. http://www.clarity.net/~adam/tire-changing.html Ride safe, Ride Hard, and ride Blessed.
  17. I now have 3500+ on my nexum. My wife and I love it. I drug my floor board for the first time a few weeks ago. Didn't realize I was leaned over that far. Before the rear would feel like it was going to slide out from under me a lot sooner. Now it feels glued to the road. I would not go back unless the insurance co. makes me. It took 78 Lbs to seat when I had it mounted. A little tire shop in Hephzibah, GA mounted it for $15.00. All I had to do was pull the wheel and take the wheel and tire to them. Have 3oz of dyna beads in it and have it inflated to 36lbs.
  18. I wonder how well this would work with the RSV. http://undertakermts.com/ Does anyone have one?
  19. Does anybody know if this Harbor Freight trailer will handle a 2nd Gen bike? http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=65890
  20. In 1981 I was stationed at Ft Huachuca AZ. I was riding a Honda cb750k at the time. I was behind a 2 1/2 ton truck which hit a skunk with the front wheels and then the rear wheels lofted it's smelly carcas high into the air where it came to rest in my lap. Needless to say my wife made me strip on the carport and even after the tomato juice bath I still had to sleep in the tent in the yard.LOL:Avatars_Gee_George: Never did get all the stench out of the seat . Would reactivate every time it rained. Gave the bike to my brother in law. He replaced the seat after the first rain.
  21. A tooth brush works fine with a good tasting tooth paste. Use a tooth pick to get the hard to get pieces out from between. on the bike I us dawn and let it soak for 3 or 4 min. works fine and then use the dryer cloths on the hard to remove stuff
  22. I have a second Gen Bike. The right front rotor is warped as I get a vibration when I use the front hand brake. I verified this by lifting the bike up and spinning the front tire. The rotor can be heard rubbing the brake pads at one area. Now for the question. I s there a way of unwarping the rotor or do you have to replace it? If it has to be replaced where is the best place to get one? And yes my wife says I am definatly warped. She says I landed on my head one to many times when I was still on active duty. AIRBORNE ALL the WAY:2133:
  23. When I read this thread for the first time I thought they were talking about something else. Then I thought the next thing you would see here was talk about the loose screw:sign just kidding: on the seat. LOL I guess I needed to slow down and read better BTW I am ordering one of the plug kits looks good.
  24. Does anybody know thw size of the nut that hold the seat on on the second Gen
  25. Where did you buy the tubes and rubber plugs at?
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