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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Too late Bill, didn't get back on in time If you have leftovers let me know and I'll see if I can take one or so off your hands. Thank you and all involved again for stepping up to the plate...the calendars looked great
  2. Wayne, I have purchased Firestik antennas and base hardware from this place here. Paul Stramer is a great guy to deal with and their support was top notch....I will buy from them again http://www.fm2way.com/
  3. Bill, I dont know if it's just me but I have tried 3 times to order calendars and it doesn't seem to like me Has anybody else had problems trying to purchase the calendars It says there is an error on the page when I do it.
  4. John, They should work just fine, I believe thet they are the strait cut style. Let me know if you need a hand with them and I'll stop by if you'd like.
  5. Cool Beans there Mate! Lame try at being aussie Glad to hear about the package getting there, now it's time to ride
  6. Bob, You have to remove the air covers from the tubes which is held on by a hose clamp and there are 2 8mm bolts that hold it to the frame towards the front. Once you take them off there will be 6 long phillips head screws that you remove from the back. Then you can access the filter which are held in by 2 screws. Put it together in the reverse order and your done
  7. Brad, Lonna had a set of magnetic ones on her glasses and didn't loose them until the accident. Of course she is usually sitting behind me so that I imagine blocks some of the wind. I have a pair of $10 clip ons and they work just fine
  8. Better you than me brother....I really wish this global warming would hurry up and get here
  9. I hope it's not as cold there as here Froggie....-2 degrees and 20 below wind chill....did I mention that I HATE winter
  10. This post is bound to get interesting
  11. Eddie beat me to it 1 degree right now and wind blowing to beat the band....I am really sick of this crap!
  12. Dont get me wrong here fellas, I'm not bashing a Harley, just the dealer with his arrogance. If this program is a special deal and there has been abuse in the past from whoever, then eliminate the program. My biggest problem is that there are MANY H/D dealers like this. Just because we decide to ride a rice burner they have an issue with us. I dont care what anyone rides, but it's obvious that the Ultra is not what it was thought to be and the RSV fit better. I'm just not a fan of stupid people, and there seems to be quite a lot more of them around ....Off the soap box, not trying to start any problem with it
  13. Just about as far away from you as it can be
  14. Dan, Shell is the 1st time I have heard of anyone having problems with Speed Bleeders. I have them on the '99 and loved them, I'll put a set on the next bike I get too
  15. I agree with the others, I would have told him to get bent and walked out. I know you like this bike, but there isn't anyone on the planet that would tell me that. Then I would have said fine I'll go right back to my YAMAHA...such arrogence by some of the H/D dealers is unbelieveable I do hope that you get rid of that H/D and back on an RSV
  16. Where is it at Dan
  17. Good info Shell, let us know how you like the rearend and brake upgrades
  18. Squidley

    new tires

    Bill, Mind you what I'm about to say is my personal opinion, but here it is regardless. I have run the narrower front on my '99 and in a high wind situation I was tossed around more easily than with the 150 series (stock size) tire. I made and installed leveling links and went back to the stock size and it was the same feeling as the narrow front tire as far as responsiveness. But it was more stable in a windy situation, my personal choice is stock size and level links as long as your not any shorter than say 32" inseam as they will bring the bike up a bit. Ahoutzer put up the heavy load index rear tire also, thats the one you want as it's 160 lbs higher on the weight rating.
  19. Thats good info George, definitely something that we'll keep in the tech library
  20. I'm glad that you were able to take the next step my friend. We talked about exactly this when we saw you last. Many more days are ahead that will be hard, but you always know that the phone is on and we are just an hours ride away. I'm very proud of you that you had the courage to make this step. I'm not sure I can say I could do what you did. We love you bro, and your always in our thoughts....see you again soon
  21. Nice one John
  22. Bob Marinara! Funny you show back up, we were just talking about you the other day
  23. 1st gen VS 2nd gen some believe they are in the light, but truly need to cross over to see the whole picture
  24. I didn't see anything bike related Dic....better try again
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