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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. no proof ? There was a witness, you. Thats what most cases are decided by isn't it? And the Officer, camera or no camera, was also a witness. Thats 2 witnesses.
  2. its ok. Just expand it and its readable
  3. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Vogel%202011%20RandyR%20Day3%20The%20Dragon/ More Pics. Day 3 Vogel to Dragon via Cherahola Skyway and back via US 129.
  4. Before leaving on the Dragon ride this morning we had a group prayer for David's recovery and for Cathy and Shannon.
  5. prayers go out for Eileen and her family.
  6. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Vogel%202011%20RandyR%20Day1/ Had a great ride from Vogel to Fatz Cafe in Blairsville for dinner tonight. And some good conversation with friends old and new.
  7. I'm leaving to goto Vogel which is 30 minutes from my home. I'll update everyone there w ith the latest good news about the improvements David has made. And make sure you give Kathy and Shannon at least 100 hugs from all of us.
  8. Had a friend with a Vmax. I read up on it a little and liked the engineering. Then discovered the same basic engine could be had in a cruiser/tourer. I wanted a reliable bike for a cross-country trip.
  9. A great percentage (I almost said majority) of US citizens are very non-aware when it comes to international-anything. So they just avoid it.
  10. For whatever its worth, I've probably shipped several dozen items internationally from the USA using USPS, and in the big scheme of things it is no more hassle than shipping in the USA. One minute to fill out a customs form, is a 'drop in the bucket' after spending time a) listing an item, b)taking money, c)corresponding with a buyer, d)boxing the item, and e)going to the Post Office. Paypal makes it easy, but there is a currency conversion charge that a seller may want to add. But paypal does say its against their rules to charge back paypal fees. Sometimes I've done that and sometimes not. For expensive items I've used SWIFT international bank transfer, but my bank does charge a $16US fee for an incoming SWIFT transfer and frequently I get a few dollars less than agreed on due to the US dollar going down in the 2-3 days it takes for my bank to post the transaction. The best way to take money internationally for a US seller is to be paid in a money order drawn in US dollars, or Federal Express traveller checks. But one has to be cautious of bogus check scams, which abound. ie: I won't ship an item until the funds clear.
  11. Lewis. I'll check at home for updates before riding to Vogel each day.
  12. I wonder how much throttle he had left?
  13. There is no way into Vogel that doesn't have some sharp curves in it. US 129 runs from Cleveland, GA to Vogel. 19 merges in north of Dahlonega, but its still 129. Just take it SLOW
  14. Squid, Do we know no other vehicles were involved? ie that it wasn't a hit & run driver or someone Ponch swerved to avoid who just drove away? Witnesses? seems to be a lot of that going on, is why I ask. More prayers sent for David and Kathy.
  15. The weather report is good. Day temps in the mid 80's, 60's at night. Low probability of scattered rain.
  16. there's normally no reason to replace the pads if there's pad left and they aren't damaged, unless you're going a cross country trip. pads can be inspected without removing anything. a dental mirror is helpful however. They can be removed from the disks and cleaned with brake cleaner and toothbrush. Cleaning the pistons might be a good idea every couple of years or when changing pads. I just put brake quiet on the back of my MM rear pads after rotating them. Brake quiet is actually a rubber compound. Seems to work.
  17. police don't want to go to court to lose. Too many of those and they'll be assigned to school crossing guard.
  18. That means there isn't a motorcycle specific law.
  19. If you are on a MC in an intersection, and the light doesn't change, then it is a DEFECTIVE light. Procede per your state's law when a traffic light is malfunctioning, because that is what it is.
  20. I'll give this thread 45 minutes lifespan....
  21. a great trip.
  22. Thanks Squid for the positive news from the hospital. I've searched Houston News and haven't found anything yet about a MC crash today.
  23. prayers sent. thanks for keeping us updated.
  24. The early Royal Stars from 1996-2000 had a lower HP engine. the RSTDs from 2005-2009 had exactly the same engine and frame as the 2nd gen Venture (RSV).
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