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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. And I'll bet it doesn't come with a cassette deck either.....
  2. welcome back. Nice VR. Where are you calling home these days? Are you back in B'ama?
  3. RandyR

    New to forum

    somebody delete this thread quick....
  4. If thats 'the way they are', then the sales page and installation instructions should say so. Although at the price they cost, it should be a drop in fit. btw they are on sale thru New Years.
  5. Unless I'm mistaken, a few 07 RSTD's have also had the improperly torqued head bolts also?
  6. I don't know anything about these systems, but the thought occurs to me that I might get a small tank and pump into the tank when the gas is flowing freely, then rig a switch mechanism to run off the tank if the well head isn't giving adequate pressure.
  7. RandyR


  8. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  9. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  10. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  11. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  12. now thats a nice Christmas present.
  13. Looks like a good cycle hauler. Merry Christmas
  14. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  15. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  16. http://0.tqn.com/d/goeasteurope/1/0/R/P/-/-/Vilnius-Nativity-Scene.jpg
  17. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  18. Jay, I don't see the thickness for the EBC's right now. I know I've seen it published previously. I'll look again later. I think the EBC's and OEM pads are the same thickness.
  19. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif Woof
  20. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif Here's wishing the Condors a very Merry Christmas
  21. I bought some on ebay 2 years ago, and I think these are the same. They have much thinner pad material than the oem or EBC pads. Ask the seller what the pad thickness is and compare to the EBC or oem pads first. I have kept a set of these ebay pads in my tool kit for emergencies, but wouldn't put them on a bike I intended to ride much.
  22. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  23. I'd be cautious about parking my motorcycle unattended anywhere near him for a while.
  24. when dat ?
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