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Everything posted by gscbertrand

  1. That's ok because I don't have room for the missle.
  2. Hey Earl how much for that front end?
  3. I had to drill a bolt out of the end of a crank shaft on a 1980 KZ 1300 b2. I first used my dremel and different grinding shapes to make a concave face on the broken end then pilot drill then a drii that left the thread 1mm. thick.
  4. Where do go for that?
  5. Cut a slot and use an impact driver and a 1lb. hammer. good luck.
  6. We woke up to 2 inches of that white stuff yesterday. Most of it has melted today but it is stiil only 5 degrees above freezing today. I'm not ready!
  7. How are old are your fork seals air and oil? Have you listend for an air leak?
  8. I would check the grounds as well, because they will fault all the rest of the systems.
  9. You can try putting sea foam through your system and see if that cleans up your sticky float. The float bowls are undr the carbs themselves.
  10. There is a used TCI on e-bay at the bottom of the home page 0 bids first bidd $135.00
  11. I purchased my 84 over the phone then took 2 years to get it on the road. The first year I had drained the rear end then put the plug on so I wouldn't get dirt in there. I finally finished the paint job and finished the build on the bike. I was soooo excited to go for my first ride that I jumped on it and took it to our perimiter highway. At 60 mph the rear end heated up and locked the rear wheel. All I could think of was my new paint getting all scratched up in the crash. I managed to steer of the road and called a tow truck. With some old parts from another rear end I rbuilt mine and went to Yellostone for my first ride. Everything has worked well since then.
  12. Check the E-Bay ads at the bottom of the home page here. I just missed a pair of rear signal lights for $3.50 USD.
  13. I haven't been on the site for a few days but have just sent the money via pay pal to your address. Sorry if by being late I've caused you any difficulties. Thanks for all your work getting this gb together.
  14. How much fuel are you putting in at each fill? The gas float can be removed and calibrated to read a little more accuratly. The proceedure is in the workshop manual.
  15. It could be steering stem bearings, wheel bearins, front tire not balanced, or improper fluid amounts in the front forks. I just changed all of the above in a 1982 XJ1100 Maxim, lots of fun.
  16. I would like 1 as well. Paypal also works for me.....most of the time anyway.
  17. I bought a new set from yamaha about 5 seasons back when I put on the new paint, they looked great, until the first scratch.
  18. I dont know if the kenda tires down south are the same as the ones they sell locally but the only time iI rode with 1 it was the sliperiest tire ever in the rain. I sure hope they are not the same for you. Good luck and please keep all informed how they work for you.
  19. I got some from a local electronics supply store for $1.49 @ made by GC electronics part # pts45sl43p. Hope this helps also.
  20. There has to be vacum on #3. Check compression on all the cylinders and don't forget to turn the throttle all the way open. If there is no vacum; have you tried a different hose from the carbtune tool? A leak down test is needed to find a compresion leak. Bent or stuck valve or spring or broken ring?
  21. I just looked at some 81 Wings on the web and found most of them were selling for 3000.00 or more. Good score my friend, fix it and enjoy. The carbs are not that hard to get off but the cables can be a bi**h to get off. Try to push all the wires as far up as you can and a second pair of hands help alot too then lift up the carb bodies and remove to the left side of the bike. I would also recommened a full cable changes. They have been known to break far from home. If I remember correctly you have to seperate the air box and then replace all the little rubber bits that are there to get the carbs broke down for cleaning. Motorcycle repairs was my business and is now my hobby so when it comes to things that are harder I have fun. Hope you enjoy the rebuild as I would. Lucky dog.
  22. When the bike is running will it accelerate at all and if it does do the 2 "bad" cylinders fire up ? May be the pilot jets are still dirty ? Have you tried the sea foam treatment? How are your fuel lines? Any kinks?...
  23. I've used 1 in my previos bike a CB900F Honda and installed 1 in my Venture . I have never had any problems with either bike. The 1 I have shows blue to oncoming traffic and is easier on the eyes than a white 1.
  24. Try the famous sea foam in the tank make sure you take the beast out for a ride as the gas tank flows into a smaller tank before it gets to the carbs. There are small screws in the intake manifolds that you remove then put addapters in the holes for synching.
  25. Have you checked the ground to your frame and engine?
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