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Everything posted by PastorPaul

  1. Terry, I need my bike back before the 30th
  2. Bring your flags and lets ride.
  3. Terry Look at it this way. 1st you looked good on the second Gen. But then again a Midnight special makes anybody look good. 2nd You don't have to worry about hitting a bump and having large pieces of plastic falling off like a lot of 1st gens do. And third you really are a great friend and Toni and I are very grateful for your friendship. Hopefully one of these days we will get to meet your better half. Ride safe, ride hard, and ride blessed.
  4. First of all I want to thank everybody for thier prayers and help during this time. I ended up having 4 surgerys in as many weeks. Terry has been calling Toni to check on me and to see if she needed anything. Terry is a great friend to have and Toni and I really are greatful for his friendship. Last but not least I want to thank Rick and Peggy for thier freindship. They really went out of their way to help and Toni and I cann't thank them enough. Sorry Terry I have to let the cat out of the bag. Not only is he riding a second Gen , He is riding on the darkside. You go Terry!.:whistling:
  5. It usually works out to 6 cookies to the glass for me.
  6. Recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies from the USS Yorktown. Ingredients 112 LBs of Chocolate Chips 165 LBs of flour 500 Eggs 100 LBs of Granulated Sugar 87 Lbs of shortening 75 LBs of brown sugar 12 LBs of butter 3 LBS of Salt 3 cups of vanilla extract 1QT water 1.5 LBs baking soda Makes 10,000 cookies
  7. I would have to say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"
  8. I don't drive a car. I drive a 2001 F-350 Dually. Both goose neck ball in the bed and 5th wheel hitch. My other half drives a F-150 crew cab. If I could afford it I would drive a tank.
  9. Hey Annie. Get yourself a battery powered TV. Hook it up to your new built in antenna and you will have entertainment all the time. LOL Seriously welcome back and get well soon.
  10. I still have the back rest. Wife put it back away and I forgot to get it back out Sat. Maybe we can set up a relay to get it to breeze in Dallas.
  11. At the International Motorcycle show this weekend in Greeville They had a pink and Silver on just for the ladies. It was even automatic. No gears to shift. My wife wants one now. I wouldn't be caught dead on a pink one. That is why she wants it
  12. You might want to buy a Sherman Tank. At least that way the only thing damaged is the paint. LOL:crackup:
  13. Diamond R's web site is down. Does anybody know when it will be up?
  14. If my wife caught me with something like that on the rear of my bike you all would be getting a funeral invitation. Mine lol
  15. I second this. It would do her a world of good to get cards from us.
  16. Annie, The next time you kick the other half in the butt use the other leg and make sure you don't accidently get them in the head. LOL Seriously Get well soon and kneemail being sent up for a speedy recovery and a complete healing.
  17. I got a new Utopia drivers back rest for the bike and a carbon1 maint. stand.
  18. Pictures, We need pictures!!
  19. Check and make sure the carb heaters haven't been disconnected.
  20. UHHH Picture 9 shows a thong and don't deny it pictures don't lie. I just want to know who was brave enought to pull it up that high.:sign woo hoo:
  21. Is that an orange thong that he is wearing? Please tell me it isn't so. I will have to wash my eyes out with soap!
  22. Actually we put her up there so we wouldn't step on her. My foot is bigger than she is. It was a great M&E and Toni and I really enjoyed meeting you all. The Door is always open here in Hephzibah If you are comming this way.
  23. bump
  24. Till I had the medical problem 3 months ago and Haven't ridden since then I had put 13,268 on my rsmv.
  25. My wife and I will be there. we will be caging it so somebody needsto lead from Augusta. My loving wife took my keys and hid them as the doctor said no bike till after 1Jan. Oh well I still love her no matter what. Besides payback can be fun and sooner or later I will get my turn.
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