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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. Wow... And I thought Bobby was 32 or 33 or something like that....
  2. Glad you're going to be ok.
  3. I got attacked by a piece of malicious software viewing that web site. Ihad to kill it multiple times with TaskManager
  4. The 1970-1990 Toyota 4cyl engine which was the biggest selling engine of all times had the heads designed by Yamaha.
  5. Just a thought. If Jeff bought a newer style engine from Royal Star Venture or 2005-2009 Tour Deluxe engine with the bigger carbs, could he swap the heads and carb set from his current Royal Star and be good to go?
  6. Just as a matter of public service, there are a couple ways to use modern technology to speed up your search for the nearest Dairy Queen. Iphone AP: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dq-restaurant-finder/id333358168?mt=8 Web Page: http://www.dairyqueen.com/us-en/Locator/ I'm sure there will be an Android AP soon....
  7. Make sure you get the manual for the early Royal Stars. The 1999-current Ventures and Tour Deluxes are somewhat different, although its the same basic engine block. I'm in Dahlonega, so can run over with a CarbTune when you get to that point. Read thru the technical section ofthis forum. This manual contains the Early Royal Stars maintenance info.
  8. RandyR

    windows 8

    http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/feature-packs The Media Center license keys are free until Jan 31,2013 at this link. RE: Win 8 on a 1GB memory netbook. The Microsoft Win 8 Specs say a minimum of 2GB memory is required. Good to hear that isn't so. The downloaded upgrade will be Win 8 Pro. I saved mine to a 4GB USB stick. And hopefully won't have to download for the other PC's
  9. I think I used to work. I'm not sure how I found enough time to????
  10. RandyR

    windows 8

    I bought a new desktop 2 weeks ago that came with a free upgrade to Windows 8. I've downloaded it onto a USB key and intend to try it. I wanted to move an image copy of Win 7 to a solid state disk I bought with the system and have installed already. But am having problems restoring the Win 7 system image to the ssd. Will try again after a day or two break. btw. Win 8 does not come with a free media player any more. But until year end you can download a free license key for the new media player. $$$$ Let me know how you like 8 ?
  11. You can order an ignitech direct from the company yourself. As long as you've read this thread, everything you need to know is here.
  12. find out what the police departments are running for similar sized tires they might have. That usually gives you a good quality tire at a good price.
  13. I'll be there when it opens Saturday and looking forward to seeing you again. Maybe Mike and anyone else can join us for lunch. My cell phone number is in my profile. $3 off code if you buy online is TRIUMPHVIP But there's a $1 charge to buy online. There's probably a Progressive discount code too, but I couldn't find it online and I don't have Progressive anymore.
  14. Glad you're able to post here about the accident, yourself. I'd try to get some more insurance money and just go buy a new/used one and not hassle with the old bike.
  15. There's no way I could move. I've spent too many years as a packrat.
  16. I was just cleaning out my office and found the DVD I lost last year and replaced with a new one. (there are several circulating). So. Its your lucky day. PM me your address and I'll send it to you.
  17. the country roads are covered with leaves, pine straw, and nuts today. Along with an occassional fallen tree or limbs. The power and phone crews are out fixing downed lines. Probably not a good day to ride the back roads.
  18. http://www.motorcycleshows.com/atlanta-brands 3pm Friday Sat & Sun at the Cobb Galleria I was hoping it would start early Friday. I had plans for the weekend but would like to see someof the new bikes. STAR will be there as will Triumph and BMW. All with models I want to check out. Discounts on admission availoable via Progressive web site I imagine as well as Triumph. I will likely try to go early Saturday.
  19. a prayer for your family
  20. see you on the road soon.
  21. The rear pads on 2nd Gens wear unevenly. Its a 5 minute job to rotate the inner and outer pad when oil is changed.
  22. http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/63485000/jpg/_63485663_63485662.jpg
  23. come home safe & sound guys.
  24. http://www.redbullstratos.com/live/ live now 3 records. highest jump longest freefall Broke speed of sound, Mach 1.2 800+mph
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