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Everything posted by RandyR

  1. http://randyrick.us/img/BirthdayCake.gif
  2. I think the fun has just started again...
  3. If you go to the Tech Library thread on installing a Dyna 3000 Igniter if has real pictures. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10146
  4. Yamaha and the after market 25mm valve shims by K&L and others seem to only be available in 0.05mm incremental thicknesses. It is possible to order Triumph 25mm valve shims in 0.025mm increments. I ordered a couple 2.625mm and 2.675mm shims from BikeBandit, and the order has shipped, so they do have them available. The Triumphs that use 25mm shims are the current Thunderbird and current Bonneville variants, as well as the older 900/1200cc Hinckley engines (like my 2001 Thunderbird). It did take Bikebandit 3 weeks to ship the order, so be cautious doing this if you have an engine torn down and waiting. And they are slightly more expensive than the K&L shims MiCarl has for sale.
  5. on BikeBandit the same part number is listed for 1999, 2000, and 2006. 20: IGNITOR UNIT ASSY 1201268 (290676-001) Yamaha Sports Plaza uses the same SKU for 1999 and 2006 SKU: 4XY-82305-00-00 http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-4XY-82305-00-00.html says its the same 1999-2009 It looks like it has 3 connectors in the drawing
  6. The earliest 1st gen ventures also had a frame cracking problem. Not sure what the serial number was that they were fixed at. Any prior to that are prone to the problem. someone here should know the serial number range?
  7. I downgraded my land line to DSL only 2 years ago. However, 911 is still mandatory, and part of my monthly landline bill. So, I can place 911 calls on it. Actually, I can place any outbound call on my land line still. But not having a voice contract means I pay through the nose. Think pay phone rates.... I placed an answering machine with 2 wireless handsets on my landline, in addition to the DSL splitter to my router. I can receive inbound calls at no charge (just like always in the past). If I'm not here to pick it up, then it goes to my answering machine. When I want to call back I use my much cheaper VOIP if at home or my cell phone if on the road. My answering machine has a record feature that I can access (at no charge) from my cell phone remotely if I want to get messages on the road. It seems to work ok. I haven't tried VOIP while travelling with my laptop yet, but I'll do that when riding season is back in bloom. I've placed 2 or 3 911 calls with a cell phone over the 5 years or so I've had one. I have always gotten the appropriate local 911 response.
  8. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmAAaXI8riY]YouTube - Trace Adkins - Chrome[/ame] this is the one !!! Tracy Adkins Chrome, She can see herself In the shiny grill and the Wire wheels of a red Chevelle with four on the floor and the top down Chrome, zippin' by on an Electra Glide With dual tail pipes doin' 105 in the broad daylight On a two-lane headin' outta town Forget Pink and purple paisleys little mellow-yellow daisies Ain't no pot of gold in her rainbow Her favorite color is ..Chrome Chrome, got her leg up high on the bumper of my big black Mack truck With a smoke stack pointed towards the sky And mud flaps, you know the kind Chrome,I said hey little girl you sure look nice Do you wanna ride, I won't bite, she climbs inside Says hell no, I want to drive Forget Pink and purple paisleys little mellow-yellow daisies Ain't no pot of gold in her rainbow Her favorite color is ..Chrome It's chrome alright Shiny, nice, polished Chrome, Chrome Forget Pink and purple paisleys Forget Pink and purple paisleys little mellow-yellow daisies Ain't no pot of gold in her rainbow Her favorite color is ..Chrome Her favorite color is...chrome That girl is all about chrome She sure loves chrome
  9. As best I can remember, no one has actually successfully used anything other than the Yamaha tool or a fabricated facsimile there-of. For the first year Venture there was a different Yamaha tool, but it was superseded by the current tool. If someone has used something else on the xzv or vmax engines, please speak up.. on the Triumphs which also have 25mm shim over buckets, there have been a variety of home-made tools made. The most common is a steel plate with set screws with a notch cut in the side of the tip to hold down the bucket
  10. I'm using Yahoo VOIP for outgoing telephone calls from my computer. I generally have good voice quality. My land-line home phone is used for incoming calls only (and 911) and has DSL service on it. I have a TracFone cell phone for calls away from home. I'm generally happy with the Yahoo. One feature Skype has that I like is the ability to send the home phone number in caller-ID, so I may switch to Skype when I use up my pre-paid minutes with Yahoo. I'm nervous that the price for use of VOIP may be going up. The recent US FCC regulations to the internet may result in the internet providers and fiber owners being able to charge the VOIP application providers more money. Beware of the government passing new regulations to protect the consumer... BTW. I just bought additional time for my pay-as-you-go TracFone cell phone. For $150 I got 2 years of usage and 1050 minutes added to the 300 minutes of rollover I still had on the phone. So, its costing me $6/month for 2 years with 60 minutes per month of cell phone time. Pretty cheap, I think, and perfect for the very limited cellphone use I have. The TracFone works more places than the T-Mobile service I replaced.
  11. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  12. I don't know, but if I wanted to know, I would look at the parts breakdowns for the different years on bikebandit.com. Some of the drawings also have revision info.
  13. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif Merry Christmas to you and Charlene, It looks like its going to be a white Christmas. It starting snowing here in Dahlonega about an hour ago, and there's almost an inch of the stuff on the ground already.
  14. Good one. I wonder what his take on how a dog brain works would be?
  15. Merry Christmas Brad and Lonna. Thanks for all you've done for this family.
  16. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  17. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif Merry Christmas to you Don and Eileen
  18. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  19. Would anyone here feel 100% comfortable buying a used motorcycle from someone who says he hasn't done this piece of recommended maintenance on a high mileage bike?
  20. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  21. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
  22. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif Merry Christmas Joopster
  23. Maybe water in the float bowls? Are you using seafoam in the gas? I presume you're keeping the battery on a trickle charger of some kind? What do the plugs look like?
  24. Good advice and observations Don. btw I like the Daddario EXP's also. I use EXP12 medium gauge. Your EXP11's should be regular light gauge with a .012 high E string. These are coated 80/20 bronze strings. The other EXP's for guitar are the EXP17 and EXP18 which are made of phosphor bronze. PB bronze has a slightly different tone, and they do seem to last slightly longer, but I like the brighter tone of the 80/20 bronze better.
  25. http://randyrick.us/img/ChristmasMoose.gif
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