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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Squidley


    That was a good read Lou and I couldn't agree with it more. Freebird and many others make so much happen behind the scenes. I am proud to be here and in however small a way be able to help them and everyone on this site. Thank you to all our volunteers here ....you too Lou
  2. I think he should have aimed higher
  3. Not soon enough my young lad, were too deep in PMS right now to have everyone wanting to kill eachother
  4. Hey Folks, We pretty much all know that my '99 is done for. I do not expect to get another G2 this year as I am going to pay debt down this year and my insurance money will pay off Credit cards. What I have is some custom items and aftermarket chrome from the '99. I'll post up some pics of what I have when I get back from the Chiropractor and we'll see if I can get some items to those of you that want them.
  5. Good info, but folks lets not turn this one into a bashing thread. Oil post always go bad, so please before you think about posting...think about it.
  6. Yeah that how I am usually bundled up when it's right at freezing. Glad to see that you got out and had some snot freeze on ya
  7. I hear you bud....I just have to get another bike 1st
  8. Squidley


    Easy fellas...it's all in fun
  9. Well I feel something....I didn't realise it was love Lonna is doing as well as can be expected and I'm sure she will be happy when I go back to work next Monday Hugs being passed on, looking forward to seeing you again real soon
  10. Man Eck you are right on me Did I do something that I dont know about
  11. Man you fellas are harsh on a broken brother, wait till I see you next Eck
  12. Chuck.....It's cold everywhere, Global warming don't you know
  13. Tom, You know we dont care what you ride, besides if you left we'd have to come and hunt you down like a rabid dog....and that wouldn't be pretty Have fun on that new ride and we'll see you at one of the M&E's
  14. Buddy, Any Basecoat/Clearcoat will work well, white is a good cover color as it wont show imperfections as well. You can get a base with some flake in it. If you go that route, with metal flake, when you paint it put a marble in the paint can and shake it up often to keep the metal flake flowing evenly. You can add as much clearcoat as you like, but I would wetsand in between coats to give it more depth.
  15. HA! I was deducing that and was going to post my findings this morning, you beat me to it
  16. You know, it's bad carma to kick a brother who's down But that was funny, and Todd....when have I ever steered you in the wrong direction....Shame on you!
  17. I have thought about that as I truly dont recall seeing anything like that on a G2....you might not be far from the truth with that statement
  18. I'll give you $500
  19. Run it as a rat bike Gerry, 97K....give me a break, that dog will run another 97K RUN IT!!
  20. Jerry, Check your rear brake light switch on the right side under the floor board. I just looked at a post that Vance put up and it looks very similar
  21. I dont recognise that from any part of the G2's that I have seen I hope someone else has a better idea than me.
  22. 1 patch of Black Ice and thats all she wrote Todd, I knew you were nuts the 1st time I met you, and you always deliver more confirmation. We dont ride in that weather up here because we know how fast the ice will bite you. Glad you got your polar bear ride in and lived to share the pics.
  23. My friend has an '06 Rocket III...and it is a behemouth. I personally dont like it, but it does go like hell. I'll keep my RSV as the preferred touring machine, nothing else fits me as well as it does
  24. It worked for me now, but last night it wasn't happening
  25. I feel your pain buddy....10 am here and 7 degrees, We really need to move further south
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