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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. Happy Anniversary !!!!
  2. Thanks for sharing these memories Ray.
  3. When I see a tire with more wear in the center than the edges, I'm tempted to drop the air pressure a few pounds, or vice-versa. Does anyone else do this?
  4. Alright. we have our first member with a 2011. I'm not aware of anyone doing a Vmax'd 2nd gen, although there have been a few 1st gens. Apparently there is a big bore kit, although, again, I'm not aware of anyone here running with one. I'm sure you'll have a few people who have talked about doing that, or have done perf mods chip in.
  5. welcome. these are great bikes. We're having our International Venture Rider rally in Cody Wyoming at the end of July, so join us if you can.
  6. looking forward to the pics Spear. It sounds like another good trip. getting to be the season for longish trips here in the States.
  7. Saudi Arabia just lowered production. AFter all, how much oil can their camels drink ?
  8. its just that when you've seen it all some things ain't worth remembering....
  9. I suspect as an aero engineer, you already know the answer..
  10. Ken Veit is a locksmith.
  11. We had the VR International rally at the Hub 2 years ago. I cut my teeth riding motorcycles in south central Missouri, going to college at Rolla and my Grandparents and parents retired to Mtn. Home AR. Beautiful country. Winters can be brisk compared to Georgia, so I think I'll stay put here.
  12. this won't be any fun for taking a date to the drive-in.
  13. I really miss the switch adjustable windshield that my BMW K1100 had. It was very nice. Could run it all the way down to get some wind on my face, or all the way up for maximum rain protection. Or half-way if there was fog and I needed to look over the top of it.
  14. I take the windshield off my RSTD for warm weather day trips. I didn't own a motorcycle with windshield until 10 years ago. But now protection from constant wind and occassional rain makes the long trips more enjoyable. I'm soft, I know. I like the shield up on my full face helmet, but if my eyes water, then can flip it down.
  15. Was this mis-match obvious before pouring 3.5 quarts of oil thru it?
  16. I weigh gun powder when reloading
  17. one man's pig is another man's fresh sausage....
  18. I think if you have a disabled permit with the blue wheelchair symbol on it displayed, even one from Australia, that it will be honored everywhere. Although a disabled permit on a motorcycle will get looked at twice I expect... btw, I see cars with out of state plates on them and blue stickers using the handicapped parking. I don't think US drivers have to get a special permit for every state they visit. if thats the law, it doesn't seem to be enforced anywhere. A LEO may want to comment on what I said which is just my observation.
  19. good news. hopefully the migraine can be easily dealt with.
  20. must have been Charlie. He's being too quiet, which is suspicious.
  21. http://randyrick.us/img/BirthdayCake.gif
  22. nice catch. and nice stable you have. I set out to buy a Motoguzzi a while back and then ultimately bought my first Royal Star.
  23. If only 1 bad cylinder, I may have taken it out for a run anyway to see if it shook loose after a few minutes/hours and a liberal dose of seafoam.
  24. Thought we were going to have to send a squad of snowmobiles in to find you... . Glad you made it thru ok.
  25. Maintenance Day at Freebird's
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