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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. Lucky it was one of the little uns. I've ridden that area a few times back when I lived in Maryland. Nice country. So how was your X count?
  2. Most of James Mitcheners books. recently read Alaska and Poland. Bothe were great. Have Texas lined up to read soon. Am also reading thru all the Tom Clancy novels and Military Unit books.
  3. Makes me wonder 2 things. 1. can (some) problems with the OEM shock be avoided by maintenance, like removing the boot and cleaning, or installing a new boot, or just tightening the old boot ?? 2. can adding some slightly heavier fork oil or stopleak additive help the situation once a leak is detected?
  4. You shouldn't need an oil cooler on the RSV. Its is already water cooled. Just use a good quality oil suitable for a wet clutch application. If you are putting a heavy load on the bike, use 5th gear sparingly, as discussed already.
  5. thank God they are supposed to recover. prayers to the families.
  6. There is one after market and potentially a 2nd one in the pipeline. see thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=52329
  7. Thanks, Thats a good link. They have lots of neat electronic stuff. for those looking for a cheap netbook they have one with a 7inch screen for $99. http://www.shenit.com/ly-eb01-epc-netbook-china-mini-laptop-notebook-7-inches-tft-screen-windows-ce.html maybe thats the ticket for the bike. Here's one with Android 2.2 http://www.shenit.com/witstech-a81-e-7-android-2-2-tablet-with-removable-battery-free-case.html
  8. The recommended air pressure for the Metzler 880 rear is 50 lbs.
  9. Somewhere there is a photo of my dad and the Henderson he owned. The picture must have been taken about 1940 or so. Not sure of the year of the bike. I'll look for the picture and scan it in. My dad wasn't too happy about me riding a motorcycle. He said a couple times to me that everyone he knew that rode motorcycles long enough, eventually died on one.
  10. Any chance its not firing on all 4 cyclinders = reduced power.
  11. I just bought a laptop with 16inch screen and full size keys after deciding that the keys and screen on a netbook and an Android phone were too small for anything except limited text messaging (for me). I haven't carried it on a motorcycle yet. I guess I should do a trial run locally.
  12. He's not going to make much money dancing on tables....
  13. you got a sweet deal....
  14. I would question whether or not they have a mechanic that can properly do the work and not make things worse.
  15. Better read up on the issues some owners have had with BMW K bikes. And also look at the cost of maintenance and parts, particularly if you're not planning on working on it yourself. The Euro is up and BMW parts are pricey, and sometimes slow to arrive from the fatherland. On the other hand, the 1st gen is a known entity that you can probably do most of the maintenance on yourself or find friends to help with it.
  16. Thats right. I'm waiting to post my next exciting ride thru the death defying twisties between here and the Walmart.
  17. Thanks, I just ordered one. The price is right....
  18. Ride on Pop.
  19. Here in Georgia it got hot enough to melt this summer.
  20. The front fork bearing being loose is a common item. There should be articles here already about how to check that yourself, and correct it yourself. It should be checked yearly.
  21. I think its really one of BoomerCPO's pygmies that defected to the north. Speaking of the CPO, I don't recall seeing any new posts from him since he mumbled something about finding a new squeeze.
  22. Take a look at this thread, particularly the posts by Rick Butler and the attachment about the aftermarket shock. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=52329&page=2
  23. In the days before GPS's we used to call that LOST..
  24. yes, but the RSV and 05-and-later Royal Stars are geared lower than the early Royal Stars if I recall the gear ratios recently published in another thread. In either case, You're shifting into 5th gear at way too slow of a speed. Save 5th gear for highway riding. see this thread for a discussion of the gear ratios. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=46749&highlight=gear+ratio+royal+star
  25. I run my Metzler 880's at 42/50 psi. No problems, handle great. The 880's were on the RSV when I bought it used with 15,000 miles on it. I now have 22,000 on the bike. Assuming 8,000 miles on the OEM rear tire, thats 14,000 miles on the 880's. It looks like there's 1-2,000 more miles in it before it has to be changed. I have another 880 ready to mount.
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