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Everything posted by PastorPaul

  1. Oh That is an easy one . It is a tool for the rider to user when he has a max pucker factor attack.:cool10::rotf:
  2. Hey Habib, Happy Birthday. Hope you get some to night. That is cake I am talking about get your mind out of the gutter. LOL:no-no-no:
  3. Just found this on the web. Must have been taken in KY.
  4. Does that mean you will have to deal with Max and 99.LOL Congrats:080402gudl_prv:
  5. A friend of mine has a 1996 Kaw 800 Vulcan. Does anybody know what size CT his bike would use?
  6. I am running a car tire. 8000 and it still looks new.
  7. Just back up to a mirror and look over your shoulder. LOL :rotf::whistling:I meant to say a double wide trailer.
  8. I heard that most of them have graduated to the air guitar. It has been said it was easier to play after a few brews.
  9. Oh you poor babies. We in Ga will ride a few extra mile for you guys, It is sunny and nice. TIME TO RIDE!
  10. Pictures , where are the pictures?
  11. These have to be somebodies.
  12. Anybody we know?
  13. Now I know why I found thedog in the bed and my pillow and blanket in the dog house.
  14. Bump maing it easy for Blackjack to find
  15. I thought it was eat more beans for more gas!
  16. Hmmm I wonder. Blackjack doesn't live far from a Wally World and he keeps alluding to a new bike. HHMMMM.......
  17. OK fess up! Who's is it?
  18. Knee mail sent for your friend and his family.
  19. The dumbest thing I have done recently is I backed the bike into the yard. Not realizing that a neighborhood dog had crapped in the yard right where I put my left foot down to stabilize the bike. Let me tell you fresh dog crap is slick as ice. the bike went down with me rolling in the yard and finding another pile from same dog. Dog no longer resides in my neighborhood thanks to the dog catcher. Had a lapse of judgment and said a few choice words at which time my neighbor who was laughing histerically reminded me I was a pastor.
  20. I know!!! Its the pilsbury dough boys older brother!!:pushups::rotfl:
  21. I know Black Jack but I think that might be Achmed the dead terrerist before he blew himself up.lol:fatsmiley:
  22. Annie, The door is always open if you get to the Augusta, Ga area. Wew even have a place for you guys to stay and It won't cost you a thing. I know my wife will feed you some of that good home cooking that she does so well. I have gained 80 lbs since we got married on it. Only been married 9 yrs.
  23. You would probably smell to!
  24. OK whats the trick to getting the bottom radiator hose loose on a 2002 RSV. There is no room to get my fat hand in to work on it.
  25. Nope rocked in the spirit
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