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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. I'm home in Georgia. Logged 4700 miles since leaving. The venture ran like a champ. Missed a turnoff going accross the badlands after leaving Mt Rushmore on Saturday and wound up on a 20-30 mile stretch of construction where the road was dirt and sand and gravel and heavily rutted crossing the Pine Ridge Indian reservation. Maybe the worst long road I've ever had the misfortune of travelling. I survived, but came close to a wipe out a couple of times. I'm glad I went to the Lttle Bighorn on Friday. The trip accross the Bighorn Mountains on hwy 14 was one of the most memorable scenic rides. And the Little Bighorn historic park was better than I had been led to believe. There was a VR mini rally at Crazy Horse on Saturday. At least 3 Ventures in the parking lot. Wrongways, mine, and a Midnight with Canadian plates.
  2. Am just west of St. Louis for a break stop and sandwich. Have a motel reservation in southern Illinois tonight about 3 more hours ride ahead. It was another scorcher today riding accross Kansas and MO.
  3. It was a great time. Looking forward to some of your Venturerider brew at the next international rally.
  4. Tom, Great seeing you again. And Thanks for the Shiner beer. I should be home Monday evening. Am in central NE right now.
  5. Good to meet you two. It was good riding with you. And thanks for all the help you and Graderman and Lorrie provided when I got that flat tire in Casper last Sunday. Got to see Crazy Horse and Mt Rushmore yesterday and rode thru the Badlands on my way out of SD. Am in Broken Bow NE now getting ready to hit the road for Georgia.
  6. ok. tty
  7. I'll try to be there.
  8. I'm about 80 miles north in Belle Fourche SD. Went to Little Big Horn today and had a great ride accross the Big Horn mountains on hwy 14. D**n near tboned a young antelope on US212. Wally, I'm probably too far away to make it to Custer by 7:30am. If your plans change to a later time in the morning, I could get there.
  9. Picked up a bent over nail in Casper WY. I'm with Phoneman1981 and graderman and friends. Put a plug in but still have a slow leak. The good news is I'm with friends. Yamaha dealer here is closed Monday. The good news is I made to an airconditioned MacDonalds on the plug. Going to try to replug it and make it to Cody. Thats 200 miles. Friesman1 (Brian Fries) and Camos (Clive) and I are sharing a cabin at Ponderosa. Take the cabin if I'm late. I'll send email to Ponderosa.
  10. Many thanks to Phoneman1981 Mark and his lovely wife Lee for their hospitality. Scotts Bluff is a lovely small city. Off to Cody this morning.
  11. Well. Back from my test ride. Runs like a champ up to 75mph. Accelerates and stops ok, so I guess I got it back together right. Just need to put the bags back on and clean it up a bit. Will head for Kentucky in about 3 hours, first stop on the way to Cody.
  12. I still have the rear wheel off my RSV. It took me 2 days to get the drive shaft back in the yoke after pulling it for inspection and lube after having a new tire installed. Finally a friend came over and helped and we got it done in about 4-5 more tries. I want to do a good test ride locally before taking off for Cody. I'm planning on leaving early this evening and doing about 250 miles. The heat wave is in front of me.
  13. depends on HOW many shims total that is. New shims are selling for $7-$8 each. By kit should be 1/2 that per shim. Its low probability you'll need any smaller than 2.60mm or larger than 2.80mm for our engines.
  14. good luck Gary. see you at MD next year on your Venturemax
  15. They are the same parts as for the 1999-2011 Venture, so perhaps someone who has done a trike conversion will have them.
  16. makes me hungry for key lime pie.
  17. I'll pick a large bottle of TUMS for the table.
  18. If you do that, your bike will be apart for a week or more, rather than 1 day. There are a couple of shim + tool kits floating around where you should be able to get it done in 1 shot and then replace any short shims in the kit after the fact. I have one, skydoc_17 has one if you buy your gaskets from him. The carbs do not have to come off, but its easier to work on if they are off. And you could work them over if you want to.
  19. never heard this before. And have never done anything like the technique refered to reinstall the axle. Its not in the maintenance guide. Sounds strange to me.
  20. My belief is that Yamaha gives pressures for the OEM tires. Since not all tires are constructed the same, have exactly the same shape or tread pattern, or load rating, then it makes sense to me that different pressures per tire manuf is reasonable. I do think running a few pounds under max pressure is the right thing to do in extreme heat. I also think that the Venture when fully loaded, 2 up, with a trailer is likely to be at or over the load ratings.
  21. RandyR


    good dogs live in our hearts forever
  22. so thats what a 1st gen engine looks like with the plastic removed?
  23. waiting to see that first pic of both you an Al on your bikes.
  24. don't drink that brown stuff in the tincan again.
  25. Don't drink all the beer before we get there...
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