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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. As has been pointed out, you need to keep an orange hat and hunting tag on the front of your bike to scare away the critters.
  2. I like frame mounted fairings and this one looks good. If I were in the market for a large V-twin I'd consider it. I also like the instrument layout.
  3. My local motorcycle tire shop charges $25 to mount and balance a new tire that I bring to them along with the wheel (and old tire).
  4. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs136.snc4/37139_443012333466_262447113466_5179639_2564092_n.jpg
  5. I'll bet one of them is named Alvin....
  6. RandyR


    Mine says I'm near Bethlehem. Maybe the 3 wise men are coming to visit me?
  7. hey Annie, there's a walmart in Cody, WY. I probably spend 75% of my retail dollars in Walmart. Groceries, clothing, sporting goods, garden supplies, oil and filters for vehicles, electronics, and so on. Living in a small town which thrives as a tourist trap, when I moved here 20 years ago to get away from the city, prices for everything were HIGH. At that time I was commuting from a metro area, and got in the routine of shopping on the way home when I needed something. Then Walmart moved into town. Listen to the local merchants bi**h !!!! But for me the consumer, prices came down to be competitive with the stores in the metro areas. After more than a few instances of buying something 'more expensive' at a nice store in the city, and then seeing it my local Walmart for half the price, I have almost stopped shopping the up-price stores. Mostly just normal shoppers in the local Walmart. An occasional freak show like anywhere else, just like at the big shopping malls down the road, or in the center of town, for that matter. I'll also add that Walmart has been a very large contributer to local charity and local events. I make the above statement for those who don't have a real Walmart that they may frequent.
  8. No information about how long the bike had been sitting before you try to start it up. Like all vehicles, you need to keep water from condensing in the fuel system by keeping the tank full when parked, and using a fuel stablizer if its going to sit. Cold? it doesn't get very cold in MS comparatively speaking...
  9. I must be the only one who can't get either a one way valve brake bleeder, or a Mightyvac to work and has to bleed brakes and clutch by hand using a wrench. Tryed a 1 way valve and after a few squirts the valve sticks open and let in air. So I bought a Mighty Vac. I couldn't get the hoses to hold vacuum and not leak air bubbles. I even put grease on the fittings and used hose clamps. Doing it by hand with a wrench to open & close the bleeder works, so thats what I did on both my bikes this summer. The 2000RSV I bought in April looked like it had never been changed.
  10. So thats where riding lawn mowers come from???
  11. Its good to have a job you like. Things seem to be working out. The good news is, there's a long riding season in SC once you get to your own place.
  12. most years, 2 different models of 2nd gen Venture were offered, an S model with a little extra chrome and a 'plain' model. In the years the Midnight was offered, it was the S model, in later years the Midnight also had conches on the seat. Engineering wise, there are 3 changes that I am aware of 1. antenna in 2000 2. trunk anti-vibration damper in 2001 3. fuel shut-off eco 2004 a close look thru the parts drawings on Partshark might glean a few other parts number eco's
  13. A prayer sent.
  14. The OEM tires were Bridgestones or Dunlop 404's. There are better handling tires. Stock front tire is a 150 width. The 150 gives you a nice smooth ride on the highway, a 130 is more maneuverable. I expect the 150 gives slightly better braking in a panic stop. If you can grab the stock brakes so tight they lock up a 150, I'm not sure what's to improve other than going to ABS. There is an after market rear shock with better load handling, and rebuildability from Works. The stator output is marginal if you put on passing lights, after market lights, and other electrical equipment like heated seats and grips. An upgraded stator and rectifier is available. Clutch seems to start slipping for many riders after 30,000 miles or so. Its an inexpensive do-it-yourself fix that takes an hour or so to resolve with new springs. Handling? Well, you can lean it over until the floorboards drag. I usually try not to let that happen, but the bike will follow the line if you have decent tires on it. Its not a sports bike, but neither is a Harley. The rear brake pads wear unevenly, most owners rotate the inner and outer pads when replacing the rear tire, some maybe twice per rear tire. Takes 5 minutes to do. Get a Carbon-One lift adapter to use with a motorcycle jack to make working on the machine easier, assuming you will do your own maintenance.
  15. Unfortunately, in Georgia "I didn't see him" seems to be adequate defense to be let go (from criminal charges) when you hit a motorcycle. Hoefully, its not that case where you are.
  16. hit the brakes for all its worth, unless you see a way to get around the car thats safer than hitting him. If you can get behind him and lay the bike down and ride the bike like a body board, thats best. In a side hit, I'm not sure how to get the weight of the bike between you and the car, instead of the other way around. I'm not sure trying to jump at the last second is any better than getting one more second of braking. Maybe, hit at a slight angle such that you can control which way the bike will come around, and kick your leg up off that side and let go of that handlebar. If you don't hit him, 75% odds he'll just drive away though unless there are a lot of witnesses around.
  17. Yep, had some half way decent skiing here last winter up at Maggie Valley.
  18. pound for pound, the Triumph Rocket III is a good buy. New ones can be had around the $15,000 mark, of course they don't have all the accessories that come standard on a Venture. There seem to be a lot of low mileage almost new ones for sale too. I think some people find they've bit off more than they can comfortably handle with the Rocket.
  19. call the ship line and ask if the ship will store it for you while travelling.
  20. Congratulations to the couple.... May they have many happy years together.
  21. we eat biscuits year round here in Georgia. Its the state food...
  22. I'll also mention that on my fuel cut-off switch (2000 MM RSV), it doesn't (cut off the fuel, that is). So there is some kind of internal leak. In looking at the fiche, I see there is a mod to the cutoff switch in 2003 or 2004 (I don't remember exactly when). I've bought a new fuel switch, just need to find the right moment to install it.
  23. turn it on Set it (bottom) then I hit the + speed (top)
  24. ok. why wouldn't he hear it going clicky-clicky when he turns on the key, if the float bowls are empty?
  25. some people think stop signs are for other people. Others are just too busy polishing their nails or texting their friends to bother with the inconvenience of looking where they're going.
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