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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Not uncommon at all, most of the dealers now have young guys working on them and know nothing of the older tech. I was lucky enough to find one by me on my 1st '84 VR. Since then I have just learned everything I could on the bikes and fix it myself.
  2. I think that for additional lighting to be noticed they would work great. The price is a bit steep for my blood but they will eventually come down. I dont believe that they will put out enough Lumens to be used as true driving lights...interesting though
  3. Perhaps if she's game....we could give it another go
  4. Eddie, On the '99 I had mine attached with a black ziptie on the lower most portion of the crash bar. Thats probably where the next one will go on the next bike
  5. Hopefully these wont make you feel worse, but I have to say that '05 was an awsome year for us too....here are just a few memories of it
  6. Lonna and I also use sheepskins, I love them and as stated keep the butt cool in summer and warm in winter...buy one, you wont regret it
  7. I saw that too Forrest...ebay can really be a funny place to watch folks pay new prices for used stuff
  8. Are you getting bored again Boss Shirts look good, I'm sure I'll want a few if and when it comes to reality
  9. Squidley


    Enjoy the new ride Rex, hope you decide to stick around
  10. Dan, I know there have been a few members that have installed the R/K pipes on a 1st gen. It's not a simple a swap as it is on a G2 the bracket mounting techniques are varied. I know that Dragonrider has a set on his '83 and Don B out of Ontario has a set too. Might want to PM one of those fellas and they can fill you in a bit more, or just type it in search above. Brian, The brackets do make it virtually painless, they are hidden so you dont see them as they are under the saddlebags. They bolt directly onto the H/D mufflers and are designed to bolt directly into the factory mounting spot where the stock mufflers hook up. Here's the post I have in the classifieds. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/288/cat/7/limit/recent/date/1157932426
  11. ...of the R/K muffler brackets ready to go. I just wanted to give you G2 folks the heads up if you were waiting to get a set
  12. Do it yourself, know that it's done right and I wouldn't worry about telling the dealer anything. If you mention it, it could turn into a bigger mess than you anticipated
  13. Thats very similar to what I have been using, I would snag it
  14. Good to hear you got some wind in your face, I could definitely use some myself 1 word of caution, you mentioned about putting Synthetic in the bike. You may find that when you do this the engine will start to leak. It will clean all the old oil from in between the cracks in the gaskets and start seeping out....Just something to think about:)
  15. I run with Taz on my trunk rack, have for the last 4 Ventures....he is a conversation piece
  16. Thinking about you Sgt.....looking forward to your coming back on and telling us a story
  17. I dont want to sound like the wet rag here....but there is a certain liability that is involved with making hitches. I have been approached many times to make hitches, which I know that I can and make them plenty strong. That being said 1 wrong accident and any type of problem that relates to the hitch and it will get ugly. This is why I didn't make any, it's not worth the $100 or so to get sued and loose everything. Gene make damn sure your friend realises the position that he is putting himself in ....sorry fellas, just $.02 worth
  18. Good pics for sure, it's great to see that you all got to get together. I really wish that we were independently wealthy and were able to be there with you all. Seems like forever since we have seen you folks
  19. I have been watching that one on ebay, that is a very trick looking setup and if I had the money to play with I would seriously bid on that. That is a beautiful piece of machinery and definitely 1 of a kind
  20. Good on both of you 2 I can't imagine anyone putting up with Jeff for 25 years Happy Anniversary!!!
  21. Steve, It's good to have you here and were happy to hear that your enjoying the site. Lots of good folks here and plenty of information. If you get the opportunity to attend a rally or Meet and Eat I would do so. They are infectious and you will soon want to attend more. Always remember if you have problems or questions go ahead and ask...there are no dumb questions here
  22. The RSTD is a great bike, it just depends upon what creature comforts you want in a bike. If you do a lot of solo riding then I would say it's perfect for you. Now if your into a lot of long distance riding and will be 2 up then the RSV is a better bet with everything you could ask for. Lots of passenger room and very comfotable....you can't go wrong with either one
  23. Kirk, I appreciate you not devulging the members name here on the site. That could get ugly real fast. As has been mentioned there are 2 sides to every story. This is in no way saying that what you have told us should not be viewed as the whole truth. This members lack of communication is very damning to him personally. I agree with everyone here about pushing it a far as you want. Your owed the money and this fella should step up and be a man and pay the bill. Fortunately this doesn't happen here on the site often. I can only think of a couple of times that something like this has occured here. It's a sad day when you can't trust a fellow biker, but this is the real world and sometimes they will creep in. If I or anyone of the Moderators can be of assistance, please let us know. I do agree that we dont need a member that will take advantage of another here on this site. Let us know how it goes for you and if we can help you along with this
  24. You never know Tate, if you post up what state you'll be in, someone might just ride there to buy you a beer or some lunch
  25. Dry splines, we have done a lot of them at maintenance day
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