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Everything posted by Pam

  1. I would have loved to have made the trip but as I was sayin earlier not quite etired yet. As for Owl's absence in any Pic's .......a wise old guy said to me once "Its a dam poor out fit if they can't afford at least one foreman".......He had been a fore mand on a highway maintance crew for years. Can't wait until September
  2. Great looking machine Tom, look forward to seeing it close up next summer some where. I hear you when you say you don't want to be stuck some where looking for a part. Say hi to Terry, from Pinky and I and take :stickinouttounge:care
  3. going to try one last ride today for that very reason It is dark so soon in the evening and not light until almost 9:00 am. Those big bucks are thinkin with the little head instead of the big head
  4. Another shot at the pic's:fingers-crossed-emo
  5. When my 2nd gear was leaving it would jump in and out of gear. Going to try to attach a pic of the punch markic's didn't upload
  6. Would love to lend a hand but not quite retired yet, and that nasty paper on the wall says it is my turn to work.
  7. Ask for the 10 months, Can't hurt. I am back for my second shift after bing off for about 2 months for a pinched nerve in my back. Funny thing....I never really missed work. 6 months until I retire
  8. Had the same thing on my 83, the springs were squashed out pretty bad, put in a set of progresive and had no issues since
  9. Had a brother in law who was just about how you are describing things. They treated him for high blood preasure for years until he went to a new Dr. Turns out he had a condition where his body would make to much blood. when he was getting full he was very slow and sleepy, and puffy. He could fall asleep in mid sentence. When he got feeling bad he would go in and they would draw off a couple of pints and he was good for a while.They treated him for the blood preasure to long and ruined his liver, and he passed away. Glad your are getting it looked after cause it doesn't sound like it will get better on its own.
  10. Rick Good to hear your on the mend. Pinky was having trouble a few years ago and they couldn't find anything wrong until she had a gal bladder attack on the ultrsound table. They checked further and she had a twisted intestine. Off to the surgon and they cut about two feet of intestine out to get rid of the loop and took her gal bladder too. Now she is good to go, except she says if she eats to much fatty or fast food she suffers a bit. Other than that she is good to go.
  11. Thanks also guys, last filter I bought for my wing was at a dealer for $25.00. Won't be doing that again. frank
  12. 83 with 61000 frank
  13. A few months ago I posted that I was having carb issues with my 83. With lots of encouragment from you folks and some very good pic's that Dingy supplied I tackled a carb clean. Turns out the worst part of the job was the throtle linkages. I went through each carb one at a time that way I always had three to look at if I had a part left over. Turns out most of my jets were either plugged or partly plugged. She started right up, and almost with no choke. Every thing seemed good on the center stand. I put a license plate and insurance on it yeasterday. Again she started with very minimal choke, and off I went. SHe had a bit of a stumble at around 3 thousand RPM but would work through it to the point of hang on were going some where in a hurry. I dumped some injector cleaner in this morning and again she started with little choke. ( temp's low 50's) I used injector cleaner because I had no sea foam. I went for about a 45 mile ride. She seems to have worked the stumble out and is working great. Thanks for all the help and Dingy for the Pic's. I am going to try to attach a couple of pic;s of the junk that was in the carbs and jets. Tahnks again Frank
  14. Missed you when we left PIP, You and Becky ride easy and be safe. Frank/Pinky
  15. Pinky and I landed at home last night just before dark. Ran in a little rain the first day but nothing to get concerned about. Thanks to all involved in putting this event on. Met lots of good folks who's name I can't hardly remember and if I can remember the name , can't put a face to it. You know it was a good weekend when your motel bill for a single night is more than your entire gas bill. Take care all ....same time next year. frank
  16. Headin out in the morning. looks like we will be under the clouds but as we get further south it should clear up. Should bein some time in the afternoon.frank
  17. Just got the time off so we are going to try to find our way down, Looking forward to it 1st time to an event. frank
  18. Turn the fuel off at the pet cock on the right side of the bike behind the side covor. Go to the other side of the bike and pull the side covor and take the inlet hose off the fuel pump.(bottom hose I think) Then use another small hose and attach it to the inlet of the fuel pump and put the other end in a can of sea foam and start the engine. The fuel pump will suck the sea faom right out of the can and into the carbs. Let the bike run until it starts to run really bad. Turn the bike off and let it saok for a while. The bike will not run on sea foam, and will be hard to restart with the sea foam in the carbs, when it does restate it will smoke burp fart, You will think your engine is shot. good luck Keep us in the loop on this frank
  19. I have the same issues and symptoms, but have been procrastinating on pulling the carbs, They scare me, I have had ski doo carbs apart many many times and cleaned jets but never bike carbs. I have them in a seafoam soak for about 3 weeks now, I have read everything I can find to read on these carbs. On my next days off I am going to have to get at it. No more excuses got the timing chain changed in the old dodge and it lives again so the bike is next. Any one got any tips on things to watch out for frank
  20. Pam

    Pick up Coils

    Thanks Boys, I was leaning towards carbs but they scare me. I have never had a bike carb apart. If it were a skidoo no problem. I will reconfirm the conection and check out the carbs. It might take a few days because company is coming and you know how it is. I will let you guys know Ait filter is just over a year old too thanks frank
  21. Will the bike run if the pick up coils a are shot. My 83 will idle fine but will not pull. I followed the test procedure in the tech article and got no readings on the 6 pin connector other than the ground. (Probobly doing something wrong) The 8 pin checked out fine. All 4 cyl are firing, carb sync new fuel fileter about 2 cans of sea foam. Fuel pump will fill a cup in seconds. Cleaned the connector on the side of the frame for the pick up coils. When I kick it off the center stand and try to pull away it dies and the choke will save it from stalling. If it does stall starts right back up. Any sugestions would be much appreciated frank:confused:
  22. And the sad thing is there is nothing any one can do about it. Mother nature rules the roost frank
  23. OK guys here is where I am at. Didn't make it to the run way (rain rain and more rain) But I had to move the bike today because I hade to get the wife's camaro out for the summer. She started, ran at idle warmed up would hold rpm on the center stand. Popped out of one pipe for a bit but smoothened out. Brought her to the ground and she would hardly pull herself. Got out onto the lawn and didn't think I would get back. Then she would pick up and want to go. I took the fuel line off the tank and put a short line on and ran it for a few second to check the output of the fuel pump. The pump filled a 12 oz pickel jar at about 1500 rpm in about 5 seconds. Then I put the tank (inlet) hose in a can of sea foam and ran it at about 3000 rpm until just before she stalled out. That is where she sits tonight. My thinking was that the sea foam would be going into the jet above the idle jets (hi speed jets) Any suggestions would be really appreciated. I am afraid of pulling the carbs, they scare me. If it was a car or snowmobile I would have no issues with pulling the carbs. Any thoughts please frank
  24. Lookin like a good time..Maybe some day
  25. I chuckled:rotf:
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