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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. Sounds like 1 possibiliy could be the kickstand interlock. I believe there's a post here about how to jumper around that to verify if that might be your issue. Welcome to VR.prg
  2. A ferrite choke is a small coil on an iron (or powdered iron) core. Any electronics repair shop, or hobby shop, or radio TV repair shop would have one. Probably your automotive parts stores carry them under the title of 'audio filter'.
  3. If you own or control the basic necessities of life, then you can sell or rent them to others at whatever the future inflated rate becomes, assuming that you can find those working and needing the necessities. There are also a few luxury items, like alcohol that always seem to be in demand no matter how hard times become. A complete meltdown of society is a different scenario than just runaway inflation. The thing working in our favor against the runaway inflation (which should have happened already based on historical precedents) is that international investors (Chinese and Saudis) have so much of our money that they are able to keep us more stable than we would have been on our own. ie: they don't want to lose their held dollar's value and are able to exert pressure on the US Gov't to avoid inflation and currency wars. Trying to avoid turning this political. For some insights into how the 2008 economic meltdown occurred everyone owes it to themselves to see the documentary movie "Inside Job" by director Ferguson. Its non-political (or throws equal mud on all politicians) http://www.sonyclassics.com/insidejob/
  4. I'll admit that I hadn't looked at the greenboat thread. I thought it would be about someone who mounted one of the green/red light poles on the back of his motorcycle with a martini flag underneath...
  5. Thanks. These lights may be in my future then.
  6. http://randyrick.us/guitars/MS/BirthdayCake.gif
  7. http://randyrick.us/guitars/MS/BirthdayCake.gif and have some cake too !
  8. clearly deranged. Caused by watching television for too many years.
  9. I remember driving thru an area where all the gas pumps had goofy vacuum attachments on the nozzles. I stopped at a couple stations and couldn't get any of them to work (they wouldn't deliver any fuel) holding the nozzle carefully at the top of the filler neck or in any manner that would work with my RSTD gas tank. Luckily I had enough gas to get to the next county and have never had that problem again. I wonder if this device is designed for those type nozzles?
  10. Not true
  11. It matches up with the light output of a 35W PAR36 incandescent, but in a much tighter beam pattern (25° vs the factory lamp's 80°) What about the smaller spread on the beam? Those of us that ride the country roads need to illuminate the critters lurking by the side of the road.
  12. How about a link to the LED Par36 sealed beam (If I remember correctly the beam type).
  13. I have some ConAgra stock in my IRA. Another good stock of that ilk is Hormel. Any of the big packaged foods and/or agricultural companies that also own large tracts of land and processing facilities themselves.
  14. I presume the origonal poster has a RSTD since this is posted in the Royal Star forum? There was an issue with 07's that had loosely torqued head bolts on the engine. No one has been able to post the Yamaha Tech Bulletin, so the exact serial number range is still a mystery. Make sure you visit a Yamaha dealer and get the warranty re-registered in your name. You have 5 years of warranty after the origonal purchase date. The 'new' Tour Deluxes' were made from 2005-2009 and are mostly the same as the Ventures made from 1999-present except for fairing, top box and added electronics. Someone has already provided a link to the history page, which will tell you about the early Royal Stars from 1996-2000.
  15. where are you located? maybe another member is nearby and could take a look at things with you.
  16. Oh, yes, and I left Bob's house with 10 pounds of venison, some of which is in my crockpot right now as venison-barley soup which should be ready for lunch....
  17. Bob sprayed the shim and bucket with some solvent, we let it sit for a half hour or so, and then the stuck shim popped out when it was pried on with an awl (punch/ice pick).
  18. any chance your clutch is slipping?
  19. Prayers sent Bob. You can get thru this.
  20. Those BSA's were great bikes. The couple times I went shopping for one, I bought a Triumph instead because I got a better price.
  21. someone(s) probably posted something in a reply that got the thread deleted.
  22. download a copy of the maintenance guide that is in the tech section.
  23. not stock, in the US anyway. yep, this bike is lotsof fun. i should have bought one years ago.
  24. Earl, Thats a shame. Its strange how some people think that they can hide behind a computer and scam other people. Its a good thing you were able to see the bike. Has someone filed a scam report with the web list? answer. I see its deleted off the web page
  25. good hunting....
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