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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. We were less than 400 miles from the eye and didn't see a drop of rain from Issac. We could use some here, but I know the path it took North that they needed rain worse than we in the Houston area do.
  2. Thats what I'm talking about, the black lower plastic piece that the bolts hide behind. I just cut notches in them with a razor knife so the bolts would be able to go strait in. I wish you were closer, I'd come over and we could knock this out.
  3. The clutch cover is pretty cut and dry, to my knowledge there isn't a copper crush washer on it. Oil is a funny thing, I have had it leak on the left side of the bike and the leak come from the right. I would clean it well underneath and ride it a bit to pinpoint it.
  4. But your hair is Grey Father Time....
  5. As long as you keep the bearings greased well, 8" wheels will be just fine. Personally I have had both (8" and 12") and have had no issues with either one. For the price, and as mentioned with the 20% coupons it's hard to beat the H/F trailer. I have assembled several and know several riders that use them. Unless your really wanting to be totally personal with making a trailer, the H/F is an excellent value for someone on a budget.
  6. If you pull the front fairing off, you can notch the plastic where the bolts sit behind. I did that with Ray's bike and then I had room to get bolts back in there. Are you using the passing light block that lowers passing lights down and fwd, or just have the stock turn signals on yours?
  7. We WILL make it back up to PIP one of these days!
  8. Thanks a lot fellas! now that y'all started commenting on this thread there is a severe shortage of blinker fluid to be had. I have to wait a MONTH for anyone to get some in...a lot of help you are!
  9. It appears that he's within $500 of the nada book value. It all depends on what you want, I have heard folks that have them, like them...
  10. Thats too funny
  11. Chris, I know of your problem there, I had the same thing happen to me on Oldschools '03. The holes were stripped and no real good way to fix them. Helicoils will work, but unfortunately the skill level of the dealer would make me not want to have them do this. I ended up drilling the holes out and installed bolts and nuts on them. I know it's not the optimum fix, but I wouldn't be letting that dealer touch my bike again
  12. Nice stirring of the pot there Father Time You must have liked it because you bought it from me
  13. Well did you have fun!!
  14. I truly think it's whose bottom line is the best, although I know I see less H/D's and more G/W. I have seen some Beemers too, but those can be a picky bike too.
  15. Batmobile all the way
  16. As long as you like them....thats all that matters, thats the beauty of being an out of the box thinker
  17. I am a fanatic about having both surfaces clean on any assembly that I do. I want to be able to eat off them (just a joke) as I have learned this the hard way a couple of times in my youthful haste. Glad they took care of you
  18. I saw some info on this, it seems that it in some of the newer models. I recalled that they actually had a trained bike cop that crashed because of it. They recalled the bikes, so much so that now you see a lot more metrics replacing the H/D's with the cops. I see a lot of wings and ST1300's on police forces these days all over the country.
  19. Yeah Yammer!....me too
  20. Glad y'all are ok, these bikes are beasts to turn in certain areas. I have done it too, and I imagine the majority of us at one time or another have.
  21. Mike, I personally haven't heard of a heat shield being made for that area. I believe the key to all of that is to keep the fluids changed out on a regular basis. This will insure that the return orifice in the m/c will stay clear and allow for the thermal expansion of the brake fluid. It will also lessen the possibility of moisture building up in the system causing corrosion and all sorts of other havoc. Glad to hear you got it done though, now go enjoy the fruits of your labor
  22. If you have any issues my cell # is in my profile....
  23. Your Regulator/Rectifier is dead center of the bike right below the radiator. It is a small black finned box approximately 4" X 4" the plug is on the bottom of it if memory serves me right. It has 2 10mm bolts that hold it in place. Make sure when you remove it to check the plug as many of the ones that have failed had dirt or corrosion inside on the ground wire. They get hot and burn up that wire....
  24. Good to see you weathered Issac ok there Caveman
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