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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Welcome to my world 5 weeks since the accident and I really want to go for a ride I'm lucky as I know there are some of the Michigan/Ontario members that have been off their bikes for 3 months
  2. I'll second what Jay said, I can't remember who it was that had the same issue. It turned out that the disc's were not in the correct sequence and once it was installed inline right it worked out fine If you dont have a manual George let me know and I'll get you a copy of the pages with the installation diagrams.
  3. Were coming along, I still am sore and trying to work through it. My rememberer isn't what it used to be, musta hit my head pretty hard Lonna is doing well, she's back to crocheting and thats keeping her occupied. I have a trainer (a friend of ours) working with her 3 times a week as she wants to get into shape. It gets her out of the house as she still isn't supposed to drive....life is good, were still here
  4. Looks clean from the pics, and with 60K on it has a lot of life left in it
  5. Jay, None of us are getting any younger, thats why we pay younger fellas to do it. I wouldn't be ashamed at all, 1 wrong move and you put your back out...then how much would a guy changing it be worth. Your getting wiser as you get older, I'm proud of you buddy
  6. Mike, Thanks for putting this up Bud, sometimes we need to remember what you have mentioned. Don really hated to put that up, but we kinda pressured him into doing it I sent a few sheckles too, I even need to be reminded once in a while
  7. Above freezing and no salt on the road
  8. It's nice and high tech, but $50 I've used an 8 position holder that I mount on top of the battery where the stock one is on the 1st gens. It runs me about $11 but the one your looking at seems to appear very solid
  9. Were just funnin' Sarge Good to have you here with us. I will be buying a ticket as now I have to replace my '99 But I'll gladly pay taxes on it....and ride it home
  10. Well now I know you from your real name and now your Alias Lonna and I still talk about the M&E in Houston with you folks...that was a great time
  11. Nice pics Steve Looked like quite the hooligan in '71, hell I was only 5 then
  12. Thank you for all you do Buddy
  13. You know there are some folks with a lot of cash in their pockets. I didn't watch it but I know they were saying about NY being the underdog. Good for all you New Yorkers
  14. I too like it, there is a LOT of grille there, I wonder how aerodynamic it is??
  15. Gene, If you haven't got it ordered yet, go with the PCW. I have done 4 of them both on 1st and 2nd gens and they work great It's an easy and inexspensive job that I can usually have done in 30 minutes and thats having a beer in between
  16. They will fit all years from '99 to present I'll get a set made that will work just fine
  17. I had what Blues lover has on my '99. It worked great, but I would get the thicker 3M 2 sided tape as it will need it for the curve of the trunk lid
  18. Woooo Hoooo....I might be able to win it this time :banana:
  19. I wont go into the size advantage, but I have run the narrow Avon Venom front on my deceast '99. The one thing that I found was in a good cross wind, the bike was pushed all over the place. This was no fun when your touring 2K miles from home as it beats the crap out of you. I went back to the stock size on the Michelin Commanders that installed and put a set of leveling links on. It handles quickly like the narrow front, but gives more patch of tire on the road and was more stable to me. This is all subjective as there are many different riding styles, whats right for me might not be for you. But I will say that I wouldn't go with both leveling links and the narrow front tire unless you plan on playing in the twisties a lot and are solo a lot. Just $.02 worth here $.0186 Canadian
  20. Big Shell is right on track, I would say that if I were to do 3 they would be Lights in the front/additional rear brake light Backrest Clearview shield (if your running 2 up, momma will love you for it) Lots of stuff you can do, and the tire thing, well we could go on and on with that. But loosing the Bridgestones would be a priority, I like the Avon Venoms. Keep coming with questions and search the 2nd gen tech library and forum...we'll definitely help you spend your money
  21. Eck is a standup guy, not that his head needs any bigger He's a good friend to both my wife and I, it doesn't surprise me to hear of him doing what he did for you. Always good to hear of a brother that passes info and time on to help folks
  22. Just wanted to give you 1st genners an update. I found a box with about 70 more blanks for the DLB's as I said this will be until I run out of them, but there are a few more now. Price is still $30 shipped in the US and $5 more if to Canada. ...just though I would share this info
  23. Hey Folks, I have been wanting to talk with all the 2nd Genners who are interested in the Roadking muffler brackets. I have been out for a while and not able to make any since the accident. I have had a few that needed finishing, but they have been spoken for since the beginning of the year. I want to talk about the brackets themselves for a minute. I went to order some more material to make them. I have been using 10 gauge Stainless steel, but the price of it has jumped 3 fold Now I dont want to raise prices as I believe that $40 for the complete set is about as high as can be reasonable expected. I make these for the purpose of pure convienece, there isn't a lot of money in them when it all is added together with buying materials and shipping and whatnot. I have looked into making them out of Aluminum, it's plenty strong enough in the 3/16" thickness and will give years of trouble free service. To say the price of material is a lot better would be an understatement. Tell me what you folks think, I dont want to buy a sheet of Aluminum to find nobody is interested....I await your responces
  24. Very Cool Kreg, I wish I had a big craftsman tool box like yours in my garage She does do exceptional work
  25. Have you fallen off the tractor again You act as if your retired or something, goin' off on wild goose chases I might be interested in one though, as long as the only color isn't black
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