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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. I have been searching through some of the old threads about stators and charging. I just installed a new stator in my '86 that was purchased from Ricks Motorsports. This was a new higher output they call a Hot Shot. I installed it quite uneventfully and got all the wiring hooked up with new connectors. Bike fired right up and sounded great, but wasn't charging. Shut her down and then unplugged the 3 direct AC wires from the stator and tested my AC volts across the 3 wires, which were 25 volts AC. I thought that seemed kind of high, so I looked on the site to see what others had to say. I didn't get a definitive feel, so the question I have is 25 VAC too much for this stator to be pushing out. I'm kind of leaning towards the R/R being the culprit, even though it is brand new and a match to the stator. I just wanted to get a feel from y'all about the 25 VAC I'm getting from the stator.
  2. I hate hearing of this to any of us, but Art is a very active member of our Houston group. He is a great person to be around, and an accomplished rider. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Owen, please keep us updated as you can, and Art....were pulling for you brother!
  3. Build a Trebuchet and wing 'em like they do punkin chinkin...now that would be fun!!
  4. Interesting, if you dont want to mix anything, just use the Kroil. I used that when I worked for Detroit Edison and can tell you it is awesome stuff!
  5. FWIW... If anyone is seriously thinking about doing valve adjustments at Don's, get there atleast 1 day early if not 2. Doing the valves on any Venture, 1st or 2nd gen is a time consuming job and not for the novice. Make sure you have an adjustment kit with a good variety of shims in it. I have done roughly 7 valve adjustments and it takes several hours to tear it down, check them, change shims if needed and put it back together....
  6. John, I'm at the same point you are, I'm not getting any younger. I have to say that I would strongly consider that position. Time off work is important and the added $ is always good to have. I personally would go for it, your old enough to judge folks and interact well enough. Once you prove to them you know your stuff, you'll fit right in....
  7. Folks, I want to comment on this bike Ken has generously donated. I personally would not be afraid to ride this bike anywhere, I have ridden the bike and it performs well for a bike that is 29 years old. It has some of the usual issues of a bike that age, the plastic is not perfect, but shows decently. I rode it again today as Ken wants to be as upfront about this bike as he can. The work he has performed has been top notch, I have helped him along on a few things, but his workmaship is very good, he doesn't do things in a hurry or take short cuts. The charging system works great, running at 3500 rpm it charged at 14 to 14.2 volts. The cruise control works, the clutch locks up nicely, it pulls very strong without dropping a gear. I seriously would not be afraid to take it to any corner of this country. Matter of fact if the winner is worried about it being driven to where they are, I'll offer this up. Pay my wages for the time I would have to take off from work and airfare back to Houston Texas and I'll RIDE it to where you are...hows that for how confident I am about this bike.
  8. I purchased J&M components several years ago when we got into group riding. I went with the higher end microphones as we have 1/2 helmets and I matched the boom of the mics to accomodate that. We dont use earphones, so I didn't purchase them. I wanted a good clear voice coming over the CB when I used it leading or riding in groups. I had many people ask me what kind I had because it came through very clear and they had no trouble distingushing what I had said. I have heard cheaper ones over the CB and you can't understand a word of whats said. I will stick with J&M until they give me a reason not to....
  9. Make sure you drain the coolant 1st or you will have a hell of a time tring to put them back in with anti freeze going all over the place
  10. Ok, I will tell y'all about some of our past here, but not right this minute. It is going to take a long time for me to type some of the shenanigans and post pics of the carnage that ensued. I have wanted to have an area or a thread of some of our history. We lost a lot when the site crashed in '06 while Lonna and I were galivanting across the country for 28 days. I promise I will fill y'all in on some of our "Trophys" that we have had here at VRO.
  11. Gary, I might have one. If you get a chance and want to take a ride north from Alvin, your more than welcome to come to the house and see what I have that you m ight want or need I'll try to remember to get some pics of what I have up in this thread. Been stupid busy myself and dont get on the site as often as I should
  12. I think I will just keep calling you.....Bob
  13. I have BOTH of them, the Bakersfield dirt is still in a bag in the garage and the dream catcher is in it's case. Perhaps if the moderators can get some time we can discuss incorporating the dream catcher back into our routine here on the site. There is a LOT of history here that many of our new members just dont know about. We'll see if we can get the fire stoked back up again
  14. Thanks for the update Roy, great news that he keeps on getting better, all the best to you folks
  15. We have a winner!! here's your kewpie doll
  16. Mike, Years ago I used to make the cable sets, it's a labor of love. I sold them for $40 a set, the materials I used, and shipping them came up to right at $30, so I was making $10 on each set and had over an hour into making and mailing them as there were several processes involved in it. I just got very short on time and had to stop doing it. I would love to see someone pick them up again, I need a set for the '86 I have. If you can get after it and have them made, I'll buy atleast 1 set from you
  17. This one is really just a parts bike now Mike. I have already helped a couple of the fellas out on the site with parts they needed to repair some damaged items on their bikes. I'll just continue with the parting out as I will make more off it that way, but if I know you, you'll come up with something else, you have a knack for that
  18. So it was the output shaft that was broke? It's good to know that the 2nd gens will work in it's place, good luck with the fix.
  19. I remember that day all too well, good that your still her with us...
  20. I still have your old one down here, doesn't look like I'm going to use it though, I just dont have the time or monies right now to do this '99 down here. I'm more than likely going to part it out and not worry about a G2 for a while
  21. This is just me personally, but I have never seen a badge like that on any Venture I've laid eyes on. It'll be interesting to see what others add.
  22. That bike used to belong to Hazenson when he lived back in Michigan. I remember when he hit that deer, I came close to buying it, but nothing worked out like I had planned. Good to see that it will see road time again.
  23. I figured the oil loss would have been more than that, learn something new everyday
  24. Oh my God, what a drama queen! Blah, blah, blah, the door swings both ways there buddy. I figured you were abducted by aliens deep in the Canadian wilderness and they decided if you were a typical human specimen that they weren't going to waste their time trying to find intelligent life on this planet! Hows that for stirring the pot OLD man! Good to see you back, you old so and so
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