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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Good vibes coming your's and Mikes way there Patricia, hang in there, he always helps those that help themselves
  2. Never ride faster than your angel can fly Glad you didn't get caught up in all that.
  3. Id have one if I could swing the payments right now
  4. Really it's like being married for a long while, in knowing when to pick your battles, some aren't worth fighting about
  5. I just love it when the Canadians show love for one another It is somewhat surprising seeing Carl with his mouth closed though
  6. We do miss the times spent with y'all too, you and Kelly will have to get down here to Texas at some point. That place on the river in Algonac is McRae's, hell just call them and set 1 up there
  7. Thanks again fellas, I'm under the thinking like most of you, I have to create a thermal break on the steel walls. I'm going to check on the spray foam insulation, I'm not sure if you can rent a unit and apply it yourself or if it has to be applied by a contractor? Keep them coming, information is a good thing
  8. That looks like an oldschool Michigan M&E! great pics and it's great to see all the folks that were able to show up. Nice showing from the Canadians as well, it put a smile on my face remembering all the ones we attended when we were living there...Nice job Larry
  9. Thanks for the info thus far fellas, keep it coming
  10. I know we have a lot of different craftsmen and professions here on the site. I have a question for the builders here. I have a 30X40 metal building that I use for a garage, it has a 20X30 upper loft type area. The weather down here in the Houston area has been crazy, 75 one day 45 the next. The humidity is crazy as well. What is happening is it's literally like it has rained inside the garage. The floor is soaking wet and has small moisture puddles on the floor, everything is sweating. It has a metal corrugated roof and there is obviously no venting of it. What do I need to do, to stop the sweating inside the garage. I am thinking of spray foaming the inside ceiling, I know the heating and cooling is creating condensation and I need to get some sort of vapor barrier. Any words of wisdom from y'all in the know would be greatly appreciated. Here's a few pics of the garage also.
  11. Dave, You shouldn't have any troubles from what I can see, as long as the aux tank is vented so you dont create a vacuum in it. The fuel sensor unit is not needed to run the bike. Are you thinking about doing a color tune and want the tank off to see it better?
  12. I used, or I should say, a buyer that bought a 250 enduro from me used this company. I have to say I was very impressed with this outfit. The truck was a beauty as well as the trailer. It was set up to haul bikes and it was strapped down well. I would have no reservation in using them myself. I have also done the Uship to get my Harley from Detroit down to Houston. That, as mentioned, is a crap shoot. Make sure they are bonded and insured and have good feedback with hauling bikes. Not every Joe Shmuck knows how to strap a bike down....
  13. Happy Belated Birthday Ron!!
  14. Outstanding! Happy Anniversary to you and Charlene...may you have many more my friend
  15. Barry, From what I have seen of the bikes I know of with Corbins on them it looks close, but the rear portion does seem a bit short to me. I know Freebird has a Corbin on his, you might want to PM him and pick his brain a bit....0.02
  16. Talk with Dingy, he has an aftermarket unit that works great, I have one of them. I dont have a TCI, but I'm almost positive he has 1 more of the aftermarkets left.
  17. If you would like me to check on the shipping Greg, PM me your address and I can check it out for you. The seats I have are all brown, shoot me your email address and I'll send you some pics of them.
  18. Thats easy, a large wide mouth funnel, 24" of clear 1/2" hose and a hose clamp if your worried about it coming off the funnel. About $6.95 at any autoparts store...
  19. I can totally empithize with you, if I could loan you mine, I would bud
  20. If your looking for the one that goes around the headlight...good luck, that one is as rare as chicken lips. If thats not what your talking about, I'm not sure I'm understanding what your looking for.
  21. I dont think so Buddy, I am all about getting rid of stuff that just sits around...but thanks for the vote of confidence
  22. It's all about the wind in your face
  23. Don and I have something very special for the back of the trailer, you WILL like it
  24. Y'all crack me up I have NEVER sold a 1st gen DRIVER on a 2nd gen, I sat their significant other on the back of a G2 and they were the ones that told the 1st gen DRIVER to get a G2 because they were more comfortable for them. If you aren't worried about riding and have time to tinker, a 1st gen is a great machine to play with. I have owned 6 1st gens and 4 2nd gens, Lonna wont ride on the 1st gen anymore because it's not as comfortable for her as the G2's I agree with Capt. if I wanted to go fast and kill myself a Busa or Vmax would be what I owned. Y'all have to hold onto something, so I'll just sit back and keep laughing at all the banter
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