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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. That's not entirely true. There are triple trees that are made for trikes that will change the stock rake. The other 2 methods mentioned will work, but there are aftermarket alternatives.
  2. She is still here which is awesome and she has a good testimony for others should she decide to use it in a positive way. Pour into her and walk with her through all the fears and doubts. The Lord is not finished with y'all, there's always a silver lining.
  3. I use the cheap dollar store equivalent to pledge, been using it for years with no issues.
  4. I saw seat recovering ad's on ebay, don't know if you want to go that route https://www.ebay.com/itm/382351828256
  5. The green plug appears to have been something for the California models. None of the 1st gens I've ever owned have been hooked to anything.
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254991190784 This is the only one I found on ebay. Are you missing yours or does it need to be recovered?
  7. It's locked in with that plastic nut, there's an oring in there that acts like a compression fitting when the nut is tightened if memory serves me right.
  8. Hey Kevin, I'm down south just North of Houston in Shepherd 👋
  9. Pull the rear master brake cylinder off and makes sure it's clean. The return orifice in it is notorious for clogging if the brake fluid is old.
  10. The Roadstar will be a different mounting position. You should be able to go on ebay and find a light bar set up for the RSV. I stand corrected, I couldn't find the correct one on ebay.
  11. On all the passing lights I've ever hooked up, I ran a dedicated relay and power line to them. Yamaha would have their techs wire lights into the key switch which caused a lot of failed key switches.
  12. My 1st thing i would do, if you haven't already is take that rear brake master cylinder off. If it hasn't been cleaned or flush in several years, it can clog up the return orifice and will indeed lock the back brake up. That brake line is right by the exhaust and the heat will cause the brake fluid to expand, and if the return orifice is clogged it will apply the back caliper. I've had this happen to me on an 86 I had. A quick way to rectify it is take an 8mm wrench and break the bleeder screw loose to relieve the pressure.
  13. I always liked the Motor Trike kits on the RSV better than the Hannigans, good looking bike.
  14. Just so their's no confusion in my statement. You are indeed correct, all 1st gens and for that matter 2nd gens came with air assist suspensions. The 1st gen standards were manual fill while the Royale's had the CLASS system.
  15. If it's not a Royale it didn't come from the factory with the air suspension on it. It's alsi called the CLASS system here on the forum.
  16. Nice, my 02 is fixin to turn over 121K In the next day or so.
  17. The nomenclature is wrong, raising the rear of the bike changes the rake of the front forks, which results in a more neutral feeling of the front end. The narrower front tire makes the steering a little quicker thus feeling a bit more limber. I've done both and they work well.
  18. Your thinking is spot on. Take half a can of seafoam in a full tank of fuel and take a nice long ride. The sync never hurts anything and throwing a set of us in is a good start on maintenance you know has been accomplished.
  19. You're in the right spot to learn about it. I've had 4 of the 2nd gens, which is what you have. I had the same bike, bought it new in 08.
  20. The gauge on an 84 and in reality all 1st gens tend to run towards the hotter side. In reality they're not a very accurate gauge. Unless it buries itself, that sounds about normal. Make sure the coolant is topped off and the radiator is clean between the fins and run it a bit.
  21. The gears in the Venture are strait cut gears. The bike has a very distinctive sound while it's running. I would wager that you're hearing normal sounds.
  22. I was only a 1/4" off lol, I have a set on my 02 with both plates out. It's not obnoxiously loud, but sounds good when I get after it.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. If memory serves me correct, a 7/8" holesaw on a 18" 1/4" drill bit. There's 2 baffle plates in the HD mufflers. Drill the back one out 1st and see how you like the sound. If you want it a bit louder, drill the front one out.
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