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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. Thanks for watching out for 'the other guy'. Its hard to ride/drive and not make a mistake once in a while
  2. Looks to me like the bear was mad he didn't find the case of scotch he was looking for...
  3. Yep, we have this thread or one very much like it at least once a week. I wouldn't buy a 200hp upgraded machine. I would like a machine that can cruise at 80mph and get 45mpg. Other than that, I'm happy with the current 2nd gen machines. I can ignore the tape deck, and don't need a CD.
  4. Prayers sent for your friend's family.
  5. and many more.
  6. Prayers sent.
  7. Takes all of 10 minutes, of which 8 minutes is drinking a cup of coffee while watching the oil drip out. A gallon of Rotella T6 synth plus SuperTech ST7317 filter from Walmart $22 I can usually remove the old filter by hand, but may need a special filter wrench to remove it. I use one of kind that looks like a large pair of pliers and don't care if it crushes the sides when I'm removing the old filter. new filter on hand tight. Put all of the gallon in except for about a pint, and the level should be just right.
  8. don't ya love computers?
  9. Should come in handy if ya ever run off a bridge inta the water.
  10. Glad the operation was a success. You can heal.
  11. I've been running an Avon Venom 130 width front for a couple weeks now, and really like it on my RSTD.
  12. Yes. I didn't pick up on the fact that it was 2 separate units at first, that somewhat cools my enthusiasm for it. The screen on the Delorme PN-60W is somewhat smaller than the big touch screens that most bikers use for a GPS. The upside is, that it can be detached from a handlebar mount and used in a belt pouch. btw the 2nd link (protravelgear) to a seller of the SPOT units has much higher shipping charges (than tigergps), which offsets the better prices they have. I'm still tempted to get the 2 unit combo, I just wish it was a single device. I'll think about it for a day.
  13. I wanted a GPS which was waterproof, and capable of running off batteries or off a vehicle 12v, so I could carry it in a backback as well as on a motorcycle. Looks like the Delorme has those features, plus the SPOT emergency device. As well as just being able to send text messages in addition to emergency notifications. I'm real close to buying one. Just waiting for a little more feedback here and best price shopping. I found TigerGPS.com which has good prices and says they'll have them in stock next week (where have I heard that before?). I'll check out the protravelgear web site too. A years free SPOT activation would be nice, thats normally $99. update ---- The two websites offer free $49 web tracking if you buy the $99 SPOT activation and the $18 annual product warranty service using a special code good thru Aug 31st. So its not free activation.
  14. This has me thinking... (hopefully I don't get a headache from the unaccoustomed activity) I looked at the SPOT web page and noticed the product Delorme PN-60w which is a GPS with a SPOT position sending device. It allows custom text messages to be sent to a distribution list as well as map tracking via a web page, and distress alerts via 911 and international search& rescue satellites. It looks a bit pricey at $500 for the base unit plus $99year for the SPOT services, but not out of line for a waterproof unit compared to some of the Garmin's in use by other VR members. I do a bit of riding on US Forest Service roads on a Suzuki DR200 where there's no cell phone coverage. Is anyone using a Delorme? what do you think? What about the Delorme with the SPOT? http://shop.delorme.com/OA_HTML/DELibeCCtdItemDetail.jsp?item=30786&section=10741 http://shop.delorme.com/OA_HTML/PN60/images/PN60w_SPOT_hero.jpg
  15. I'd get in trouble with that much speed available....
  16. I don't recall ever seeing a two tone back and white Venture before. Be creative... Oh. I guess this means you got the tank ok?
  17. I was debating whether or not to go after the rain finally moved out. Glad it was good show for those who went.
  18. RandyR

    Heart attack

    Glad she's ok now. With luck and the proper program, it won't happen again.
  19. At least one member currently has a Voyager XII and I know others have as well. Lowell aka The Ambassador decided to get rid of his 1st gen Venture and keep his Voyager because it has a lower center of gravity and was easier for him to handle, if I recall what he had to say about it.
  20. yes. By the book. A light coat of grease. Lithium soap grease is what the book says, with moly additive is a plus.
  21. I'll bring mine over. Lets see if they fit?
  22. I'm running Avon Venoms on my RSTD and Metzler 880's on my RSV. They both handle well for me.
  23. I'll be happy when you receive your full order from Troy.
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