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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Standing ready at my post Capt.
  2. I have used clips from a ford inner door panel that slid right over the mount and slide into the hole. You might want to take it off and clean the locktite off and just go with a nylock nut PS....Good idea on your part
  3. I like the idea of a Vmax rearend on a 1st gen too, it's an almost nessecity on a G2. If your 2 up and pulling a trailer it's much more responsive. If your going to be running at 80 or better then you will take a hit on the MPG with the 1st gen. I would like the piece of mind that I could get out of a situation just a bit faster Lynn....it's good to see that the rearend we swapped made good use
  4. He looks a little cramped to me Good deal for you both...have fun with 'em, they're only little for so long
  5. You Old Coot! You sure have been rubbin it in on us northerners...Put 'em up, put 'em up!!!
  6. You'll have to pull the mirrors, windshield, headlight bezel, lower cowling under the headlight, Top panels, lower vent fairings, Pull off the side covers, faux tank cover, chrome side pieces beside the radiator. Then you can start to get at all the bolts and screws that hold it on. Not a job for the faint of heart, make sure you take pics of it all if you have doubts about being able to put it back together. We'll be here if you run into problems
  7. I haven't wanted to get into this as I didn't want to throw fuel on the fire. But I totally agree with Paul in his statements that are highlighted. If you kill or maim someone due to your inattention, you need to be punished the same way you would punish a child for doing something wrong. It's the same concept, you are solely responsible for your actions....that has seemed to gotten lost in the last 30 years or so with life on this planet. Some folks here are taking a purely non emotional look at this. This is good, but I can damn sure tell you that the mindset would be different if someone they loved were put into the equasion. Now I'm off my soapbox.
  8. That would be a nice ice skating rink up here right now
  9. Your pushing your luck there buster
  10. St. Pete has greeted him at the gates and now one of our warriors is home with the father. God Bless him for his service and brotherhood to all that knew him. Never easy to say goodbye to a brother, perhaps better to say....till we meet again. Semper Fi
  11. I have seen the Harley Hearse...it's a trick idea and if I was going to be buried, thats how i would want to go
  12. Southeast Michigan....I'm not just going by the tree's either, the old bones are doing some talking too Besides...we have to think positive dont we
  13. That is one naked bike Dan! Looks like ylou'll have her done in enough time for the ice age to thaw out
  14. Spring isn't far off....we went for a drive today and I saw buds on the trees
  15. Done....matter of fact Lonna's mother is going in tomorrow for her second masectomy. We'll have her here for a few days after the operation, it will work out I'm sure
  16. Funny you mention that Eddie, Lonna and I were heading to Walmart and passed a guy on a Harley going the other way on 26 mile rd. I laughed and thought about it for a minute....if I had a bike today that could have been me
  17. Nice job, you'd be hard pressed not to know that they aren't stock
  18. Squidley


    Allan, As always, as many times as it's been said, the phone is always on and we love you more than you know. As your heart aches know that our hearts too ache for you and the loss we all share with Debs departure. I look forward to seeing you this year and doing some more riding, Deb will be there with all of us. Thanks for trusting us with your heart Bro
  19. Different, not my cup of tea....but different
  20. Never good when a brother goes down and doesn't make it. May all his roads be clear and sunny from now on.
  21. That was very cool....Semper Fi
  22. Mike is correct, I have the dream catcher. We are working on getting it to the next rally....more to come
  23. That pic of you and Don together still reminds me of Deliverence with the look of horror on Don's face...I still laugh everytime I look at it
  24. As long as your not giving it to yourself, I'm sure it will be fine
  25. Thats a drag, but I totally understand how she feels
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