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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. Beautiful !!!!
  2. 19x14.5x10 = 2755 cubic inches = 47.7 liquid quarts = 12 gallons I'm thinking about adding some ammo cans to the sides of my Suzuki DR200. But I would use cans about 4 gallons each which I have. http://randyrick.us/motorcycles/Suzuki/2009_0724Dr200inMud0004sm.JPG
  3. if you're not riding it, then why pay for insurance, which most states require.
  4. There's a glacier high in the Stubaital that one can ski year round. Its in Austria, south of Innsbruck, right at the Italian border. Beautiful country.
  5. In Georgia you have to explicitly TELL DMV that the vehicle is non-operable and they make note of it. Otherwise you have to pay a fine when you later renew the tags.
  6. so a dongle is the same as a gizmobob ?
  7. Someone start a sword collecting thread...
  8. Happy Thanksgiving Y'all. Will be having turkey and dressing and veggies here. Don't forget the cranberry sauce.
  9. I scan frequently and attach the image to email. I use Microsoft 'Paint' program, open from device scanner. Save as .JPG. usually a full page scan is about a 400kb file without resizing. I have both Microsoft XP and Windows 7, and use the same technique on both systems.
  10. congrats
  11. Miss you too Annie. It was a fun summer.
  12. Glad Mike was a quick thinker. Happy Anniversary to you both.
  13. I wonder what the top end is on the above custom bike? Stock rear end with wheel size increased from 15" to 17" means a 13% higher gearing at the road, HP increased 20 over a new stock RSV/RSTD, engine rpms up 1500rpm.
  14. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsLPCWBvm8I&feature=player_embedded]Eicma 2011 Motorbike and Girls - YouTube[/ame]
  15. So what is the name of this online dealer so we can know to avoid them?
  16. http://randyrick.us/img/BirthdayCake.gif
  17. I think I have it and didn't pass it on. I'll try to find where it went. Its not in my laptops CD reader. I'll buy a new copy if I lost it.
  18. I think that was "Bored, Tubby, Mild ! "
  19. all is well. Putting up the town christmas tree today.
  20. I'd just sub-lease a cave from the Bear family until next spring.
  21. Randy, This isn 't good news. Get the rest of you healthy.
  22. just go ahead and buy a fiber optic cable to your house.
  23. Kirby, With Eck gone to Charleston and Blackjack no longer doing monthly rides it fell by the wayside. Why don't you organize the ride?
  24. RandyR

    Ilse of Man TT

    On a 500cc Velocette....... bur after watching this, maybe from a lawn chair within walking distance of one of the pubs.
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