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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. yep. I always change the filter. With full synthetic I think you're ok exceding 4,000 miles between oil changes as long as you are putting on more miles than that in a riding season. I also think the rear gear oil change interval is too long. particularly when the bike is new I'd change the rear gear oil every oil change.
  2. The Walmart ST7317 seems to rate high enough in technical comparisons that I use it.
  3. brush fire smoke mixed with fog. 10 dead so far. http://us.cnn.com/2012/01/29/us/florida-fatal-crashes/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 US 441 also affected
  4. I question whether or not international piracy laws work in all cases. New Zealand yes, but the old Soviet block, Africa, and much of Asia, they don't work very well, if at all. Per what Rick Carnes said, SOPA could not be used against this web forum for including a random/unusual link to piratebay, only against pirate bay AFTER getting a court order showing that it specifically was the SOURCE of pirated material outside the USA (where other legal means exist already). Google is a great one to talk about what's right and not right. They were just fined $500 million dollars for knowingly advertising illegal products. Lots of money in the free internet business it would appear. Also concerning Google's sense of presenting unbiased information. If one wanted to read what the SOPA said, as opposed to what someone on Facebook or some other socialmedia web page had to say about SOPA, you had to wade thru hundreds of web links to find the actual law itself. This thread was probably rated higher on Google's search engine than the actual law itself. How's that for making sure people using the internet find facts rather than bs? I'll take a look at your web link from Tech Link. Here's a link to the SOPA proposed law (that appears dead for now). http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:h.r.3261:
  5. Welcome to the forum Charlie. The RSTD is a great motorcycle. sorry I can't answer your question about the 3m paint protectant. I know there are lots of opinions on what kind of wax, or protectants to use. I use Plexus windshield cleaner on everything.
  6. SteveW is just south of Cleveland, GA.
  7. here's a detailed discussion of SOPA by Rick Carnes last Sunday on the Nashville Radio WLAC Music Row Show. Rick Carnes is the president of the Song Writers Guild of America and a Nashville song writer. Rick contradicts a lot of the negative statements made here and on the internet about SOPA ie: not what is written into the law and in fact specifically prohibited by the law. http://www.themusicrowshow.com/TheMusicRowShow.com/TMRS-Podcasts/Entries/2012/1/22_Rick_Carnes.html
  8. You can get an mp3 player for $30. It can hold the equivalent of 50 cassette tapes. plug it into the aux jack.
  9. just posting to bring this thread back to the top. I'll put it on the VR calendar
  10. there is a Georgia MD planned at Steve Wagner's for March 31st Something like a shim job is beyond what is done a normal MD because of the length of time it takes. also. We should do a group buy on gaskets. should be able to get a better price and save on shipping costs that way.
  11. I would be hesitant to get more than one of these going at once. It can be a several hour job.
  12. I've got all the stuff. Don't need to put the bike on a lift (or adapter) to do the valve shims. probably should have a pair of new gaskets though. I should have my kit back in a couple weeks, am sending it out in the morning to a member who asked to borrow it.
  13. at the very-very bottom under additional options of a new thread.
  14. good thing you've got that long and steep driveway. Probably moisture in the carbs is my thought.
  15. prayers sent at her age,she should heal quickly.
  16. I don't think it would fit. Or at least I'd be very surprised. why don't you buy one and try it and let us know how it works? and post pictures...
  17. You're probably ok extending to 5,000 miles with synth oil and filter changes. It takes all of 10 minutes to do yourself. Walmart has everything I need. I usually do it at 4,000miles but the oil is quite clean when it comes out also, the service manual probably has how to disassemble the fairing to get at the headlight bulb in another chapter. And there are some mistakes in it. I use both the Yamaha and a Clymer and compare them for anything I want to do. And check the tech section of this forum as well.
  18. Make sure it works reliably and shoots ok and you're comfortable shooting with it. If not, its probably worse than no gun at all. While one could make a case for just scaring someone else with the gun in your hand, a gun that doesn't work right is just as likely to elicit a deadly counter response.
  19. which reminds me I need to get a couple gallons of kerosene for my emergency heater. I always need it at least 1 night in February or March.
  20. front only on the 2nd gen Venture unless modified.
  21. looks like Manhattan during a subway strike.
  22. I think Gary is asking if the bolt holes line up?
  23. Maybe the US government is what causes the heart attacks? oh oh .... political thread....
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