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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. very few 99 and up RSV/RSTD riders get 44mpg except under very controlled easy rides.
  2. I recently had Partshark send me the wrong part too. It was in a bag with the right part number, but clearly the wrong part. It was for my Triumph, and they got it from their Triumph supplier that way and obviously no one knowledgable at either place looked at the part.
  3. sounds like fun. post progress as you go.
  4. no, blue is faster.....
  5. RandyR

    #1 again

    I doubt that.
  6. good luck with this, and heal fast.
  7. RandyR

    long rides?

    not a problem. check the pictures in past rallies of riders and where they came from.
  8. prayers sent for the family ride on brother.
  9. The Radio Shack cleaner/lube worked well for my sticking lock.
  10. RandyR


    caddis hatch.... !!!!! Time to go catch some BIG trout which will be going berserk....
  11. I ride an 08 RSTD. If you look around you can find a NEW old stock 0 miles RSTD for about the price you quoted. That means the 5 year warranty starts at purchase. The best in the business. here's my take on it. The seat is as comfortable as any of the dozen or so stock motorcycle seats I've owned over 40 years of riding. yes it can be improved and customized. Actually its a pretty good stock seat. The stock tires likewise can be improved upon, but generally you can wait until they are worn out thru riding. I did, and unless you're pushing the bike to the limit in twisties they're ok. btw, this is an 800+ lb motorcycle and I think riding it like a 400 lb bike is an accident waiting to happen. If you ride 2 up with 500lbs of rider & passenger expect to replace the rear shock at 40,000 miles. I don't think levelling links are needed. The slightly narrower 130 front tire does improve handling though. gear box whine. yep. But most motorcycles have whine of some kind. Probably not significantly worse than your VTX. probably not as quiet as a Honda ST or BMW K. The bike is relatively easy to work on. Everything you need to know is posted here in this forum somewhere. But if treated well, the norm is that major failures on the RSTD are very rare.
  12. Which one has the grass cutting attachment?
  13. I like it.... It would be interesting to know how much the seat height may have been be lowered.
  14. I don't think this is the first time someone has burned a clutch on the RSV doing the MSF course is it?
  15. I'm in Dahlonega, GA about 45 miles due west of Clarkesville. There are LOTS of very good roads in the area, particularly north and west of Clarkesville. A good loop would take you north to Moccasin Creek State Park, then Unicoi State park, Brasstown Bald and Richard-Russell Parkway, GA 160 to Suches, and lots of ways to go from there. Give me a shout when you know your schedule, and we can ride together a day.
  16. Sounds like your carbs are set up the way they should be. ride it.
  17. The Corps of Eng is going to open the Morganza spillway to divert floodwaters from the Mississippi west of Baton Rouge and New Orleans starting this afternoon. A quick check of LA DOT conditions shows many roads closed already due to flooding. Travelling on I10 may become iffy as the waters rise west of New Orleans towards Lafayette.
  18. wierd. Never seen pie with pickles on it like that before. Must be a Texas thing?
  19. any day now !!!!
  20. Last year I test rode three Triumph Bonneville models one day. America, SE, and T100. I prefered the SE because it felt nimbler. The America had a more comfortable cruiser style seat, but I wasn't looking for a long range MC, having both my Venture and RSTD. If I had the money to spend, I would buy an SE for the above reasons, which may not be yours. Triumph has a demo truck which sets up at various dealers and MC shows, check the Triumph web site for where the truck will be for an actual ride.
  21. I rode my 65 Honda 305 Superhawk from St. Louis to Temple TX in 1968. Headed for Ft. Hood which was only another 40 miles. I was so tired I almost fell over and couldn't make it the last hour ride that night.
  22. sick.....
  23. I just talked to Ray again. Nothing new on the DOT maps. Some fog around Poplar Bluff, but hopefully that will burn off by the time he gets there. Flood warnings for the St. Francis River which he has to cross, but US 60 looks open.
  24. Thankyou for contributing to the programmer's beer fund....
  25. bite him.....
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