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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I had an FJR rearend that I purchased a few years back. It has the same gearing that the Vmax does a 9/33 where the Ventures are a 10/33. I put it on the '86 I'm riding now and even with the bike not running well I felt a big difference. I know it's been very well recieved with the RSV and RSTD owners, so you'll have fun with it
  2. What Earl said
  3. Dave.... I will NEVER move back to Michigan, now this thread will be all nice and pleasant
  4. Yeah, the 2nd gens are quite flimsy, the 1st gens are a lot more robust and actually hold the 2nd set quite nice on the mounts
  5. You have LOTS of work ahead of you....
  6. If they do decide to fix your car, make sure you get a lifetime warranty with the repairs. Doors will tend to start leaking and not close right, the electronics on the car are what I would really be concerned with. Once they get jarred like that, their life expectancy goes down dramatically. Glad y'all are telling us the story....all the best to you both.
  7. Great job Art, lots of dedication and discipline that goes into that...good on ya buddy!
  8. Mike, If your talking about the pegs on the rear of the 1st gen, they are a LOT more secure having a heavier mounting base and 3 contact points. I have seen those boards a few times and they are VERY stable, and VERY rare....
  9. We were coming back from the Houston aquarium going north on US59 and on the southbound side here is an idiot on a crotch rocket doing 70 mph on 1 wheel. I just looked at him as he passed and said to my Dad...."There's an organ donor"
  10. I had Denden do a "Jet Kit" on my '99 before we went down to Texas in '07. He swapped around the jets in the carbs, there are 3 different sizes, so I only had to buy 2 jets to do the swap. I dont remember all the sizes, and which ones went to which carbs, but the result was impressive. I remember being 2 up loaded doing about 80 mph heading into Beaumont and still got 38 mpg...I was very happy to say the least.
  11. I laughed and I have seen those quotes numerous time, they are still funny
  12. Squidley

    HF trailer

    I have built several of them and pulled a couple. For the money they are a great little trailer and I wouldn't be afraid to hook them on the back of a bike and do a 10K trip with them. There are little upgrades that should be done to them, but the basic trailer is great.....
  13. Art, Jerry's information is spot on, all the fluids will need changing once you insure the motor isn't locked up (it more than likely wont be) Carbs being removed is a must for a bike sitting that long. New tires also and a complete tune up, plugs, caps and wires. If you run into problems, there are plenty here to guide you through just about every stage of repairing this bike. Good luck with your project.
  14. Hope you get it healed up fast Jeff, all the best to you my friend.
  15. Yes sir I do, just haven't had the time or money to put in her right now. That bike will never leave my possession unless Ron's daughter wants it back for whatever reason.
  16. The regulator/rectifier sole purpose is to change the AC current that comes off the stator to DC so that it can be used by the bike, and to "regulate" the DC voltage that it sends to the battery. Like mentioned the only way to increase power output is with a larger stator. it's a '12 with 5 years of warranty, if it's not broke dont worry about it. If it does break, send it in for the dealer to fix
  17. If you have never done a tune up on this bike, I would strongly suggest that you do it. Plugs, wires, and caps at minimum, also make sure all the battery connections are clean enough to eat off and tight, all of them, at the starter for the positive, on the engine block for the negative. Muffin mentioned starting his bike, I can tell you that none of my 1st gens, and I have had 6 of them, started exactly the same, but all of them had to be choked no matter what the temperature. Others have mentioned the battery itself, if it's over 3 years old I would highly suggest getting a new one. I have had new batteries that were in the bike for less than 2 years just crap out. Have it load tested after it has been charged over night, these bikes are hard on batteries and very finicky with how much juice they want....
  18. Eddie, Lonna had both hands done and it has been great for her. There are some new minimally invasive surgeries that are being done now with repairing it. Check into different styles of surgery with it and make an informed decision...all the best with it my friend
  19. Hey I own a Harley too, it's just a garage queen right now till I get it finished
  20. Paul, All the best to you my friend...break a le...er, umm, well you know
  21. Why do you have to make such good sense all the time!.....You make it hard for us to believe your actually a real person, you know one who screws up every now and then
  22. Vince, It's kinda a crap shoot, I know folks that have not done a thing to their electrical system. If it's an '09 there is still atleast 2 years on the warranty. You can really keep the system happy by using LED's wherever you can to keep the load down for the other items you want to use. Tail lights and the LED driving lights are a good idea for keeping the load down. A heated seat and grips can use a good amount of juice, be smart about how you use them and you more than likely wont have issues. The stator is a reasonable sized job, and not for the faint of heart. There's lots of help here and if your any bit of mechanically inclined we can help you with a lot of things you may want to try.
  23. Sorry, gotta work all weekend
  24. Cool Beans! The 40 mpg is right on par with what I have gotten on all of my Ventures, between 38 and 42 mpg depending upon how I drive. Glad you got after it and made it happen....now just a couple more months and you can start riding again
  25. Happy Birthday Charlie....where ever your drinking beer at
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