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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. the wind is blowing the white stuff all the way to Georgia...
  2. Your sickness is known as GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrom).
  3. I thought I remembered from a prior thread that the guy who made these had a patent on them, and that the patent is still in force. If so, you could only make one for yourself, and not for resale.
  4. Well, I did get in a short 2 hour ride this afternoon, It never got as warm as 50, and the sun disappeared about 2:30pm. We're due for low teens temperatures, s**w, and 40mph winds on Sunday. So I got what I could, while I could. My ride had a purpose, to scout out the gas stations with K1 kerosene for my emergency heater in case power goes out. There don't seem to be as many places carrying it from the pump this year, although I can get it for $10/gallon at Walmart.. I went back to the one I found closest to my house and bought 7 gallons of K1, which is enough to heat the center of the house for 3-4 days.
  5. partly sunny and 50F today. Supposed to be in the teens with s**w starting tomarrow. So, i'll be taking the three running bikes alternately out for a run today. I've been expecting the rear tire on the RSV MM to need changing ever since I came back from Potato Creek, but it hasn't quite got there yet. I have a new one waiting to go on.
  6. work is great therapy, it gets your mind off your own problems...
  7. Quit playing music laid out for the piano, and you won't have to worry about playing Bmajor. The 2 B's you do need to know up in the first 3 fret playing area are the Bminor and B7. I think of the Bminor as an Aminor moved up 2 frets and fingered with my last 3 fingers, and then barred. B7, well, you just need to practice it over and over from E and A. The easiest way to play a B if you have to, because you're playing with another instrument, is to use a capo on the 2nd fret, and play A (transposed 2). House of the Rising Sun is a great practice song. Elderly's is a candy store for guitar-a-holics. I've bought a couple of Larrivee guitars there.
  8. thats a good price if you take in the wheels. Thats an unbelievable price if he takes in the bike.
  9. nice
  10. sounds like we may have a jam at MD next spring. I'll have to see if I can fit my parlor guitar in my trailer.
  11. If you need to put in a resister pack to get the turn signals to blink normally or to turn off any bad bulb display, then you have just defeated the purpose of saving power by using LEDs. The resister pack will draw enough current (and turn it to heat) to fool the turn indicator into thinking it has normal filament light bulbs
  12. which machine do you have? Not difficult on the 2nd gens if you have a lift and an adapter that fits the frame so you can raise the bike off the ground. I believe there are articles in the tech section about how to do it. for the rear wheel, you must remove the brake caliper, which is easy. Remove both the saddle bags. Pay attention to the placement of spacers on the brakes and axles. Lube the splines in the rear wheel and the drive shaft if it hasn't been done recently. Again, there are pictures of doing this in the tech section.
  13. so, did you buy it?
  14. congrats to you and yor growing family.
  15. RandyR


    Our friends to the north push it this way, trying to get rid of it....
  16. Oh ya. I forgot its a 1st gen
  17. Len, That outrigger in back looks like it might seriously drag when going over bumps or dips? What is that for? I'll take a check on the ride to Ellijay to see it in person until the spring thaw.... RandyR
  18. http://batterytender.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/b/a/battery_tender_plus_6v_1.jpg
  19. Good luck jeff. We want to see you back on the road when you're healed up.
  20. These are necessary for keeping the battery up to charge in the colder weather. I try to use mine every couple weeks on each bike, if not being ridden enough to top off the battery.
  21. Goose, Any thoughts on the $20 compression tester for doing quick checks? Am I right to assume that if one sees the Yamaha specified PSI and it only slowly leaks off, that the upper cyclinder walls, rings and valve seats are going to be ok? This presumes turning the engine by hand, and stopping at TDC. Found a link for a do-it-yourself leakdown tester.... Its a good storry even if someone doesn't want to make one. http://www.motorcycleproject.com/motorcycle/text/Leakdown.html
  22. There have been a couple threads recently about potential valve or ring damaged engines (yet to be verified). Harbor Freight has a Cylinder leak-down tester for $35 http://www.harborfreight.com/cylinder-leak-down-tester-94190.html or a simpler compression tester for $20. http://www.harborfreight.com/compression-test-kit-66216.html Would these be worth while to buy for local maintenance days, or for Freebird's MD? Who has used these devices, and how long does it take to test all 4 cylinders with one? Is there enough need or interest in testing compression to make this worthwhile? http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_6165.jpg
  23. probably right Goose. The chances of getting a mechanic that knows this job inside and out, and has everything laid out right so he can just do the needed work work flat out, is not likely to happen too often. Having a shim that was stuck in its bucket that took major fiddling around to get out recently has probably slanted my outlook on the time actually needed to change out the shims.
  24. A valve adjustment at a flat rate is a gamble for a mechanic. If everything is within spec, then the checking of the clearance can be easily done in a couple hours on a 2nd gen. If the valves are out of spec, then the amount of time to do the job goes up incrementally by # of shims that need replacing and then re-checking. And this assumes the mechanic has enough spare shims of the needed sizes to do the job on the first pass. I'd also make sure any mechanic that quotes you a flat rate like this KNOWS exactly what he is doing, and not quoting you a price for a 1300 Vstar twin. Ask him how many V4's he's done valve adjustment jobs on before?
  25. any chance the flying saucers have been seen nearby?
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